[CP2K-user] [CP2K:16270] failed in routine check_diag/warning in fm/cp_fm_diag. F:310
Yu Zhang
yuzha910921 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 06:37:15 UTC 2021
Dear CP2K users,
I am trying to use CP2K to do a geometry optimization of a 4*2*1
supercell of a Rh(211) cell. I therefore have 4*2*1*24=192 Rh atoms in my
system. I keep receiving warnings saying that the eigenvectors returned by
SYEVD are not orthonormal and failed in routine check_diag. I saved a
screen shoot of the error and added to this conversation for you to check.
The inp. out, as well as the coordination files are also attached.
Some information: I had done the same calculation for only 1 Rh(211)
unit cell and it finished smoothly. I also tried a 3*2*1supercell and it is
currently running well.
I am looking forward to comments and suggestions from all of you :).
Thanks a lot for reading.
Best regards,
[image: Screen shoot of the error.PNG] Yu
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