[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19069] Ehrenfest dynamics, inconsistent results from versions 9.1 and 2023.1

Natalia K natalja.lipina at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 10:45:27 UTC 2023

Dear community,

I am performing test calculations for a system of 2 silver atoms under an 
external field. Using the same input files (attached), I get completely 
different energies from the two versions of the code (see images attached). 
The results from cp2k-9.1 look correct to me. Is this the code problem or 
should I modify the input file? It seems consistent when compared to the 
files from the /tests/regtests.. files. 

P.S. the xyz file is obtained from the geometry optimization with the 
version 9.1, but I wouldn't think this is the problem.

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