[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19074] LiMnO2 isolated cluster

Victor Volkov volkovskr at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 21:18:57 UTC 2023

Dear users
I am exploring various Li/Mn/O2 isolated (non-periodic) clusters.
Here is a usual-regular fail for the high spin LiMnO2 case
according the material project LiMnO2_Pmmn_mp-754881.

This is a case of high spin NEL setting.
I report this that you would not need to try.
I am preparing testing antiferromagnetic NEL cases
and magnetization representations as well.

I believe, understanding the ocean of CP2K collapses
to spot the islands of stable solutions
for Li/Mn/O2 (and analogous composites) is important
for humanity to progress.

Do not be too strict on my drive: I live for year on my savings without any 
in the country of no humility.

I hope to stimulate students and researchers to post such questions
to be berserk and help CP2K excellence.



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