[CP2K-user] [CP2K:17405] How to add MOS independently for spin up and spin down

ma455...@gmail.com ma455173220 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 01:00:45 UTC 2022


I'm a newbie using cp2k/9.1.0. I tried to use LSD and ADDED_MOS to add the 
MOS independenly for spin up and spin down. But based on the output file, 
it seems 9 MOS are added both in spin up and spin down rather than 9 MOS 
for spin up and 10 for spin down as what I set in the input file. I'm 
wondering did I make any mistake in the input file? How could I add 
different number of MOS on spin up and down states?


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#Generated by Multiwfn
        PROJECT cp2k

        METHOD Quickstep
                        A     1.0958142000000002E+01    0.0000000000000000E+00    0.0000000000000000E+00
                        B     0.0000000000000000E+00    1.0958142000000002E+01    0.0000000000000000E+00
                        C     0.0000000000000000E+00    0.0000000000000000E+00    1.0958142000000002E+01
                        PERIODIC  XYZ
                        MULTIPLE_UNIT_CELL  1 1 1
                &END CELL
                        B    6.9430862692273354E-01    6.9374961235086785E-01    6.9412932136268735E-01
                        Si    2.0491801087189461E+00    2.0492555211496848E+00    4.7782099222761696E+00
                        Si    4.7788588919173165E+00    2.0494713369214166E+00    2.0493767551952442E+00
                        Si    2.0493521943475388E+00    4.7783814130761542E+00    2.0493229502117667E+00
                        Si    6.7208748641031346E-01    3.3788771077842417E+00    3.3787060163280973E+00
                        Si    3.3793919404250925E+00    6.7238862104547026E-01    3.3791262518672847E+00
                        Si    3.3795294911024838E+00    3.3794294757033012E+00    6.7240545097417370E-01
                        Si    4.7897614373230075E+00    4.7899318141322764E+00    4.7901911165526627E+00
                        Si    6.8836172118950800E-01    6.8839799340580532E-01    6.1680564400733324E+00
                        Si    1.8945168404618686E+00    1.8942823198474401E+00    1.0423178226191345E+01
                        Si    4.7696234798237178E+00    2.0443800160806873E+00    7.5503354640772784E+00
                        Si    2.0443975497955611E+00    4.7695803325809818E+00    7.5505980627842382E+00
                        Si    7.0204117589415160E-01    3.3784788197923548E+00    8.9572611792714820E+00
                        Si    3.3786070820069725E+00    7.0205241643674088E-01    8.9571847246657477E+00
                        Si    3.4235943170532894E+00    3.4237799335519759E+00    6.1685194442906077E+00
                        Si    4.7708838069986408E+00    4.7711203240787867E+00    1.0275791233522376E+01
                        Si    6.8836885608455656E-01    6.1680148314766390E+00    6.8842269679085244E-01
                        Si    2.0444191545684625E+00    7.5506173767940306E+00    4.7696621531749406E+00
                        Si    4.7697669398764164E+00    7.5502268329947322E+00    2.0446259739810797E+00
                        Si    1.8943584461163703E+00    1.0423195644695975E+01    1.8938976672460477E+00
                        Si    7.0208256676382774E-01    8.9571267348931212E+00    3.3782623881584075E+00
                        Si    3.4237411103362914E+00    6.1684705433860119E+00    3.4240652684164599E+00
                        Si    3.3787315889348633E+00    8.9569548624046380E+00    7.0210313983353623E-01
                        Si    4.7707602295415894E+00    1.0276004222121683E+01    4.7710737819436071E+00
                        Si    6.8812785569722101E-01    6.1678136761893496E+00    6.1678187540066736E+00
                        Si    2.0507082046177056E+00    7.5407343430974283E+00    1.0269721584976452E+01
                        Si    4.7898030477567977E+00    7.5313126141636806E+00    7.5310694317697831E+00
                        Si    2.0505891140554220E+00    1.0269801376459027E+01    7.5409423013229206E+00
                        Si    6.7534174073848297E-01    8.9576117363139591E+00    8.9577083490692218E+00
                        Si    3.4241682361474624E+00    6.1656164272035134E+00    8.9104562544208878E+00
                        Si    3.4239993803958755E+00    8.9107917798889016E+00    6.1656018567863562E+00
                        Si    4.7805831916140846E+00    1.0269564560122392E+01    1.0269593671060157E+01
                        Si    6.1681565859931231E+00    6.8839463473935480E-01    6.8841665985664535E-01
                        Si    7.5508077537006626E+00    2.0444090938579511E+00    4.7695542371141340E+00
                        Si    1.0422920979558471E+01    1.8937940646760776E+00    1.8935680296244723E+00
                        Si    7.5506593325913318E+00    4.7696021349395119E+00    2.0446339937319915E+00
                        Si    6.1685812112974530E+00    3.4240643857405613E+00    3.4242170629990336E+00
                        Si    8.9570088278744588E+00    7.0178356804714481E-01    3.3781079097555464E+00
                        Si    8.9568933261256696E+00    3.3784309161946640E+00    7.0180013230071792E-01
                        Si    1.0276228300083860E+01    4.7706131359428641E+00    4.7707128767181484E+00
                        Si    6.1680408154008637E+00    6.8811023924465142E-01    6.1678035993897558E+00
                        Si    7.5402362004228936E+00    2.0510949336878670E+00    1.0269438345590572E+01
                        Si    1.0269824707431479E+01    2.0507768688671395E+00    7.5407036930808911E+00
                        Si    7.5314694794823858E+00    4.7899717587239019E+00    7.5310673909315504E+00
                        Si    6.1651568753299744E+00    3.4246523740592116E+00    8.9101817396525291E+00
                        Si    8.9571082513948443E+00    6.7598044143730540E-01    8.9574601804054659E+00
                        Si    8.9108198833733514E+00    3.4242828768498783E+00    6.1653831331375430E+00
                        Si    1.0269599564212255E+01    4.7803910926314126E+00    1.0269565227254958E+01
                        Si    6.1680301467321677E+00    6.1677933907420242E+00    6.8811498613013622E-01
                        Si    7.5314572901488006E+00    7.5312850172080035E+00    4.7902077813199302E+00
                        Si    1.0269644575951842E+01    7.5404371576254459E+00    2.0508565823044131E+00
                        Si    7.5402132309697061E+00    1.0269341495100649E+01    2.0510455855371110E+00
                        Si    6.1651532223878656E+00    8.9103476409434066E+00    3.4247899182583184E+00
                        Si    8.9106452726676153E+00    6.1653551105497169E+00    3.4245995816048711E+00
                        Si    8.9569770172376959E+00    8.9572132748397983E+00    6.7598646664330242E-01
                        Si    1.0269744050052124E+01    1.0269659913136639E+01    4.7801673440583281E+00
                        Si    6.1675640784876977E+00    6.1676151487080606E+00    6.1676134123154434E+00
                        Si    7.5512000376607347E+00    7.5511371851639444E+00    1.0276876120019926E+01
                        Si    1.0277301957219761E+01    7.5513004250748121E+00    7.5512108425537754E+00
                        Si    7.5513621602917889E+00    1.0277095044914722E+01    7.5511962333466052E+00
                        Si    6.1698957441708782E+00    8.9106260256805978E+00    8.9104473035257090E+00
                        Si    8.9107666663710585E+00    6.1700128174667075E+00    8.9105006557753015E+00
                        Si    8.9109201460182703E+00    8.9108162019646429E+00    6.1699712106003854E+00
                        Si    1.0426126850263065E+01    1.0426701925028137E+01    1.0426888144129411E+01
                &END COORD
                &KIND Si
                        ELEMENT Si
                        BASIS_SET DZVP-GTH-PBE
                        POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q4
                &END KIND
                &KIND B
                        ELEMENT B
                        BASIS_SET DZVP-MOLOPT-PBE-GTH-q3
                        POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q3
                        MAGNETIZATION 1
                &END KIND
        &END SUBSYS

                WFN_RESTART_FILE_NAME ./cp2k-RESTART.wfn
                CHARGE    0 #Net charge
                MULTIPLICITY    2 #Spin multiplicity
                        EPS_DEFAULT 1E-14 #This is default. Set all EPS_xxx to values such that the energy will be correct up to this value
                &END QS
                        PERIODIC XYZ #Direction(s) of PBC for calculating electrostatics
                        PSOLVER PERIODIC #The way to solve Poisson equation
                &END POISSON
                        &XC_FUNCTIONAL PBE
                        &END XC_FUNCTIONAL
                &END XC
                        CUTOFF 500
                        REL_CUTOFF 70
                &END MGRID
                        MAX_SCF 100
                        EPS_SCF 1.0E-05 #Convergence threshold of density matrix during SCF
                        #SCF_GUESS RESTART #Use wavefunction from WFN_RESTART_FILE_NAME file as initial guess
                        ADDED_MOS 9   10 
                        #MAX_ITER_LUMO 1000
                                ALGORITHM STANDARD #Algorithm for diagonalization. DAVIDSON is faster for large systems
                        &END DIAGONALIZATION
                        &MIXING #How to mix old and new density matrices
                                METHOD BROYDEN_MIXING #PULAY_MIXING is also a good alternative
                                ALPHA 0.1 #Default. Mixing 40% of new density matrix with the old one
                                #NMIXING 1
                                NBUFFER 8
                        &END MIXING
                        # EPS_DIIS 1000
                        # MAX_DIIS 8
                                &RESTART    #Use "&RESTART OFF" can prevent generating wfn file
                                        BACKUP_COPIES 0
                                &END RESTART
                        &END PRINT
                &END SCF
                                WRITE_CUBE F
                                NHOMO -1
                                NLUMO -1
                        &END MO_CUBES
                        #&END HYPERFINE_COUPLING_TENSOR
                        #        STRIDE 1 #Stride of exported cube file
                        #&END V_HARTREE_CUBE
                &END PRINT
                #        EPS_LOCALIZATION 1E-10
                #        #MAX_ITER 100
                #        #METHOD CRAZY
                #        STATES ALL
                #        LIST_UNOCCUPIED 1..3
                #        #LIST 126..129
                #        &PRINT
                #                &WANNIER_CENTERS
                #                        IONS+CENTERS T
                #                &END WANNIER_CENTERS
                #                #&WANNIER_CUBES
                #                #&END
                #                &WANNIER_SPREADS
                #                &END
                #        &END PRINT
                #&END LOCALIZE
        &END DFT

                TYPE MINIMIZATION #Search for minimum
                OPTIMIZER BFGS #Can also be CG (more robust for difficult cases) or LBFGS
                MAX_ITER 250 #Maximum number of geometry optimization
                #The following thresholds of geometry convergence are the default ones
                MAX_DR 3E-3 #Maximum geometry change
                RMS_DR 1.5E-3 #RMS geometry change
                MAX_FORCE 4.5E-4 #Maximum force
                RMS_FORCE 3E-4 #RMS force
                STEP_START_VAL  6
        &END GEO_OPT
                        BACKUP_COPIES 0 #Maximum number of backing up restart file
                &END RESTART
        &END PRINT


-------------- next part --------------
 JOBID| JOBFS                                                  52987056.gadi-pbs
 DBCSR| CPU Multiplication driver                                           XSMM
 DBCSR| Multrec recursion limit                                              512
 DBCSR| Multiplication stack size                                           1000
 DBCSR| Maximum elements for images                                    UNLIMITED
 DBCSR| Multiplicative factor virtual images                                   1
 DBCSR| Use multiplication densification                                       T
 DBCSR| Multiplication size stacks                                             3
 DBCSR| Use memory pool for CPU allocation                                     F
 DBCSR| Number of 3D layers                                               SINGLE
 DBCSR| Use MPI memory allocation                                              F
 DBCSR| Use RMA algorithm                                                      F
 DBCSR| Use Communication thread                                               T
 DBCSR| Communication thread load                                             87
 DBCSR| MPI: My node id                                                        0
 DBCSR| MPI: Number of nodes                                                  48
 DBCSR| OMP: Current number of threads                                         1
 DBCSR| OMP: Max number of threads                                             1
 DBCSR| Split modifier for TAS multiplication algorithm                  1.0E+00

  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM STARTED AT               2022-07-28 10:53:33.740
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM STARTED ON        gadi-cpu-clx-1692.gadi.nci.org
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM STARTED BY                                hm1876
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                               2408845
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STARTED IN /scratch/ad73/hm1876/Si/cp2k/c_cell/P

 CP2K| version string:                                          CP2K version 9.1
 CP2K| source code revision number:                                  git:d8d7100
 CP2K| cp2kflags: omp libint fftw3 libxc pexsi elpa parallel mpi3 scalapack xsmm
 CP2K|             max_contr=4 spglib mkl check_diag libvori libbqb
 CP2K| is freely available from                            https://www.cp2k.org/
 CP2K| Program compiled at                          Tue Apr 5 20:17:41 AEST 2022
 CP2K| Program compiled on                     gadi-cpu-clx-1394.gadi.nci.org.au
 CP2K| Program compiled for                               Linux-x86-64-intel-nci
 CP2K| Data directory path                            /home/561/hm1876/cp2k/data
 CP2K| Input file name                                                  cp2k.inp
 GLOBAL| Force Environment number                                              1
 GLOBAL| Basis set file name                                           BASIS_SET
 GLOBAL| Potential file name                                       POTENTIAL_UZH
 GLOBAL| MM Potential file name                                     MM_POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| Coordinate file name                                      __STD_INPUT__
 GLOBAL| Method name                                                        CP2K
 GLOBAL| Project name                                                       cp2k
 GLOBAL| Run type                                                         ENERGY
 GLOBAL| FFT library                                                       FFTW3
 GLOBAL| Diagonalization library                                            ELPA
 GLOBAL| Minimum number of eigenvectors for ELPA usage                        16
 GLOBAL| Orthonormality check for eigenvectors enabled                 5.000E-14
 GLOBAL| Matrix multiplication library                                 ScaLAPACK
 GLOBAL| All-to-all communication in single precision                          F
 GLOBAL| FFTs using library dependent lengths                                  F
 GLOBAL| Grid backend                                                       AUTO
 GLOBAL| Global print level                                               MEDIUM
 GLOBAL| MPI I/O enabled                                                       T
 GLOBAL| Total number of message passing processes                            48
 GLOBAL| Number of threads for this process                                    1
 GLOBAL| This output is from process                                           0
 GLOBAL| Stack size for threads created by OpenMP (OMP_STACKSIZE)        default
 GLOBAL| CPU model name             Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8274 CPU @ 3.20GHz
 GLOBAL| CPUID                                                              1003

 MEMORY| system memory details [Kb]
 MEMORY|                        rank 0           min           max       average
 MEMORY| MemTotal            197726940     197726940     197726940     197726940
 MEMORY| MemFree              85977152      85977152      85977152      85977152
 MEMORY| Buffers                     4             4             4             4
 MEMORY| Cached               78640572      78640572      78640572      78640572
 MEMORY| Slab                 14871420      14871420      14871420      14871420
 MEMORY| SReclaimable           893072        893072        893072        893072
 MEMORY| MemLikelyFree       165510800     165510800     165510800     165510800

 *** Fundamental physical constants (SI units) ***

 *** Literature: B. J. Mohr and B. N. Taylor,
 ***             CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical
 ***             constants: 2006, Web Version 5.1
 ***             http://physics.nist.gov/constants

 Speed of light in vacuum [m/s]                             2.99792458000000E+08
 Magnetic constant or permeability of vacuum [N/A**2]       1.25663706143592E-06
 Electric constant or permittivity of vacuum [F/m]          8.85418781762039E-12
 Planck constant (h) [J*s]                                  6.62606896000000E-34
 Planck constant (h-bar) [J*s]                              1.05457162825177E-34
 Elementary charge [C]                                      1.60217648700000E-19
 Electron mass [kg]                                         9.10938215000000E-31
 Electron g factor [ ]                                     -2.00231930436220E+00
 Proton mass [kg]                                           1.67262163700000E-27
 Fine-structure constant                                    7.29735253760000E-03
 Rydberg constant [1/m]                                     1.09737315685270E+07
 Avogadro constant [1/mol]                                  6.02214179000000E+23
 Boltzmann constant [J/K]                                   1.38065040000000E-23
 Atomic mass unit [kg]                                      1.66053878200000E-27
 Bohr radius [m]                                            5.29177208590000E-11

 *** Conversion factors ***

 [u] -> [a.u.]                                              1.82288848426455E+03
 [Angstrom] -> [Bohr] = [a.u.]                              1.88972613288564E+00
 [a.u.] = [Bohr] -> [Angstrom]                              5.29177208590000E-01
 [a.u.] -> [s]                                              2.41888432650478E-17
 [a.u.] -> [fs]                                             2.41888432650478E-02
 [a.u.] -> [J]                                              4.35974393937059E-18
 [a.u.] -> [N]                                              8.23872205491840E-08
 [a.u.] -> [K]                                              3.15774647902944E+05
 [a.u.] -> [kJ/mol]                                         2.62549961709828E+03
 [a.u.] -> [kcal/mol]                                       6.27509468713739E+02
 [a.u.] -> [Pa]                                             2.94210107994716E+13
 [a.u.] -> [bar]                                            2.94210107994716E+08
 [a.u.] -> [atm]                                            2.90362800883016E+08
 [a.u.] -> [eV]                                             2.72113838565563E+01
 [a.u.] -> [Hz]                                             6.57968392072181E+15
 [a.u.] -> [1/cm] (wave numbers)                            2.19474631370540E+05
 [a.u./Bohr**2] -> [1/cm]                                   5.14048714338585E+03

 CELL_TOP| Volume [angstrom^3]:                                      1315.863292
 CELL_TOP| Vector a [angstrom    10.958     0.000     0.000   |a| =    10.958142
 CELL_TOP| Vector b [angstrom     0.000    10.958     0.000   |b| =    10.958142
 CELL_TOP| Vector c [angstrom     0.000     0.000    10.958   |c| =    10.958142
 CELL_TOP| Angle (b,c), alpha [degree]:                                90.000000
 CELL_TOP| Angle (a,c), beta  [degree]:                                90.000000
 CELL_TOP| Angle (a,b), gamma [degree]:                                90.000000
 CELL_TOP| Numerically orthorhombic:                                         YES
 GENERATE|  Preliminary Number of Bonds generated:                             0
 GENERATE|  Achieved consistency in connectivity generation.

 CELL| Volume [angstrom^3]:                                          1315.863292
 CELL| Vector a [angstrom]:      10.958     0.000     0.000   |a| =    10.958142
 CELL| Vector b [angstrom]:       0.000    10.958     0.000   |b| =    10.958142
 CELL| Vector c [angstrom]:       0.000     0.000    10.958   |c| =    10.958142
 CELL| Angle (b,c), alpha [degree]:                                    90.000000
 CELL| Angle (a,c), beta  [degree]:                                    90.000000
 CELL| Angle (a,b), gamma [degree]:                                    90.000000
 CELL| Numerically orthorhombic:                                             YES

 CELL_REF| Volume [angstrom^3]:                                      1315.863292
 CELL_REF| Vector a [angstrom    10.958     0.000     0.000   |a| =    10.958142
 CELL_REF| Vector b [angstrom     0.000    10.958     0.000   |b| =    10.958142
 CELL_REF| Vector c [angstrom     0.000     0.000    10.958   |c| =    10.958142
 CELL_REF| Angle (b,c), alpha [degree]:                                90.000000
 CELL_REF| Angle (a,c), beta  [degree]:                                90.000000
 CELL_REF| Angle (a,b), gamma [degree]:                                90.000000
 CELL_REF| Numerically orthorhombic:                                         YES

 **                                                                           **
 **     #####                         ##              ##                      **
 **    ##   ##            ##          ##              ##                      **
 **   ##     ##                       ##            ######                    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##   #####  ##  ##   ####   ##    #####    #####    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##   ##      ##   ##   ##  ##   ##   **
 **   ##  ## ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ####     ###    ##   ######   ######    **
 **    ##  ###   ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##      ##   ##   ##       ##        **
 **     #######   #####   ##   #####  ##  ##  ####    ##    #####   ##        **
 **           ##                                                    ##        **
 **                                                                           **
 **                                                ... make the atoms dance   **
 **                                                                           **
 **            Copyright (C) by CP2K developers group (2000-2021)             **
 **                      J. Chem. Phys. 152, 194103 (2020)                    **
 **                                                                           **

 DFT| Spin unrestricted (spin-polarized) Kohn-Sham calculation               UKS
 DFT| Multiplicity                                                             2
 DFT| Number of spin states                                                    2
 DFT| Charge                                                                   0
 DFT| Self-interaction correction (SIC)                                       NO
 DFT| Cutoffs: density                                              1.000000E-10
 DFT|          gradient                                             1.000000E-10
 DFT|          tau                                                  1.000000E-10
 DFT|          cutoff_smoothing_range                               0.000000E+00
 DFT| XC density smoothing                                                  NONE
 DFT| XC derivatives                                                          PW
 FUNCTIONAL| J.P.Perdew, K.Burke, M.Ernzerhof, Phys. Rev. Letter, vol. 77, n 18,
 FUNCTIONAL|  pp. 3865-3868, (1996){spin polarized}                             

 QS| Method:                                                                 GPW
 QS| Density plane wave grid type                        NON-SPHERICAL FULLSPACE
 QS| Number of grid levels:                                                    4
 QS| Density cutoff [a.u.]:                                                250.0
 QS| Multi grid cutoff [a.u.]: 1) grid level                               250.0
 QS|                           2) grid level                                83.3
 QS|                           3) grid level                                27.8
 QS|                           4) grid level                                 9.3
 QS| Grid level progression factor:                                          3.0
 QS| Relative density cutoff [a.u.]:                                        35.0
 QS| Interaction thresholds: eps_pgf_orb:                                1.0E-07
 QS|                         eps_filter_matrix:                          0.0E+00
 QS|                         eps_core_charge:                            1.0E-16
 QS|                         eps_rho_gspace:                             1.0E-14
 QS|                         eps_rho_rspace:                             1.0E-14
 QS|                         eps_gvg_rspace:                             1.0E-07
 QS|                         eps_ppl:                                    1.0E-02
 QS|                         eps_ppnl:                                   1.0E-09


  1. Atomic kind: B                                     Number of atoms:       1

     Orbital Basis Set                                    DZVP-MOLOPT-PBE-GTH-q3

       Number of orbital shell sets:                                           1
       Number of orbital shells:                                               5
       Number of primitive Cartesian functions:                                5
       Number of Cartesian basis functions:                                   14
       Number of spherical basis functions:                                   13
       Norm type:                                                              2

       Normalised Cartesian orbitals:

                        Set   Shell   Orbital            Exponent    Coefficient

                          1       1    2s                3.575233      -0.251277
                                                         1.347699      -0.198106
                                                         0.614553       0.172878
                                                         0.253523       0.151700
                                                         0.085137       0.035450

                          1       2    3s                3.575233       0.549636
                                                         1.347699       0.196373
                                                         0.614553      -0.255207
                                                         0.253523      -0.051628
                                                         0.085137       0.138907

                          1       3    3px               3.575233      -0.379954
                                                         1.347699      -0.232253
                                                         0.614553      -0.197045
                                                         0.253523      -0.107441
                                                         0.085137      -0.025250
                          1       3    3py               3.575233      -0.379954
                                                         1.347699      -0.232253
                                                         0.614553      -0.197045
                                                         0.253523      -0.107441
                                                         0.085137      -0.025250
                          1       3    3pz               3.575233      -0.379954
                                                         1.347699      -0.232253
                                                         0.614553      -0.197045
                                                         0.253523      -0.107441
                                                         0.085137      -0.025250

                          1       4    4px               3.575233       0.795891
                                                         1.347699       0.510277
                                                         0.614553       0.370808
                                                         0.253523       0.096082
                                                         0.085137      -0.053145
                          1       4    4py               3.575233       0.795891
                                                         1.347699       0.510277
                                                         0.614553       0.370808
                                                         0.253523       0.096082
                                                         0.085137      -0.053145
                          1       4    4pz               3.575233       0.795891
                                                         1.347699       0.510277
                                                         0.614553       0.370808
                                                         0.253523       0.096082
                                                         0.085137      -0.053145

                          1       5    4dx2              3.575233      -0.146757
                                                         1.347699       0.616788
                                                         0.614553       0.145475
                                                         0.253523       0.099150
                                                         0.085137       0.002211
                          1       5    4dxy              3.575233      -0.254191
                                                         1.347699       1.068308
                                                         0.614553       0.251971
                                                         0.253523       0.171733
                                                         0.085137       0.003829
                          1       5    4dxz              3.575233      -0.254191
                                                         1.347699       1.068308
                                                         0.614553       0.251971
                                                         0.253523       0.171733
                                                         0.085137       0.003829
                          1       5    4dy2              3.575233      -0.146757
                                                         1.347699       0.616788
                                                         0.614553       0.145475
                                                         0.253523       0.099150
                                                         0.085137       0.002211
                          1       5    4dyz              3.575233      -0.254191
                                                         1.347699       1.068308
                                                         0.614553       0.251971
                                                         0.253523       0.171733
                                                         0.085137       0.003829
                          1       5    4dz2              3.575233      -0.146757
                                                         1.347699       0.616788
                                                         0.614553       0.145475
                                                         0.253523       0.099150
                                                         0.085137       0.002211

       Atomic covalent radius [Angstrom]:                                  0.820

       Atomic van der Waals radius [Angstrom]:                             1.920

     GTH Potential information for                                    GTH-PBE-q3

       Description:                       Goedecker-Teter-Hutter pseudopotential
                                           Goedecker et al., PRB 54, 1703 (1996)
                                          Hartwigsen et al., PRB 58, 3641 (1998)
                                                      Krack, TCA 114, 145 (2005)

       Gaussian exponent of the core charge distribution:               2.843397
       Electronic configuration (s p d ...):                       2   1   0   0

       Parameters of the local part of the GTH pseudopotential:

                          rloc        C1          C2          C3          C4
                        0.419340   -5.861912    0.901218

       Parameters of the non-local part of the GTH pseudopotential:

                   l      r(l)      h(i,j,l)

                   0    0.371427    6.295497

  2. Atomic kind: Si                                    Number of atoms:      63

     Orbital Basis Set                                              DZVP-GTH-PBE

       Number of orbital shell sets:                                           2
       Number of orbital shells:                                               5
       Number of primitive Cartesian functions:                                5
       Number of Cartesian basis functions:                                   14
       Number of spherical basis functions:                                   13
       Norm type:                                                              2

       Normalised Cartesian orbitals:

                        Set   Shell   Orbital            Exponent    Coefficient

                          1       1    3s                1.181529       0.259643
                                                         0.445462      -0.095379
                                                         0.167459      -0.148372
                                                         0.056429      -0.015092

                          1       2    4s                1.181529       0.000000
                                                         0.445462       0.000000
                                                         0.167459       0.000000
                                                         0.056429       0.082516

                          1       3    4px               1.181529       0.080513
                                                         0.445462      -0.136607
                                                         0.167459      -0.082962
                                                         0.056429      -0.013959
                          1       3    4py               1.181529       0.080513
                                                         0.445462      -0.136607
                                                         0.167459      -0.082962
                                                         0.056429      -0.013959
                          1       3    4pz               1.181529       0.080513
                                                         0.445462      -0.136607
                                                         0.167459      -0.082962
                                                         0.056429      -0.013959

                          1       4    5px               1.181529       0.000000
                                                         0.445462       0.000000
                                                         0.167459       0.000000
                                                         0.056429       0.039203
                          1       4    5py               1.181529       0.000000
                                                         0.445462       0.000000
                                                         0.167459       0.000000
                                                         0.056429       0.039203
                          1       4    5pz               1.181529       0.000000
                                                         0.445462       0.000000
                                                         0.167459       0.000000
                                                         0.056429       0.039203

                          2       1    3dx2              0.450000       0.406941
                          2       1    3dxy              0.450000       0.704842
                          2       1    3dxz              0.450000       0.704842
                          2       1    3dy2              0.450000       0.406941
                          2       1    3dyz              0.450000       0.704842
                          2       1    3dz2              0.450000       0.406941

       Atomic covalent radius [Angstrom]:                                  1.110

       Atomic van der Waals radius [Angstrom]:                             2.100

     GTH Potential information for                                    GTH-PBE-q4

       Description:                       Goedecker-Teter-Hutter pseudopotential
                                           Goedecker et al., PRB 54, 1703 (1996)
                                          Hartwigsen et al., PRB 58, 3641 (1998)
                                                      Krack, TCA 114, 145 (2005)

       Gaussian exponent of the core charge distribution:               2.582849
       Electronic configuration (s p d ...):                       2   2   0   0

       Parameters of the local part of the GTH pseudopotential:

                          rloc        C1          C2          C3          C4
                        0.439983   -6.269270

       Parameters of the non-local part of the GTH pseudopotential:

                   l      r(l)      h(i,j,l)

                   0    0.435635    8.951852   -2.706271
                                   -2.706271    3.493787
                   1    0.497958    2.431277


 All atoms are their own molecule, skipping detailed information


  Total number of            - Atomic kinds:                                   2
                             - Atoms:                                         64
                             - Shell sets:                                   127
                             - Shells:                                       320
                             - Primitive Cartesian functions:                320
                             - Cartesian basis functions:                    896
                             - Spherical basis functions:                    832

  Maximum angular momentum of- Orbital basis functions:                        2
                             - Local part of the GTH pseudopotential:          2
                             - Non-local part of the GTH pseudopotential:      2


 Atom  Kind  Element       X           Y           Z          Z(eff)       Mass
    1   1 B    5       0.694309    0.693750    0.694129       3.0000     10.8110
    2   2 Si  14       2.049180    2.049256    4.778210       4.0000     28.0855
    3   2 Si  14       4.778859    2.049471    2.049377       4.0000     28.0855
    4   2 Si  14       2.049352    4.778381    2.049323       4.0000     28.0855
    5   2 Si  14       0.672087    3.378877    3.378706       4.0000     28.0855
    6   2 Si  14       3.379392    0.672389    3.379126       4.0000     28.0855
    7   2 Si  14       3.379529    3.379429    0.672405       4.0000     28.0855
    8   2 Si  14       4.789761    4.789932    4.790191       4.0000     28.0855
    9   2 Si  14       0.688362    0.688398    6.168056       4.0000     28.0855
   10   2 Si  14       1.894517    1.894282   10.423178       4.0000     28.0855
   11   2 Si  14       4.769623    2.044380    7.550335       4.0000     28.0855
   12   2 Si  14       2.044398    4.769580    7.550598       4.0000     28.0855
   13   2 Si  14       0.702041    3.378479    8.957261       4.0000     28.0855
   14   2 Si  14       3.378607    0.702052    8.957185       4.0000     28.0855
   15   2 Si  14       3.423594    3.423780    6.168519       4.0000     28.0855
   16   2 Si  14       4.770884    4.771120   10.275791       4.0000     28.0855
   17   2 Si  14       0.688369    6.168015    0.688423       4.0000     28.0855
   18   2 Si  14       2.044419    7.550617    4.769662       4.0000     28.0855
   19   2 Si  14       4.769767    7.550227    2.044626       4.0000     28.0855
   20   2 Si  14       1.894358   10.423196    1.893898       4.0000     28.0855
   21   2 Si  14       0.702083    8.957127    3.378262       4.0000     28.0855
   22   2 Si  14       3.423741    6.168471    3.424065       4.0000     28.0855
   23   2 Si  14       3.378732    8.956955    0.702103       4.0000     28.0855
   24   2 Si  14       4.770760   10.276004    4.771074       4.0000     28.0855
   25   2 Si  14       0.688128    6.167814    6.167819       4.0000     28.0855
   26   2 Si  14       2.050708    7.540734   10.269722       4.0000     28.0855
   27   2 Si  14       4.789803    7.531313    7.531069       4.0000     28.0855
   28   2 Si  14       2.050589   10.269801    7.540942       4.0000     28.0855
   29   2 Si  14       0.675342    8.957612    8.957708       4.0000     28.0855
   30   2 Si  14       3.424168    6.165616    8.910456       4.0000     28.0855
   31   2 Si  14       3.423999    8.910792    6.165602       4.0000     28.0855
   32   2 Si  14       4.780583   10.269565   10.269594       4.0000     28.0855
   33   2 Si  14       6.168157    0.688395    0.688417       4.0000     28.0855
   34   2 Si  14       7.550808    2.044409    4.769554       4.0000     28.0855
   35   2 Si  14      10.422921    1.893794    1.893568       4.0000     28.0855
   36   2 Si  14       7.550659    4.769602    2.044634       4.0000     28.0855
   37   2 Si  14       6.168581    3.424064    3.424217       4.0000     28.0855
   38   2 Si  14       8.957009    0.701784    3.378108       4.0000     28.0855
   39   2 Si  14       8.956893    3.378431    0.701800       4.0000     28.0855
   40   2 Si  14      10.276228    4.770613    4.770713       4.0000     28.0855
   41   2 Si  14       6.168041    0.688110    6.167804       4.0000     28.0855
   42   2 Si  14       7.540236    2.051095   10.269438       4.0000     28.0855
   43   2 Si  14      10.269825    2.050777    7.540704       4.0000     28.0855
   44   2 Si  14       7.531469    4.789972    7.531067       4.0000     28.0855
   45   2 Si  14       6.165157    3.424652    8.910182       4.0000     28.0855
   46   2 Si  14       8.957108    0.675980    8.957460       4.0000     28.0855
   47   2 Si  14       8.910820    3.424283    6.165383       4.0000     28.0855
   48   2 Si  14      10.269600    4.780391   10.269565       4.0000     28.0855
   49   2 Si  14       6.168030    6.167793    0.688115       4.0000     28.0855
   50   2 Si  14       7.531457    7.531285    4.790208       4.0000     28.0855
   51   2 Si  14      10.269645    7.540437    2.050857       4.0000     28.0855
   52   2 Si  14       7.540213   10.269341    2.051046       4.0000     28.0855
   53   2 Si  14       6.165153    8.910348    3.424790       4.0000     28.0855
   54   2 Si  14       8.910645    6.165355    3.424600       4.0000     28.0855
   55   2 Si  14       8.956977    8.957213    0.675986       4.0000     28.0855
   56   2 Si  14      10.269744   10.269660    4.780167       4.0000     28.0855
   57   2 Si  14       6.167564    6.167615    6.167613       4.0000     28.0855
   58   2 Si  14       7.551200    7.551137   10.276876       4.0000     28.0855
   59   2 Si  14      10.277302    7.551300    7.551211       4.0000     28.0855
   60   2 Si  14       7.551362   10.277095    7.551196       4.0000     28.0855
   61   2 Si  14       6.169896    8.910626    8.910447       4.0000     28.0855
   62   2 Si  14       8.910767    6.170013    8.910501       4.0000     28.0855
   63   2 Si  14       8.910920    8.910816    6.169971       4.0000     28.0855
   64   2 Si  14      10.426127   10.426702   10.426888       4.0000     28.0855

 SCF PARAMETERS         Density guess:                                    ATOMIC
                        max_scf:                                             100
                        max_scf_history:                                       0
                        max_diis:                                              4
                        eps_scf:                                        1.00E-05
                        eps_scf_history:                                0.00E+00
                        eps_diis:                                       1.00E-01
                        eps_eigval:                                     1.00E-05
                        level_shift [a.u.]:                                 0.00
                        added MOs                                         9   10
                        Mixing method:                            BROYDEN_MIXING
                                                charge density mixing in g-space
                        No outer SCF

 PW_GRID| Information for grid number                                          1
 PW_GRID| Grid distributed over                                    48 processors
 PW_GRID| Real space group dimensions                                    48    1
 PW_GRID| the grid is blocked:                                                NO
 PW_GRID| Cutoff [a.u.]                                                    250.0
 PW_GRID| spherical cutoff:                                                   NO
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   1            -75      74                Points:         150
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   2            -75      74                Points:         150
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   3            -75      74                Points:         150
 PW_GRID| Volume element (a.u.^3)  0.2631E-02     Volume (a.u.^3)      8879.8858
 PW_GRID| Grid span                                                    FULLSPACE
 PW_GRID|   Distribution                         Average         Max         Min
 PW_GRID|   G-Vectors                            70312.5       70350       70200
 PW_GRID|   G-Rays                                 468.8         469         468
 PW_GRID|   Real Space Points                    70312.5       90000       67500

 PW_GRID| Information for grid number                                          2
 PW_GRID| Number of the reference grid                                         1
 PW_GRID| Grid distributed over                                    48 processors
 PW_GRID| Real space group dimensions                                    48    1
 PW_GRID| the grid is blocked:                                                NO
 PW_GRID| Cutoff [a.u.]                                                     83.3
 PW_GRID| spherical cutoff:                                                   NO
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   1            -45      44                Points:          90
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   2            -45      44                Points:          90
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   3            -45      44                Points:          90
 PW_GRID| Volume element (a.u.^3)  0.1218E-01     Volume (a.u.^3)      8879.8858
 PW_GRID| Grid span                                                    FULLSPACE
 PW_GRID|   Distribution                         Average         Max         Min
 PW_GRID|   G-Vectors                            15187.5       15300       15120
 PW_GRID|   G-Rays                                 168.8         170         168
 PW_GRID|   Real Space Points                    15187.5       16200        8100

 PW_GRID| Information for grid number                                          3
 PW_GRID| Number of the reference grid                                         1
 PW_GRID| Grid distributed over                                    48 processors
 PW_GRID| Real space group dimensions                                    48    1
 PW_GRID| the grid is blocked:                                                NO
 PW_GRID| Cutoff [a.u.]                                                     27.8
 PW_GRID| spherical cutoff:                                                   NO
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   1            -27      26                Points:          54
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   2            -27      26                Points:          54
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   3            -27      26                Points:          54
 PW_GRID| Volume element (a.u.^3)  0.5639E-01     Volume (a.u.^3)      8879.8858
 PW_GRID| Grid span                                                    FULLSPACE
 PW_GRID|   Distribution                         Average         Max         Min
 PW_GRID|   G-Vectors                             3280.5        3402        3186
 PW_GRID|   G-Rays                                  60.8          63          59
 PW_GRID|   Real Space Points                     3280.5        5832        2916

 PW_GRID| Information for grid number                                          4
 PW_GRID| Number of the reference grid                                         1
 PW_GRID| Grid distributed over                                    48 processors
 PW_GRID| Real space group dimensions                                     6    8
 PW_GRID| the grid is blocked:                                                NO
 PW_GRID| Cutoff [a.u.]                                                      9.3
 PW_GRID| spherical cutoff:                                                   NO
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   1            -15      14                Points:          30
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   2            -15      14                Points:          30
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   3            -15      14                Points:          30
 PW_GRID| Volume element (a.u.^3)  0.3289         Volume (a.u.^3)      8879.8858
 PW_GRID| Grid span                                                    FULLSPACE
 PW_GRID|   Distribution                         Average         Max         Min
 PW_GRID|   G-Vectors                              562.5         600         540
 PW_GRID|   G-Rays                                  18.8          20          18
 PW_GRID|   Real Space Points                      562.5         600         450

 POISSON| Solver                                                        PERIODIC
 POISSON| Periodicity                                                        XYZ

 RS_GRID| Information for grid number                                          1
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   1            -75      74                Points:         150
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   2            -75      74                Points:         150
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   3            -75      74                Points:         150
 RS_GRID| Real space distribution over                                  6 groups
 RS_GRID| Real space distribution along direction                              2
 RS_GRID| Border size                                                         30
 RS_GRID| Real space distribution over                                  8 groups
 RS_GRID| Real space distribution along direction                              3
 RS_GRID| Border size                                                         30
 RS_GRID|   Distribution                         Average         Max         Min
 RS_GRID|   Planes                                  85.0          85          85
 RS_GRID|   Distribution                         Average         Max         Min
 RS_GRID|   Planes                                  78.8          79          78

 RS_GRID| Information for grid number                                          2
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   1            -45      44                Points:          90
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   2            -45      44                Points:          90
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   3            -45      44                Points:          90
 RS_GRID| Real space fully replicated
 RS_GRID| Group size                                                           1

 RS_GRID| Information for grid number                                          3
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   1            -27      26                Points:          54
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   2            -27      26                Points:          54
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   3            -27      26                Points:          54
 RS_GRID| Real space fully replicated
 RS_GRID| Group size                                                           1

 RS_GRID| Information for grid number                                          4
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   1            -15      14                Points:          30
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   2            -15      14                Points:          30
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   3            -15      14                Points:          30
 RS_GRID| Real space fully replicated
 RS_GRID| Group size                                                           1

 Spin 1

 Number of electrons:                                                        128
 Number of occupied orbitals:                                                128
 Number of molecular orbitals:                                               137

 Spin 2

 Number of electrons:                                                        127
 Number of occupied orbitals:                                                127
 Number of molecular orbitals:                                               137

 Number of orbital functions:                                                832
 Number of independent orbital functions:                                    832

 Extrapolation method: initial_guess

 Atomic guess: The first density matrix is obtained in terms of atomic orbitals
               and electronic configurations assigned to each atomic kind

 Guess for atomic kind: B

 Electronic structure
    Total number of core electrons                                          2.00
    Total number of valence electrons                                       3.00
    Total number of electrons                                               5.00
    Multiplicity                                                         doublet
    Alpha Electrons
    S   [  1.00] 1.00
    P      1.00
    Beta Electrons
    S   [  1.00] 1.00
    P      0.00

                  Iteration          Convergence                     Energy [au]
                          1        0.324551                      -2.472129192494
                          2        0.803314E-01                  -2.539983581350
                          3        0.655199E-02                  -2.543764813057
                          4        0.527212E-02                  -2.543771388221
                          5        0.426358E-02                  -2.543772823899
                          6        0.362603E-02                  -2.543773572530
                          7        0.116087E-02                  -2.543775313650
                          8        0.203666E-03                  -2.543775517680
                          9        0.651802E-03                  -2.543775313319
                         10        0.176531E-03                  -2.543775524932
                         11        0.959571E-04                  -2.543775536981
                         12        0.544126E-04                  -2.543775541948
                         13        0.404612E-04                  -2.543775542351
                         14        0.532554E-04                  -2.543775542172
                         15        0.121332E-04                  -2.543775542564
                         16        0.219845E-05                  -2.543775542587
                         17        0.104649E-05                  -2.543775542589
                         18        0.996232E-06                  -2.543775542589

 Energy components [Hartree]           Total Energy ::           -2.543775542589
                                        Band Energy ::           -0.778911653549
                                     Kinetic Energy ::            1.397041251184
                                   Potential Energy ::           -3.940816793773
                                      Virial (-V/T) ::            2.820830659390
                                        Core Energy ::           -3.755780686952
                                          XC Energy ::           -0.795798105271
                                     Coulomb Energy ::            2.007803249634
                       Total Pseudopotential Energy ::           -5.182413470467
                       Local Pseudopotential Energy ::           -5.566413704429
                    Nonlocal Pseudopotential Energy ::            0.384000233962
                                        Confinement ::            0.295915323306

 Orbital energies  State     Spin  L     Occupation   Energy[a.u.]    Energy[eV]

                       1    alpha  0          1.000      -0.346333     -9.424195
                       1     beta  0          1.000      -0.300999     -8.190595
                       1    alpha  1          1.000      -0.131580     -3.580474
                       1     beta  1          0.000      -0.088871     -2.418293

 Total Electron Density at R=0:                                         0.000104

 Guess for atomic kind: Si

 Electronic structure
    Total number of core electrons                                         10.00
    Total number of valence electrons                                       4.00
    Total number of electrons                                              14.00
    Multiplicity                                                   not specified
    S   [  2.00  2.00] 2.00
    P   [  6.00] 2.00

                  Iteration          Convergence                     Energy [au]
                          1        0.427491E-01                  -3.664251521077
                          2        0.167822E-01                  -3.666650256009
                          3        0.295762E-04                  -3.667107339013
                          4        0.350963E-05                  -3.667107340914
                          5        0.166902E-05                  -3.667107340927
                          6        0.109123E-05                  -3.667107340930
                          7        0.434647E-08                  -3.667107340931

 Energy components [Hartree]           Total Energy ::           -3.667107340931
                                        Band Energy ::           -1.003892728446
                                     Kinetic Energy ::            1.364478003281
                                   Potential Energy ::           -5.031585344212
                                      Virial (-V/T) ::            3.687553285662
                                        Core Energy ::           -5.652239660608
                                          XC Energy ::           -0.972717059111
                                     Coulomb Energy ::            2.957849378788
                       Total Pseudopotential Energy ::           -7.062810722312
                       Local Pseudopotential Energy ::           -7.882765039444
                    Nonlocal Pseudopotential Energy ::            0.819954317132
                                        Confinement ::            0.460930584226

 Orbital energies  State     L     Occupation   Energy[a.u.]          Energy[eV]

                       1     0          2.000      -0.375137          -10.208004
                       1     1          2.000      -0.126809           -3.450651

 Total Electron Density at R=0:                                         0.000001

 Spin 1
 Re-scaling the density matrix to get the right number of electrons for spin 1
                  # Electrons              Trace(P)               Scaling factor
                          128               127.998                        1.000

 Spin 2
 Re-scaling the density matrix to get the right number of electrons for spin 2
                  # Electrons              Trace(P)               Scaling factor
                          127               126.998                        1.000


  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy    Change
     1 NoMix/Diag. 0.10E+00    0.8     0.82314636      -254.6930741457 -2.55E+02
     2 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.05418323      -248.4877028499  6.21E+00
     3 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.27422875      -249.0757578974 -5.88E-01
     4 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.04372048      -250.4794142365 -1.40E+00
     5 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.05045701      -250.5250767278 -4.57E-02
     6 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.2     0.00517471      -250.6427929123 -1.18E-01
     7 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.01776290      -250.4779851389  1.65E-01
     8 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.01461184      -250.4283594239  4.96E-02
     9 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.01869045      -250.3997885201  2.86E-02
    10 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00974042      -250.3932362944  6.55E-03
    11 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.07816803      -250.3952983780 -2.06E-03
    12 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00336150      -250.3946987034  6.00E-04
    13 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00516313      -250.3958604026 -1.16E-03
    14 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.03097218      -250.3938782852  1.98E-03
    15 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00394988      -250.3942635536 -3.85E-04
    16 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00323690      -250.3933812824  8.82E-04
    17 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00280423      -250.3931626489  2.19E-04
    18 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00058156      -250.3933581474 -1.95E-04
    19 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00054460      -250.3966281383 -3.27E-03
    20 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00017341      -250.3993046219 -2.68E-03
    21 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00094615      -250.4006677544 -1.36E-03
    22 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00041151      -250.4010782551 -4.11E-04
    23 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00058101      -250.4013160029 -2.38E-04
    24 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00009004      -250.4013870883 -7.11E-05
    25 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00050678      -250.4018098664 -4.23E-04
    26 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00007786      -250.4020030115 -1.93E-04
    27 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00003250      -250.4019856268  1.74E-05
    28 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00009932      -250.4019456954  3.99E-05
    29 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00004053      -250.4019512690 -5.57E-06
    30 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00002356      -250.4019064552  4.48E-05
    31 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00001809      -250.4018753902  3.11E-05
    32 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00003448      -250.4018508284  2.46E-05
    33 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00001654      -250.4018430521  7.78E-06
    34 Broy./Diag. 0.10E+00    1.1     0.00000754      -250.4018353290  7.72E-06

  *** SCF run converged in    34 steps ***

  Electronic density on regular grids:       -255.0000000000        0.0000000000
  Core density on regular grids:              255.0000000000       -0.0000000000
  Total charge density on r-space grids:       -0.0000000000
  Total charge density g-space grids:          -0.0000000000

  Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:               0.00000000099686
  Self energy of the core charge distribution:               -652.33344914175075
  Core Hamiltonian energy:                                    137.98615067114204
  Hartree energy:                                             340.41744586352718
  Exchange-correlation energy:                                -76.47198272286829

  Total energy:                                              -250.40183532895304

  Integrated absolute spin density  :                               1.0683099941
  Ideal and single determinant S**2 :                    0.750000       0.750367

                     Mulliken Population Analysis

 #  Atom  Element  Kind  Atomic population (alpha,beta) Net charge  Spin moment
       1     B        1         1.780138     1.752693    -0.532831     0.027445
       2     Si       2         2.011286     1.998438    -0.009725     0.012848
       3     Si       2         2.011486     1.998645    -0.010132     0.012841
       4     Si       2         2.011287     1.998451    -0.009738     0.012837
       5     Si       2         2.072523     2.047774    -0.120297     0.024750
       6     Si       2         2.072762     2.047986    -0.120748     0.024777
       7     Si       2         2.072628     2.047882    -0.120510     0.024747
       8     Si       2         1.936250     1.919053     0.144696     0.017197
       9     Si       2         1.998418     1.986246     0.015336     0.012172
      10     Si       2         1.783231     1.769268     0.447501     0.013963
      11     Si       2         2.034245     2.019979    -0.054223     0.014266
      12     Si       2         2.034225     2.019968    -0.054192     0.014257
      13     Si       2         2.073779     2.056944    -0.130723     0.016835
      14     Si       2         2.073644     2.056808    -0.130452     0.016837
      15     Si       2         1.961237     1.942581     0.096182     0.018656
      16     Si       2         2.033788     2.019380    -0.053168     0.014407
      17     Si       2         1.998455     1.986286     0.015259     0.012170
      18     Si       2         2.034155     2.019901    -0.054056     0.014253
      19     Si       2         2.034207     2.019948    -0.054155     0.014259
      20     Si       2         1.782973     1.769014     0.448013     0.013958
      21     Si       2         2.073908     2.057057    -0.130964     0.016851
      22     Si       2         1.961171     1.942520     0.096309     0.018651
      23     Si       2         2.073796     2.056947    -0.130743     0.016848
      24     Si       2         2.033656     2.019262    -0.052918     0.014394
      25     Si       2         2.119993     2.107683    -0.227676     0.012310
      26     Si       2         2.009182     1.993899    -0.003081     0.015284
      27     Si       2         1.939375     1.924539     0.136087     0.014836
      28     Si       2         2.009091     1.993827    -0.002917     0.015264
      29     Si       2         2.070481     2.055880    -0.126360     0.014601
      30     Si       2         1.960652     1.944715     0.094632     0.015937
      31     Si       2         1.960619     1.944681     0.094700     0.015938
      32     Si       2         2.013389     1.995516    -0.008905     0.017872
      33     Si       2         1.998351     1.986178     0.015472     0.012173
      34     Si       2         2.034120     2.019855    -0.053975     0.014266
      35     Si       2         1.782447     1.768472     0.449081     0.013974
      36     Si       2         2.034176     2.019914    -0.054090     0.014262
      37     Si       2         1.961178     1.942526     0.096296     0.018653
      38     Si       2         2.073862     2.057029    -0.130891     0.016833
      39     Si       2         2.073890     2.057061    -0.130951     0.016829
      40     Si       2         2.033562     2.019154    -0.052717     0.014408
      41     Si       2         2.119989     2.107688    -0.227676     0.012301
      42     Si       2         2.009218     1.993928    -0.003146     0.015290
      43     Si       2         2.009333     1.994060    -0.003394     0.015273
      44     Si       2         1.939566     1.924732     0.135702     0.014833
      45     Si       2         1.960753     1.944834     0.094413     0.015918
      46     Si       2         2.070840     2.056253    -0.127093     0.014587
      47     Si       2         1.960689     1.944755     0.094556     0.015934
      48     Si       2         2.013457     1.995580    -0.009038     0.017877
      49     Si       2         2.119807     2.107508    -0.227315     0.012299
      50     Si       2         1.939500     1.924671     0.135829     0.014829
      51     Si       2         2.009356     1.994074    -0.003430     0.015282
      52     Si       2         2.009159     1.993879    -0.003038     0.015280
      53     Si       2         1.960757     1.944832     0.094411     0.015925
      54     Si       2         1.960728     1.944788     0.094484     0.015940
      55     Si       2         2.070921     2.056335    -0.127256     0.014586
      56     Si       2         2.013442     1.995573    -0.009016     0.017869
      57     Si       2         2.033993     2.021558    -0.055551     0.012434
      58     Si       2         2.034324     2.020598    -0.054921     0.013726
      59     Si       2         2.034354     2.020633    -0.054987     0.013721
      60     Si       2         2.034287     2.020581    -0.054868     0.013706
      61     Si       2         1.959797     1.945105     0.095098     0.014692
      62     Si       2         1.959778     1.945088     0.095134     0.014690
      63     Si       2         1.959843     1.945143     0.095013     0.014700
      64     Si       2         1.788493     1.773843     0.437664     0.014649
 # Total charge and spin      128.000000   127.000000     0.000000     1.000000


                           Hirshfeld Charges

  #Atom  Element  Kind  Ref Charge     Population       Spin moment  Net charge
      1       B      1       3.000    1.424   1.404            0.021      0.172
      2       Si     2       4.000    2.008   1.992            0.016     -0.001
      3       Si     2       4.000    2.008   1.992            0.016     -0.001
      4       Si     2       4.000    2.008   1.992            0.016     -0.001
      5       Si     2       4.000    2.012   1.992            0.020     -0.003
      6       Si     2       4.000    2.012   1.992            0.020     -0.003
      7       Si     2       4.000    2.012   1.992            0.020     -0.003
      8       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.015      0.003
      9       Si     2       4.000    2.007   1.992            0.015      0.000
     10       Si     2       4.000    2.034   2.018            0.016     -0.051
     11       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.015      0.003
     12       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.015      0.003
     13       Si     2       4.000    2.010   1.994            0.016     -0.004
     14       Si     2       4.000    2.010   1.994            0.016     -0.004
     15       Si     2       4.000    2.008   1.991            0.017      0.002
     16       Si     2       4.000    2.005   1.992            0.013      0.003
     17       Si     2       4.000    2.007   1.992            0.015      0.000
     18       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.015      0.003
     19       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.015      0.003
     20       Si     2       4.000    2.034   2.018            0.016     -0.051
     21       Si     2       4.000    2.010   1.994            0.016     -0.004
     22       Si     2       4.000    2.008   1.991            0.017      0.002
     23       Si     2       4.000    2.010   1.994            0.016     -0.004
     24       Si     2       4.000    2.005   1.992            0.013      0.003
     25       Si     2       4.000    2.005   1.990            0.014      0.005
     26       Si     2       4.000    2.009   1.992            0.016     -0.001
     27       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.015      0.003
     28       Si     2       4.000    2.008   1.992            0.016     -0.001
     29       Si     2       4.000    2.009   1.995            0.014     -0.004
     30       Si     2       4.000    2.007   1.991            0.015      0.002
     31       Si     2       4.000    2.007   1.991            0.015      0.002
     32       Si     2       4.000    2.008   1.993            0.015     -0.001
     33       Si     2       4.000    2.007   1.992            0.015      0.000
     34       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.015      0.003
     35       Si     2       4.000    2.034   2.018            0.016     -0.051
     36       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.015      0.003
     37       Si     2       4.000    2.008   1.991            0.017      0.002
     38       Si     2       4.000    2.010   1.994            0.016     -0.004
     39       Si     2       4.000    2.010   1.994            0.016     -0.004
     40       Si     2       4.000    2.005   1.992            0.013      0.003
     41       Si     2       4.000    2.005   1.990            0.014      0.005
     42       Si     2       4.000    2.009   1.992            0.016     -0.001
     43       Si     2       4.000    2.009   1.992            0.016     -0.001
     44       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.015      0.003
     45       Si     2       4.000    2.007   1.991            0.015      0.002
     46       Si     2       4.000    2.009   1.995            0.014     -0.004
     47       Si     2       4.000    2.007   1.991            0.015      0.002
     48       Si     2       4.000    2.008   1.993            0.015     -0.001
     49       Si     2       4.000    2.005   1.990            0.014      0.005
     50       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.015      0.003
     51       Si     2       4.000    2.009   1.992            0.016     -0.001
     52       Si     2       4.000    2.009   1.992            0.016     -0.001
     53       Si     2       4.000    2.007   1.991            0.015      0.002
     54       Si     2       4.000    2.007   1.991            0.015      0.002
     55       Si     2       4.000    2.009   1.995            0.014     -0.004
     56       Si     2       4.000    2.008   1.993            0.015     -0.001
     57       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.015      0.003
     58       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.014      0.003
     59       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.014      0.003
     60       Si     2       4.000    2.006   1.991            0.014      0.003
     61       Si     2       4.000    2.007   1.992            0.015      0.002
     62       Si     2       4.000    2.007   1.992            0.015      0.002
     63       Si     2       4.000    2.007   1.992            0.015      0.002
     64       Si     2       4.000    2.035   2.015            0.020     -0.049

  Total Charge                                                           -0.000
  Eigenvalues of the occupied subspace spin            1
      -0.24761684      -0.21005596      -0.21005265      -0.20991457
      -0.20991233      -0.20987469      -0.20982233      -0.17720952
      -0.17716425      -0.17716342      -0.17616560      -0.17616505
      -0.17580411      -0.17580238      -0.17570219      -0.17482003
      -0.17471880      -0.17467778      -0.17467481      -0.16496042
      -0.16461239      -0.16460871      -0.16391341      -0.10141321
      -0.10136894      -0.10136589      -0.10071694      -0.10069016
      -0.10068694      -0.09623194      -0.09622621      -0.09574275
      -0.09459528      -0.09459273      -0.09446066      -0.09392152
      -0.09391859      -0.09327054      -0.09312984      -0.09312439
      -0.09154216      -0.06925936      -0.06925328      -0.06854260
      -0.06646152      -0.01716465      -0.01716325      -0.01691256
      -0.01690854      -0.01640237      -0.01609424      -0.01585804
      -0.01585485      -0.01584354      -0.01546627      -0.01546295
      -0.01085743       0.04451906       0.04452061       0.04457257
       0.04481600       0.04481969       0.04651236       0.04651480
       0.04660557       0.04730977       0.04777077       0.04778866
       0.04779127       0.04841278       0.04846235       0.04846504
       0.04901959       0.04970981       0.04971136       0.04976031
       0.05080208       0.05080448       0.05092612       0.05092805
       0.05093069       0.05410379       0.05410730       0.05470963
       0.05472998       0.05473465       0.05521296       0.08178437
       0.08190940       0.08191052       0.08247032       0.08247388
       0.08261535       0.11496417       0.11497001       0.11523033
       0.11583525       0.11607314       0.11607786       0.11684118
       0.11701478       0.11701659       0.11863285       0.11863473
       0.11891927       0.13598666       0.13610025       0.13610273
       0.13626558       0.13627167       0.13674419       0.13675192
       0.13710527       0.13714207       0.13888666       0.13913097
       0.13913259       0.14041067       0.14042432       0.14145050
       0.14185894       0.14237944       0.14238601       0.14355362
       0.14355701       0.18529943       0.18531101       0.18707435
 Fermi Energy [eV] :    5.090552
  Eigenvalues of the occupied subspace spin            2
      -0.24700665      -0.20944883      -0.20944567      -0.20929524
      -0.20929298      -0.20925050      -0.20916907      -0.17659966
      -0.17652145      -0.17652067      -0.17555200      -0.17555169
      -0.17520375      -0.17520183      -0.17497213      -0.17424736
      -0.17402133      -0.17399786      -0.17399475      -0.16459169
      -0.16380040      -0.16379652      -0.16311301      -0.10110740
      -0.10103047      -0.10102712      -0.09972705      -0.09969213
      -0.09968857      -0.09582028      -0.09581494      -0.09483134
      -0.09413068      -0.09412813      -0.09396317      -0.09297765
      -0.09297447      -0.09275568      -0.09215606      -0.09215096
      -0.09051938      -0.06897773      -0.06897097      -0.06776941
      -0.06550949      -0.01678799      -0.01678592      -0.01648826
      -0.01648545      -0.01576329      -0.01553232      -0.01498230
      -0.01494603      -0.01494045      -0.01443391      -0.01443052
      -0.00997394       0.04479129       0.04479233       0.04495339
       0.04561676       0.04562089       0.04692237       0.04692495
       0.04728369       0.04756187       0.04840815       0.04841050
       0.04859191       0.04903217       0.04904865       0.04905173
       0.04956795       0.05024478       0.05024630       0.05029725
       0.05135235       0.05135461       0.05146640       0.05146915
       0.05149620       0.05484325       0.05484648       0.05545374
       0.05547636       0.05548113       0.05601232       0.08203468
       0.08241602       0.08241845       0.08331003       0.08331296
       0.08373207       0.11531722       0.11532306       0.11607750
       0.11648610       0.11696993       0.11697634       0.11708462
       0.11794256       0.11794407       0.11923447       0.11923609
       0.12013001       0.13621532       0.13655560       0.13656103
       0.13675725       0.13676206       0.13765990       0.13786273
       0.13786870       0.13859052       0.13957778       0.14005674
       0.14005790       0.14067848       0.14069209       0.14232153
       0.14289516       0.14290141       0.14329475       0.14503735
       0.14503955       0.18547602       0.18548865
 Fermi Energy [eV] :    5.047403
  Lowest eigenvalues of the unoccupied subspace spin            1
       0.21329410       0.21329456       0.21491277       0.21506095
       0.21506466       0.21662799       0.22809915       0.22810141
  Lowest eigenvalues of the unoccupied subspace spin            2
       0.18946119       0.21357495       0.21357504       0.21519425
       0.21531221       0.21531612       0.21688112       0.22841688

 ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:             -250.401835328953041

 -                                                                             -
 -                                DBCSR STATISTICS                             -
 -                                                                             -
 COUNTER                                    TOTAL       BLAS       SMM       ACC
 flops    13 x    32 x    13            177209344       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    13 x    13 x     9            430260480       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    13 x    13 x    32           6119260160       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops inhomo. stacks                           0       0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
 flops total                         6.726730E+09       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops max/rank                    184.952248E+06       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 matmuls inhomo. stacks                         0       0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
 matmuls total                             723584       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 number of processed stacks                 16512       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 average stack size                                     0.0      43.8       0.0
 marketing flops                    12.178989E+09
 # multiplications                             69
 max memory usage/rank             809.947136E+06
 # max total images/rank                        3
 # max 3D layers                                1
 # MPI messages exchanged                   66240
 MPI messages size (bytes):
  total size                       931.573760E+06
  min size                           0.000000E+00
  max size                         137.904000E+03
  average size                      14.063613E+03
 MPI breakdown and total messages size (bytes):
             size <=      128               38368                        0
       128 < size <=     8192                2448                 12220416
      8192 < size <=    32768               12928                221165568
     32768 < size <=   131072               12408                686052224
    131072 < size <=  4194304                  88                 12135552
   4194304 < size <= 16777216                   0                        0
  16777216 < size                               0                        0

 *** WARNING in dbcsr_mm.F:294 :: Using a non-square number of MPI ranks ***
 *** might lead to poor performance. Used ranks: 48 Suggested: 49 100    ***

 -                                                                             -
 -                      DBCSR MESSAGE PASSING PERFORMANCE                      -
 -                                                                             -
 ROUTINE             CALLS      AVE VOLUME [Bytes]
 MP_Bcast                4                     12.
 MP_Allreduce          506                      9.
 MP_Alltoall          1944                  33058.
 MP_ISend             3312                   7069.
 MP_IRecv             3312                   5014.

 -                                                                             -
 -                                GRID STATISTICS                              -
 -                                                                             -
 LP    KERNEL             BACKEND                              COUNT     PERCENT
 2     collocate ortho    REF                                9354730      38.28%
 2     integrate ortho    REF                                9087452      37.18%
 3     collocate ortho    REF                                2842910      11.63%
 3     integrate ortho    REF                                2761684      11.30%
 4     collocate ortho    REF                                 193550       0.79%
 4     integrate ortho    REF                                 188020       0.77%
 0     collocate general  REF                                   6144       0.03%
 0     integrate general  REF                                   6144       0.03%

 MEMORY| Estimated peak process memory [MiB]                                 774

 ----                             MULTIGRID INFO                            ----
 count for grid        1:          89590          cutoff [a.u.]          250.00
 count for grid        2:         163485          cutoff [a.u.]           83.33
 count for grid        3:         165628          cutoff [a.u.]           27.78
 count for grid        4:         105066          cutoff [a.u.]            9.26
 total gridlevel count  :         523769

 -                                                                             -
 -                         MESSAGE PASSING PERFORMANCE                         -
 -                                                                             -

 ROUTINE             CALLS      AVE VOLUME [Bytes]
 MP_Group                4
 MP_Bcast              248                2459032.
 MP_Allreduce         1160                    412.
 MP_Sync               140
 MP_Alltoall          1488                2465901.
 MP_ISendRecv        19458                  60352.
 MP_Wait             28120
 MP_comm_split          68
 MP_ISend             7952                 143629.
 MP_IRecv             7952                 143621.
 MP_Recv                44                  79872.

 -                                                                             -
 -                           R E F E R E N C E S                               -
 -                                                                             -
 CP2K version 9.1, the CP2K developers group (2021).
 CP2K is freely available from https://www.cp2k.org/ .

 Kuehne,Thomas D.; Iannuzzi,Marcella; Del Ben,Mauro;
 Rybkin,Vladimir V.; Seewald,Patrick; Stein,Frederick; Laino,Teodoro;
 Khaliullin,Rustam Z.; Schuett,Ole; Schiffmann,Florian; Golze,Dorothea;
 Wilhelm,Jan; Chulkov,Sergey; Bani-Hashemian,Mohammad Hossein;
 Weber,Valery; Borstnik,Urban; Taillefumier,Mathieu;
 Jakobovits,Alice Shoshana; Lazzaro,Alfio; Pabst,Hans; Mueller,Tiziano;
 Schade,Robert; Guidon,Manuel; Andermatt,Samuel; Holmberg,Nico;
 Schenter,Gregory K.; Hehn,Anna; Bussy,Augustin; Belleflamme,Fabian;
 Tabacchi,Gloria; Gloess,Andreas; Lass,Michael; Bethune,Iain;
 Mundy,Christopher J.; Plessl,Christian; Watkins,Matt;
 VandeVondele,Joost; Krack,Matthias; Hutter,Juerg. 
 The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152 (19), (2020). 
 CP2K: An electronic structure and molecular dynamics software package -
 Quickstep: Efficient and accurate electronic structure calculations.

 Schuett, Ole; Messmer, Peter; Hutter, Juerg; VandeVondele, Joost. 
 Electronic Structure Calculations on Graphics Processing Units, John
 Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 173-190 (2016). 
 GPU-Accelerated Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication for
 Linear Scaling Density Functional Theory.

 Heinecke, A; Henry, G; Hutchinson, M; Pabst, H. 
 Proceedings of Intl. Supercomputing Conference, 981-991 (2016). 
 LIBXSMM: Accelerating Small Matrix Multiplications
 by Runtime Code Generation.

 Borstnik, U; VandeVondele, J; Weber, V; Hutter, J. 
 PARALLEL COMPUTING, 40 (5-6), 47-58 (2014). 
 Sparse matrix multiplication: The distributed block-compressed sparse
 row library.

 Hutter, J; Iannuzzi, M; Schiffmann, F; VandeVondele, J. 
 WIREs Comput Mol Sci., 4 (1), 15-25 (2014). 
 CP2K: atomistic simulations of condensed matter systems.

 Marek, A; Blum, V; Johanni, R; Havu, V; Lang, B; Auckenthaler, T;
 Heinecke, A; Bungartz, H; Lederer, H. 
 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26 (21), (2014). 
 The ELPA library: scalable parallel eigenvalue solutions for
 electronic structure
 theory and computational science.

 VandeVondele, J; Hutter, J. 
 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 127 (11), 114105 (2007). 
 Gaussian basis sets for accurate calculations on molecular systems in
 gas and condensed phases.

 Krack, M. 
 THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS, 114 (1-3), 145-152 (2005). 
 Pseudopotentials for H to Kr optimized for gradient-corrected
 exchange-correlation functionals.

 VandeVondele, J; Krack, M; Mohamed, F; Parrinello, M; Chassaing, T;
 Hutter, J. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 167 (2), 103-128 (2005). 
 QUICKSTEP: Fast and accurate density functional calculations using a
 mixed Gaussian and plane waves approach.

 Frigo, M; Johnson, SG. 
 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, 93 (2), 216-231 (2005). 
 The design and implementation of FFTW3.

 Hartwigsen, C; Goedecker, S; Hutter, J. 
 PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 58 (7), 3641-3662 (1998). 
 Relativistic separable dual-space Gaussian pseudopotentials from H to Rn.

 Lippert, G; Hutter, J; Parrinello, M. 
 MOLECULAR PHYSICS, 92 (3), 477-487 (1997). 
 A hybrid Gaussian and plane wave density functional scheme.

 Perdew, JP; Burke, K; Ernzerhof, M. 
 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 77 (18), 3865-3868 (1996). 
 Generalized gradient approximation made simple.

 Goedecker, S; Teter, M; Hutter, J. 
 PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 54 (3), 1703-1710 (1996). 
 Separable dual-space Gaussian pseudopotentials.

 -                                                                             -
 -                                T I M I N G                                  -
 -                                                                             -
 SUBROUTINE                       CALLS  ASD         SELF TIME        TOTAL TIME
                                MAXIMUM       AVERAGE  MAXIMUM  AVERAGE  MAXIMUM
 CP2K                                 1  1.0    0.020    0.022   38.725   38.725
 qs_energies                          1  2.0    0.001    0.001   38.463   38.464
 scf_env_do_scf                       1  3.0    0.000    0.000   37.608   37.610
 scf_env_do_scf_inner_loop           34  4.0    0.002    0.003   37.608   37.610
 qs_ks_update_qs_env                 34  5.0    0.000    0.000   20.467   20.468
 rebuild_ks_matrix                   34  6.0    0.000    0.001   20.463   20.463
 qs_ks_build_kohn_sham_matrix        34  7.0    0.004    0.005   20.462   20.463
 sum_up_and_integrate                34  8.0    0.043    0.051   14.263   14.264
 integrate_v_rspace                  68  9.0    0.001    0.002   14.219   14.221
 qs_rho_update_rho                   35  5.0    0.001    0.001   12.864   12.864
 calculate_rho_elec                  70  6.0    0.029    0.039   12.863   12.864
 grid_integrate_task_list            68 10.0    9.890   10.199    9.890   10.199
 grid_collocate_task_list            70  7.0    9.266    9.608    9.266    9.608
 pw_transfer                       1267  9.5    0.088    0.100    6.732    6.763
 fft_wrap_pw1pw2                   1199 10.5    0.008    0.009    6.614    6.646
 fft_wrap_pw1pw2_250                785 11.6    0.600    0.675    6.321    6.356
 rs_pw_transfer                     556  9.5    0.004    0.005    5.537    5.846
 qs_vxc_create                       34  8.0    0.002    0.003    5.760    5.764
 xc_vxc_pw_create                    34  9.0    0.200    0.228    5.758    5.762
 fft3d_ps                          1199 12.5    2.800    2.996    5.277    5.346
 potential_pw2rs                     68 10.0    0.008    0.009    3.965    3.971
 density_rs2pw                       70  7.0    0.004    0.004    3.530    3.823
 xc_rho_set_and_dset_create          34 10.0    0.089    0.102    2.717    2.873
 rs_pw_transfer_PW2RS_250            70 11.9    0.857    0.922    2.644    2.730
 qs_scf_new_mos                      34  5.0    0.001    0.001    2.570    2.572
 eigensolver                         68  6.0    0.004    0.005    2.309    2.310
 gspace_mixing                       33  5.0    0.029    0.036    2.091    2.091
 rs_pw_transfer_RS2PW_250            72  9.0    0.774    0.847    1.748    2.051
 mp_alltoall_z22v                  1199 14.5    1.815    1.969    1.815    1.969
 cp_fm_diag_elpa                     68  7.0    0.000    0.001    1.882    1.888
 cp_fm_redistribute_end              68  8.0    1.218    1.817    1.225    1.818
 mp_waitany                        7952 11.4    1.248    1.790    1.248    1.790
 cp_fm_diag_elpa_base                68  8.0    0.572    1.720    0.586    1.761
 broyden_mixing                      33  6.0    1.366    1.378    1.421    1.426
 x_to_yz                            578 13.8    0.421    0.524    1.273    1.387
 rs_grid_zero                        72 12.7    1.209    1.227    1.209    1.227
 yz_to_x                            483 13.3    0.192    0.213    1.151    1.227

 The number of warnings for this run is : 1
  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM ENDED AT                 2022-07-28 10:54:14.293
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM RAN ON            gadi-cpu-clx-1692.gadi.nci.org
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM RAN BY                                    hm1876
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                               2408845
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STOPPED IN /scratch/ad73/hm1876/Si/cp2k/c_cell/P

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