[CP2K-user] [CP2K:16505] Molecular Dynamics Input and "bash: ...: Permission denied" - reg.

Gowtham Babu gowtttham at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 13:15:15 UTC 2022

Dear all,

Our research group is new to CP2K.  For our research work, we need to run 
some MD simulations.  I followed  QuantumNerd 
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgQPek4ZSo_yL7wEjIhxvfA>'s tutorial 
https://youtu.be/wsNmmoPHg7o to install the .ssmp version of CP2K on our 
workstation.  I'm getting a message like "bash: ...: Permission denied" 
while I try to run the .ssmp version of CP2k. Don't know what I'm doing 
wrong need help with it. I've attached herewith this message the 
screenshots of my trail.

Also, I've gone through the CP2K Lectures at HPC-UGent (2019) 
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2vnZbhNEpw&list=PLmyvbvD-MCiFyHmEOwyto_n-S2mGhbGQ9> but 
still trying to figure out "How I could create an input for Molecular 
dynamics simulation to run using CP2K?" A sample input file will do help.  
I've attached a .xyz file of one of the geometries for which I need MD 
simulation. Need help with creating CP2K input for complexes of this kind 
to run MD.

Thanks & Regards,
Gowtham Babu

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