[CP2K-user] [CP2K:16464] Re: PBC within QM/MM

Marcella Iannuzzi marci.akira at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 13:16:52 UTC 2022

Dear Ludwig,

Yes you are right,  sorry for the confusion. The default for QMMM&CELL is 
periodic none, because the pair lists are constructed according to the 
periodicity of the MM cell. 
The PERIODIC&POISSON sections control the electrostatics interactions (all 
of them). Hence, if you do not want them to be periodic, set them to NONE.


On Monday, January 17, 2022 at 11:32:33 AM UTC+1 Ludwig wrote:

> Dear Marcella,
> Thanks a lot for the reply! What confuses me is the fact that *2. 
> /QMMM/CELL/PERIODIC* is None by default, is it not necessary to set it to 
> XYZ for a fully QM/MM periodic calculation? The CELL section is only 
> updating pair lists for the short-ranged real part of Ewald, and also 
> updating coordinates in case they get out of the primary cell? And to 
> neglect all QM interactions with the periodic images (as if the QM region 
> were “isolated”), is it enough to set *3. /DFT/POISSON/PERIODIC* and *5. 
> Thanks again for your help,
> Ludwig
> On Friday, January 14, 2022 at 10:23:28 AM UTC+1 Marcella Iannuzzi wrote:
>> Dear Ludwig, 
>> Section 1 and 2 control only the periodicity of the coordinates, but not 
>> of the electrostatic interactions. 
>> For a fully periodic QMMM calculation you need PERIODIC XYZ both in CELL 
>> as well as in POISSON, which by the way are the default. 
>> In addition, you might want to specify the section PERIODIC in QMMM, 
>> CP2K_INPUT <https://manual.cp2k.org/trunk/CP2K_INPUT.html> / FORCE_EVAL 
>> <https://manual.cp2k.org/trunk/CP2K_INPUT/FORCE_EVAL.html> / QMMM 
>> <https://manual.cp2k.org/trunk/CP2K_INPUT/FORCE_EVAL/QMMM.html> / 
>> <https://manual.cp2k.org/trunk/CP2K_INPUT/FORCE_EVAL/QMMM/PERIODIC.html>
>> something like (example taken from regtests)
>>     &PERIODIC
>>      GMAX 0.1
>>       &MULTIPOLE
>>        RCUT 30.0
>>        EWALD_PRECISION 0.000001
>>       &END
>>     &END
>> Regards
>> Marcella
>> On Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 11:00:12 AM UTC+1 Ludwig wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I have a doubt on how to define periodic boundary conditions (PBC) for a 
>>> QM/MM system (protein with a small QM region and a large MM region that 
>>> includes solvent). As far as I have seen, there are several sections where 
>>> one can define cell information (sections 1-2 beneath) and Poisson solver 
>>> methods for electrostatic interactions (sections 3-5):
>>> *1. /SUBSYS/CELL/PERIODIC* (default XYZ)*: Specify the directions for 
>>> which periodic boundary conditions (PBC) will be applied. Important notice: 
>>> This applies to the generation of the pair lists as well as to the 
>>> application of the PBCs to positions. See the POISSON section to specify 
>>> the periodicity used for the electrostatics. * 
>>> *2. /QMMM/CELL/PERIODIC* (default None): *Specify the directions for 
>>> which periodic boundary conditions (PBC) will be applied. Important notice: 
>>> This applies to the generation of the pair lists as well as to the 
>>> application of the PBCs to positions.*
>>> *3. /DFT/POISSON/PERIODIC* (default XYZ): *Specify the directions in 
>>> which PBC apply. Important notice, this only applies to the electrostatics. 
>>> See the CELL section to specify the periodicity used for e.g. the pair 
>>> lists.*
>>> *4. /MM/POISSON/PERIODIC* (default XYZ): *Specify the directions in 
>>> which PBC apply. Important notice, this only applies to the electrostatics. 
>>> See the CELL section to specify the periodicity used for e.g. the pair 
>>> lists.*
>>> *5. /QMMM/PERIODIC/POISSON**/PERIODIC* (default XYZ): *Specify the 
>>> directions in which PBC apply. Important notice, this only applies to the 
>>> electrostatics. See the CELL section to specify the periodicity used for 
>>> e.g. the pair lists.*
>>> *If I understand this correctly**, in a QM/MM framework section **1** 
>>> can be used to **specify** the periodicity of the large MM **cell** 
>>> that encloses the entire system, and section **2** to define the 
>>> periodicity of the small QM **cell* *that encloses the electron density 
>>> **(using the Blöchl **decoupling scheme** described in Laino2006?).*
>>> *What is a bit confusing **to** me are sections **3**, **4**, and **5, **when 
>>> section **2** is either None or **Periodic**. **What are these three 
>>> sections controlling exactly? The **electrostatic interactions between 
>>> (3) **QM-QM’, **(4) **MM-MM’,* *and (5) **QM-MM’ / **MM-QM’* *atoms in 
>>> the **primary–periodic’ cells**? **What happens with **3 and 5** if 
>>> section 2 is set to None (*i.e. *system without QM' images)?*
>>> *Thanks in advance**,*
>>> *Ludwig*

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