[CP2K-user] [CP2K:16774] The output file of VIBRATIONAL_ANALYSIS is marked with an asterisk

'李梦旭' via cp2k cp2k at googlegroups.com
Sat Mar 26 13:11:48 UTC 2022

 Dear CP2K community, 
I am a complete beginner in using CP2K. I'm using PBE0+D3/aug-cc-pVDZ for  
geometry  optimization. The structure is one hydrogen ion and two water 
After geometry  optimization, I do VIBRATIONAL_ANALYSIS using optimized 
structure, because I want to know whether my structure is stable. If there 
is no imaginary frequency, I think my structure is OK. But in the output 
file of  VIBRATIONAL_ANALYSIS, there are many asterisks. 

VIB| 13 14 15
VIB|Frequency (cm^-1) 3851.241875 3870.236967 ************
VIB|Intensities 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
VIB|Red.Masses (a.u.) 1.072537 1.086576 1.071116
VIB|Frc consts (a.u.) 0.604071 0.624141 ************

This are my input files, output files and optimized structure.  I don't 
know what went wrong
Can anyone give me some suggestions?  Any  suggestions are highly 

Mengxu Li

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