[CP2K-user] 自动回复: [CP2K:16268] Re: Improve extrapolation between relaxation steps?

Nicholas Winner nwinner at berkeley.edu
Thu Nov 18 18:03:05 UTC 2021

There are not many energy fluctuations. Looking at printed force_eval 
(below) it shows that it pretty consistently decreases, with only one CG 
step moving away from minimum. I have not tried biasing the magnetization. 
Convergence does not seem to be unstable, it is very consistent, it's just 
much slower than I would expect for a proper wfn extrapolation considering 
the energy is changing by a small amount and the spin moment/charge on the 
site is not changing dramatically between steps.

It is possible, and has been pointed out to me, that the issue is the 
combination of (a) longrange HF functional, (b) shallow state, and (c) a 
reasonably tight screening of EPS_SCHWARZ 1e-7. The very small integrals 
that this introduces may cause the condition number to go up, therefore 
making the calculation slower.

 ENERGY| Total *FORCE_EVAL* ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:            

 ENERGY| Total *FORCE_EVAL* ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:            

 ENERGY| Total *FORCE_EVAL* ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:            

 ENERGY| Total *FORCE_EVAL* ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:            

 ENERGY| Total *FORCE_EVAL* ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:            

 ENERGY| Total *FORCE_EVAL* ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:            

 ENERGY| Total *FORCE_EVAL* ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:            

 ENERGY| Total *FORCE_EVAL* ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:            

 ENERGY| Total *FORCE_EVAL* ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:            

 ENERGY| Total *FORCE_EVAL* ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:            

 ENERGY| Total *FORCE_EVAL* ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:            

 ENERGY| Total *FORCE_EVAL* ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:            
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