[CP2K-user] [CP2K:16664] Re: Modeling a charge-countercharge system

adl233 adityadlele at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 19:17:54 UTC 2022

Hello CP2K Users,

I got the answer to this question courtesy of one of the authors of the 
above-mentioned article (Dr. Kristof Bal). I am sharing it here

The charge on the counterion can be controlled by not giving it any basis 
set. So, make it a "new" atom type that has no basis assigned to it. Here's 
an example: 

    &KIND D





 This gives you a +1 ion, provided such a particle is placed in a vacuum. 
CP2K is an AO code, so it can only place electrons around cores that have 
basis functions around them. This is very different from PW codes like 

If you request a neutral system from CP2K, and include one such "D" atom in 
the system, you will have a -1 slab. After all, the one "hydrogen" electron 
cannot be placed around D, and must end up in the slab. 

You can get the opposite charge distribution by using the CORE_CORRECTION 
feature in CP2K to change the charge of the core of "D". But be aware that 
charge bookkeeping becomes tricky. For a +1 slab with -1 counterion, you 
must set CORE_CORRECTION to -2 (lower from +1 to -1) but CHARGE to +2. Why? 
Well, you want "one less" electron in the slab, but also not add the extra 
electron you would introduce by bringing in an extra "H". So, "not add" two 
electron => CHARGE +2.



On Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 9:24:56 AM UTC-5 adl233 wrote:

> Dear CP2K users,
> I apologize in advance if this is a trivial question. I am trying to model 
> a system where a slab surface is charged in a non-periodic cell and a 
> counterion is added to make the entire system charge neutral. I am trying 
> to follow the procedure from the following paper: 
> https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6595/aaa868/meta
> However, I do not understand the exact method by which this was 
> implemented. I read about core-correction option as well as CDFT and 
> confused about the right way to proceed. I am copying parts of the paper 
> relevant to this question below.
> "The practical realization of this approach in a standard DFT code (CP2K) 
> is as follows. The negative surface charges in this work require a positive 
> countercharge which, in the simplest case, can be a proton. It is, however, 
> not always straightforwardly possible to introduce gas phase ions of a 
> specified charge into the simulation box. This can be compensated by using 
> a DFT code that expands the Kohn–Sham orbitals in an atom-centered 
> (localized) basis: if no basis functions are added on the counterion, no 
> electronic density can spill over, its charge can be precisely controlled 
> and the desired surface charge can be enforced. The method is in principle 
> readily usable in any DFT code that uses localized basis sets (such as the 
> here used CP2K) but has, to the best of our knowledge, not yet been 
> described in the literature."
> and 
> "In the setup adopted in this work, a single additional electron is 
> considered and the countercharge (a proton) is placed at a Z position of 40 
> Å in a box of dimensions 16.1606 × 16.8106 × 100 Å3"
> Regards,
> Aditya

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