[CP2K-user] [CP2K:17922] Re: Hartree-Fock setting in CP2K

Matt Watkins mattwatkinsuk at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 15:24:18 UTC 2022

yes, that looks OK and should work for a molecule / nanoparticle type 
system. You probably want to set the MEMORY keyword as high as you can 
Also, I'd suggest starting from a DFT calculation (LDA or GGA) and consider 
screening on the initital density.


On Tuesday, 18 October 2022 at 06:52:20 UTC+1 luju... at gmail.com wrote:

> Hello everyone,
>   I want to use CP2K to do a pure Hartree-Fock calculation. But I do not 
> know whether my input is right. Here is my input in XC section:
>      &XC
>        &HF
>          FRACTION 1.00
>          &SCREENING
>            EPS_SCHWARZ 1.0E-8
>          &END SCREENING
>        &END HF
>      &END XC
>   Could anyone give help? I would be very be appreciated!
>   Jun-Bo

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