[CP2K-user] [CP2K:17155] cutoff test didn't converged

LEI CHEN bty038 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 18:37:01 UTC 2022

Hi ,

  I 'm doing the test of optimising the cutoff test according to the cp2k 
page (periodic MOF structure ). what I  tried is from 300 to 500. however, 
I found that there got some value that is hard to reach SCF convergence 
(300, 420, 430, 460, 470) or converged at a strange value that don't follow 
the trend (when you enhance the cutoff value ,it would converge near one 
value, 410, 450, 480 490) 
310    -538.32547
320    -538.32534
330    -538.32417
340    -538.32417
350    -538.32287
360    -538.32287
370    -538.32287
380    -538.32287
390    -538.32287
400    -538.32287
410    -538.33887 
440    -538.32259
450    -538.33843
480    -538.33901
490    -538.33901
500    -538.32268

  could anybody help me with that. the input file is attached. thanks a lot 
for any help.

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