[CP2K-user] [CP2K:18011] Thoughts on the instability of HSE06+ADMM

Nicholas Winner nwinner at berkeley.edu
Thu Nov 10 17:53:45 UTC 2022

I'm running GaAs calculation using HSE06 and ADMM basis sets, and running 
into some issues. 

I'm trying to initialize with a non hybrid calculation and use 
SCREEN_ON_INITIAL_P. This is because at 128 atoms (minimum size required 
for the HSE06 pot.), the memory requirements get to be pretty large even 
compared to other systems.

Problem is that while initializing with PBE may sometimes lead to a tighter 
screening threshold, initializing with PBE in this case invariable leads to 
a destabilized SCF, with no trend to convergence. I thought that, since PBE 
leads to very low band gap, it might be too poor of an initial guess. So I 
tried initializing it with (a) r2scan, (b) LDA+OPTX, and (c) LDA+TB09. 
These each give better estimates of the band gap and so I would expect them 
to provide better initial density matrices, but all of them failed to 
create a stable calculation. 

Are there any guesses for what could be done and why this is happening? 
Does GaAs require no initial guess? That would require some pretty large 
memory nodes, but is theoretically doable I guess.

Calculation details:


                        METHOD GPW

                        EPS_DEFAULT 1e-12

                        EXTRAPOLATION ASPC 

                        EPS_PGF_ORB 1e-16 

                &END QS

                ! Parameters needed to perform an SCF run.


                        MAX_SCF 20 ! Max number of steps for an inner SCF 

                        EPS_SCF 1e-06 ! Convergence threshold for SCF

                        SCF_GUESS RESTART ! How to initialize the density 

                        MAX_ITER_LUMO 400 ! Iterations for solving for 
unoccupied levels when running OT


                                MINIMIZER diis

                                PRECONDITIONER FULL_SINGLE_INVERSE

                                ENERGY_GAP -1

                                ALGORITHM IRAC

                                LINESEARCH 2PNT

                                ROTATION True

                                OCCUPATION_PRECONDITIONER False

                        &END OT


                                MAX_SCF 20

                                EPS_SCF 1e-06

                        &END OUTER_SCF

                &END SCF


                        CUTOFF 350.0 

                        REL_CUTOFF 50 

                        NGRIDS 5 

                        PROGRESSION_FACTOR 3




                                        PARAMETRIZATION ORIG

                                        SCALE_C 1

                                        SCALE_X 0

                                &END PBE


                                        omega .11

                                        scale_x -.25

                                        scale_x0 1


                        &END XC_FUNCTIONAL


                                FRACTION 0.25


                                        EPS_SCHWARZ 1e-07

                                        EPS_SCHWARZ_FORCES 1e-07

                                        SCREEN_ON_INITIAL_P T

                                        SCREEN_P_FORCES False

                                &END SCREENING


                                        CUTOFF_RADIUS 6.63

                                        T_C_G_DATA t_c_g.dat

                                        omega .11

                                        POTENTIAL_TYPE shortrange

                                &END INTERACTION_POTENTIAL


                                        RANDOMIZE True

                                &END LOAD_BALANCE


                                        EPS_STORAGE_SCALING 0.1

                                        MAX_MEMORY 2000

                                &END MEMORY

                        &END HF

                &END XC

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