[CP2K-user] [CP2K:17855] Query regarding output of DFT-D3

Jürg Hutter hutter at chem.uzh.ch
Thu Oct 13 12:49:33 UTC 2022


this is a known problem in CP2K. Forces and derivatives are used as synonyms but should have
opposite signs.
Within the code this is handled correctly, but output and comments can disagree on the sign.


From: cp2k at googlegroups.com <cp2k at googlegroups.com> on behalf of Abhishek Sharma <asharma.ms.in at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2022 1:55 PM
To: cp2k at googlegroups.com
Subject: [CP2K:17854] Query regarding output of DFT-D3

Dear CP2K users,

I was trying to check the effect of D3 interactions on the energy, forces, and stress. So, I ran two CP2K(version 8.2) jobs (RUN_TYPE  ENERGY_FORCE) with and without D3 correction and printed stress and forces using,
    &FORCES             ON
      FILENAME          =forces
FILENAME        =stress

and printed D3 output using,
          TYPE          DFTD3
          PARAMETER_FILE_NAME dftd3.dat
                FILENAME =VDWForces
          &END PRINT_DFTD

I obtained following energy values,
with D3:
  Dispersion energy:                                           -0.43391295044042
    Total energy:                                             -1822.59757123461372
without D3:
Total energy:                                             -1822.16365828416315
It shows that E_DFT+D3 = E_DFT + E_D3. Since forces are negative gradients of energy, so my expectation was F_DFT+D3 = F_DFT + F_D3.

I checked the files with forces and found following values:
with D3:
  Dispersion Forces
  Atom   Kind                            Forces
    1      1   -0.00064625376145   -0.00178929821343    0.00063408272599
    2      1   -0.00010368151520    0.00098624399705   -0.00068002896134
    3      1   -0.00015900750143    0.00000043929734    0.00016150708715
    4      1   -0.00176730962009    0.00065208064208   -0.00062160173245
 ATOMIC FORCES in [a.u.]

 # Atom   Kind   Element          X              Y              Z
      1      1      C           0.00005291     0.00012528    -0.00005636
      2      1      C          -0.00000900    -0.00001802     0.00002341
      3      1      C           0.00001580     0.00007087    -0.00002165
      4      1      C          -0.00011523     0.00002219    -0.00005222

without D3:
 ATOMIC FORCES in [a.u.]

 # Atom   Kind   Element          X              Y              Z
      1      1      C          -0.00059335    -0.00166402     0.00057772
      2      1      C          -0.00011269     0.00096823    -0.00065662
      3      1      C          -0.00014321     0.00007131     0.00013985
      4      1      C          -0.00188254     0.00067427    -0.00067382

>From the printed forces, I found that (assuming printed dispersion forces are in a.u.) that F_DFT+D3 =  F_DFT - F_D3 (e.g. F1x: 0.00005291  = -0.00059335  - (-0.00064625376145) ), which should not be the case and it should be F_DFT+D3 =  F_DFT + F_D3.

Similarly, I checked the stress and got following values,
with D3:
 Stress Tensor (dispersion)
 -0.302617856781     -0.301607753891E-04  0.414417744693E-03
 -0.301607753891E-04 -0.301666150572      0.101523675983E-03
  0.414417744693E-03  0.101523675983E-03 -0.302011925451
   Tr(P)/3 :   -0.30209864426787675
 STRESS| Analytical stress tensor [GPa]
 STRESS|                        x                   y                   z
 STRESS|      x        1.06013861421E-03  -2.63120964024E-05  -3.93224150664E-03
 STRESS|      y       -2.63120964024E-05   1.25227540891E-02   1.45254611477E-04
 STRESS|      z       -3.93224150664E-03   1.45254611477E-04   7.18280089554E-03
 STRESS| 1/3 Trace                                             6.92189786629E-03

without D3:
 STRESS| Analytical stress tensor [GPa]
 STRESS|                        x                   y                   z
 STRESS|      x        2.67537379581E-01   2.45931708730E-07  -4.29716685938E-03
 STRESS|      y        2.45931708730E-07   2.78161945635E-01   5.58511123164E-05
 STRESS|      z       -4.29716685938E-03   5.58511123164E-05   2.73126455701E-01
 STRESS| 1/3 Trace                                             2.72941926972E-01
Assuming the dispersion stress in a.u., I got the following relation Stress_DFT+D3 (GPa) = Stress_DFT (GPa) + Stress_D3 (a.u.)*4359.74393 / volume (Angstrom^3), which seems fine.

So from output from CP2K, I got following relations:
E_DFT+D3 (a.u.)           =  E_DFT (a.u.)          +  E_D3 (a.u.)
F_DFT+D3 (a.u.)           =  F_DFT  (a.u.)          -  F_D3 (a.u.)
Stress_DFT+D3 (GPa)  =  Stress_DFT (GPa) +  Stress_D3 (a.u.)*4359.74393 / volume (Ang^3)

Could you please help me to understand why there is subtraction of the forces to obtain total (DFT+D3) forces?

Many thanks ,

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