[CP2K-user] [CP2K:16611] TIP4P/2005f implementation

mayank...@gmail.com mayank.dodia at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 13:33:43 UTC 2022


I was trying to implement TIP4P/2005f force field in CP2K. I have setup the 
relevant forcefield and geometry section in the following manner:

        EMAX_SPLINE 1.0E+128
        RCUT_NB 12.0
        ATOMS      HW     OW     HW
        THETA0     [deg] 107.4
        K          [rad^2kjmol] 367.810
        KIND   G87
      &END BEND
        ATOMS      HW     OW     MW
        THETA0     [deg]  53.7
        !K          [rad^2kjmol]  418.400
        K          [rad^2kjmol]  0.000
        KIND   G87
      &END BEND
        ATOMS      MW     HW     OW
        THETA0     [deg] 107.4
        K          [rad^2kjmol] 0.000
        KIND   G87
      &END BEND
        ATOMS      MW     HW     HW
        THETA0     [deg] 107.4
        K          [rad^2kjmol] 0.000
        KIND   G87
      &END BEND
        ATOMS      OW     HW     HW
        THETA0     [deg] 107.4
        K          [rad^2kjmol] 0.000
        KIND   G87
      &END BEND
        ATOMS      OW     MW     HW
        THETA0     [deg] 107.4
        K          [rad^2kjmol] 0.000
        KIND   G87
      &END BEND
        ATOMS      HW     MW     HW
        THETA0     [deg] 107.4
        K          [rad^2kjmol] 0.000
        KIND   G87
      &END BEND
        ATOMS OW HW
        K   [kjmol]     432.581  [nm^-1]   22.87
        R0     [nm] 0.09419
        KIND   MORSE
      &END BOND
        ATOMS OW MW
        K      [nm^-2kjmol]  753120.0
        !K      [nm^-2kjmol]  00.0
        R0     [nm]  0.01750
        KIND   G87
      &END BOND
        ATOMS HW HW
        K      [nm^-2kjmol]  000000.0
        R0     [nm]  0.01750
        KIND   G87
      &END BOND
        ATOMS HW MW
        K      [nm^-2kjmol]  000000.0
        R0     [nm]  0.01750
        KIND   G87
      &END BOND
          ATOMS      OW OW
          EPSILON    [kjmol] 0.77490
          SIGMA      [nm] 3.1644E-1
          ATOMS      OW MW
          EPSILON    0.0
          SIGMA      0.1
          ATOMS      OW HW
          EPSILON    0.0
          SIGMA      0.1
          ATOMS      HW HW
          EPSILON    0.0
          SIGMA      0.1
          ATOMS      HW MW
          EPSILON    0.0
          SIGMA      0.1
          ATOMS      MW MW
          EPSILON    0.0
          SIGMA      0.1
        ATOM OW
        CHARGE 0.000000
        ATOM HW
        CHARGE 0.52
        ATOM MW
        CHARGE -1.04
        ALPHA .44
        GMAX 11
        O_SPLINE 4
      &END EWALD
       ABC 8 8 8
    OW    2.4532128864011757E+01    2.9058620209822454E+01   
 3.8939754250319247E+01 H2O 1
    HW    2.5226244482849356E+01    2.9202964725171807E+01   
 3.8296636945801339E+01 H2O 1
    HW    2.4993856984368403E+01    2.8952666650621637E+01   
 3.9771507029174259E+01 H2O 1
    MW    2.4684627509816810E+01    2.9063685400405998E+01   
 3.8964642263648159E+01 H2O 1
        ATOMS 1 2 3
      &END ANGLE

Additionally I am using VIRTUAL_ATOMS section for the TIP4P virtual site, 
and I had fixed the H-O-H angle to cross check the implementation. When I 
ran the simulation I observed that the O-H distance seemed to vary between 
0.6 to 1.7 angstroms which seems a bit too high for water NVE run at 300K. 
If the remove the H-O-H angle constraint, the water molecule completely 
dissociates. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how to 
effectively setup this forcefield model in CP2K, or what should I correct 
in my input file?

Best Regards

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