[CP2K-user] [CP2K:17615] Great resource to build your network

Casey M watstreet2 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 11:30:08 UTC 2022

 Dear Colleagues,

Ran across this FREE excellent academic platform called figbox I would like
to share with everyone. Click here: https://figbox.co/

>From what I have experienced fIgbox allow early career researchers (e.g.,
postdocs, professors) and junior scholars (undergraduates, masters and phd
students) the ability support each other through the exchange of feedback
and academic content in the following categories:

    General career advice
    PhD admissions/application advice
    Thesis selection/ literature review
    Quantitative and qualitative analyses
    Methodological approach and design
    Feedback on working scholarship/grant
    Feedback on working paper
    Feedback on working thesis
    Submission/publication advice
    Replying to referee reviews from journal
    Handling academic conflicts
    *Transitioning from academia into the industry  *

Check it out, you may find it useful.

Best Regards,
Casey, PhD

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