[CP2K-user] [CP2K:14892] optimization of Au(111) with organic adsorbant does not converged with OT scheme

DMITRII Drugov dresear... at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 09:24:16 UTC 2021

thanks a lot. I will try your suggestions and let you know the outcome here.


On Monday, March 8, 2021 at 7:07:24 PM UTC+11 Marcella Iannuzzi wrote:

> Hi
> With metallic systems you need to use smearing and consequently 
> diagonalisation.
> It is not true that the smearing temperature needs to be large. If the SCF 
> converges at 300K, this is good enough.
> Also the periodic Poisson solver is good enough if you have a large vacuum 
> space above the surface and use the dipole correction, for a not charged 
> system.
> Though your problem is the charged system, that for a metallic electronic 
> structure is of not obvious physical interpretation. 
> Setting a charge to a metallic system only slightly moves the Fermi 
> energy. For an asymmetric slab system with constrained bottom layer it is 
> even probable that the charge is partially localized on the opposite 
> surface. 
> I would guess that these are the reasons why your adsorption energy looks 
> wrong. 
> Regards
> Marcella
> On Monday, March 8, 2021 at 5:30:18 AM UTC+1 Lucas Lodeiro wrote:
>> Hi!
>> As a first insight, the problem is your geometry... when the PSOLVER is 
>> not periodic, you have to put your atoms (and their density) into the box. 
>> In your case, the z axis is not periodical and all atoms and density have 
>> to be into the range 0.0 to 50.0. Your geometry has some atoms in negative 
>> coordinates... if you center by hand all positions adding 20A to all z 
>> coordinates probably your problem vanishes.
>> The OT scheme is not useful for metallic systems, your only choice is 
>> typical diagonalization, and the temperature of 300 K could be so small, I 
>> would try with 2000 K first, which is more close to default values into 
>> another codes as VASP and QuantumESPRESSO.
>> Also I add a comment from Matt Watkins in other topic:
>> "I normally use WAVELET poisson solver - then you need Y as the 
>> non-periodic direction (so PERIODIC XZ), the system must be in the centre 
>> of the cell and you need ~5 A vacuum each side to get converged results.
>> The ANALYTIC psolver is also usable for 2D poisson, but it requires a 
>> much bigger cell to converge (~2x), to my knowledge. 
>> Do check that you are converged with cell size if you go these routes. 
>> There is also a dipole correction method available somewhere (I've not 
>> used)."
>> Regards
>> El dom, 7 mar 2021 a las 21:34, DMITRII Drugov (<dre... at gmail.com>) 
>> escribió:
>>> Hi guys, could you please explain why my Au(111) + molecule on top does 
>>> not converged with OT scheme. I try to use diagonalization before with 
>>> smearing at 300 K and 1000 K electronic temperature but it didn't give me 
>>> reasonable results in Ead energy despite system converged.  Graphite system 
>>> works well with this settings. 
>>> Regrads,
>>> Dmitrii
>>>   PROJECT Au111_optimisation_larger_cell_plus_cluster1 
>>>   &DFT
>>>     CHARGE -1
>>>     &MGRID
>>>       CUTOFF 800
>>>       NGRIDS 5
>>>       REL_CUTOFF 70
>>>     &END MGRID
>>>     &QS
>>>       EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-14
>>>     &END QS
>>>    &SCF
>>>       EPS_SCF 1.0E-7
>>>       MAX_SCF 40
>>>       &OT
>>>        # ENERGY_GAP 0.01
>>>        &END OT
>>>       &OUTER_SCF
>>>        EPS_SCF 1E-6
>>>        MAX_SCF 20
>>>       &END 
>>>       !ADDED_MOS 100
>>>       !&SMEAR ON
>>>        ! ELECTRONIC_TEMPERATURE [K] 1000
>>>      ! &END SMEAR
>>>       !&MIXING
>>>         !ALPHA 0.4         
>>>         !NBROYDEN 8
>>>       !&END MIXING
>>>     &END SCF
>>>     &XC
>>>       &XC_FUNCTIONAL
>>> &PBE
>>> &END PBE
>>>       &vdW_POTENTIAL
>>>         PARAMETER_FILE_NAME dftd3.dat
>>>         TYPE DFTD3
>>>         R_CUTOFF 15.0
>>>      &END vdW_POTENTIAL
>>>     &END XC
>>>     &POISSON
>>>       PERIODIC xy
>>>     &END POISSON
>>>   &END DFT
>>>   &SUBSYS
>>>     &CELL
>>>       ABC 19.97928 17.30256 50.0
>>>       ALPHA_BETA_GAMMA 90.0 90.0 90.0
>>>       PERIODIC xy
>>>     &END CELL
>>>     &COORD
>>>  Au         0.2557400000       -0.0075500000       -0.2940100000
>>>  Au         0.7647600000        1.4555400000        4.7804700000 
>>> <(780)%20470-0000>
>>>  Au         3.2592100000       -0.0186000000        4.7812500000 
>>> <(781)%20250-0000>
>>>  Au         1.7334400000       -0.0062200000        2.2808300000
>>>  Au         4.2300800000        1.4624200000        2.2817200000 
>>> <(281)%20720-0000>
>>>  Au         2.7526900000        1.4436200000 <(443)%20620-0000>      
>>>  -0.2881100000
>>>  Au        -0.2569100000 <(256)%20910-0000>       -0.0074500000        
>>> 7.3598400000
>>>  Au         2.2400900000        1.4440500000        7.3505400000
>>>  Au         0.2562800000 <(256)%20280-0000>        2.8739900000 
>>> <(873)%20990-0000>       -0.2980800000
>>>  Au         0.7665000000        4.3361400000        4.7777900000
>>>  Au         3.2619600000        2.8671500000        4.7803000000 
>>> <(780)%20300-0000>
>>>  Au         1.7321400000        2.8791700000        2.2824400000
>>>  Au         4.2318700000 <(231)%20870-0000>        4.3460600000        
>>> 2.2819600000 <(281)%20960-0000>
>>>  Au         2.7520400000        4.3293500000       -0.2918800000
>>>  Au        -0.2573700000        2.8754800000        7.3635900000
>>>  Au         2.2380300000        4.3288400000        7.3503900000
>>>  Au         0.2557200000        5.7621400000       -0.2922500000
>>>  Au         0.7672800000        7.2195900000 <(219)%20590-0000>        
>>> 4.7801200000
>>>  Au         3.2609900000 <(260)%20990-0000>        5.7548900000 
>>> <(754)%20890-0000>        4.7837600000
>>>  Au         1.7339800000        5.7564700000        2.2835300000 
>>> <(283)%20530-0000>
>>>  Au         4.2298300000 <(229)%20830-0000>        7.2260200000        
>>> 2.2856000000
>>>  Au         2.7529900000        7.2152500000 <(215)%20250-0000>      
>>>  -0.2964400000
>>>  Au        -0.2572400000        5.7624900000 <(762)%20490-0000>        
>>> 7.3556900000
>>>  Au         2.2382200000        7.2136300000 <(213)%20630-0000>        
>>> 7.3605500000 <(360)%20550-0000>
>>>  Au         0.2560900000        8.6521800000       -0.2869400000
>>>  Au         0.7650700000       10.1054800000        4.7812800000 
>>> <(781)%20280-0000>
>>>  Au         3.2595500000        8.6387800000        4.7854800000 
>>> <(785)%20480-0000>
>>>  Au         1.7333300000        8.6322600000        2.2867400000
>>>  Au         4.2269400000 <(226)%20940-0000>       10.1071700000        
>>> 2.2830700000
>>>  Au         2.7541600000       10.0982200000       -0.2920900000
>>>  Au        -0.2550200000        8.6517600000 <(651)%20760-0000>        
>>> 7.3522000000 <(352)%20200-0000>
>>>  Au         2.2419200000       10.0985300000        7.3597400000
>>>  Au         0.2572000000       11.5362000000       -0.2929100000
>>>  Au         0.7623300000 <(762)%20330-0000>       12.9923400000        
>>> 4.7810700000
>>>  Au         3.2591900000       11.5202300000 <(520)%20230-0000>        
>>> 4.7788300000 <(778)%20830-0000>
>>>  Au         1.7321300000       11.5157200000 <(515)%20720-0000>        
>>> 2.2843200000
>>>  Au         4.2271300000       12.9915200000        2.2780400000
>>>  Au         2.7546500000 <(754)%20650-0000>       12.9804800000 
>>> <(980)%20480-0000>       -0.2912300000
>>>  Au        -0.2531600000       11.5355900000        7.3537100000
>>>  Au         2.2441500000       12.9807100000 <(980)%20710-0000>        
>>> 7.3548500000
>>>  Au         0.2563800000 <(256)%20380-0000>       14.4161100000      
>>>  -0.2940400000
>>>  Au         0.7626400000 <(762)%20640-0000>       15.8772300000 
>>> <(877)%20230-0000>        4.7825500000 <(782)%20550-0000>
>>>  Au         3.2576200000       14.4018000000 <(401)%20800-0000>        
>>> 4.7784000000 <(778)%20400-0000>
>>>  Au         1.7341800000       14.4055200000 <(405)%20520-0000>        
>>> 2.2796600000 <(279)%20660-0000>
>>>  Au         4.2281900000       15.8778400000 <(877)%20840-0000>        
>>> 2.2800300000
>>>  Au         2.7535900000       15.8628800000 <(862)%20880-0000>      
>>>  -0.2917000000
>>>  Au        -0.2545500000 <(254)%20550-0000>       14.4146300000 
>>> <(414)%20630-0000>        7.3539700000
>>>  Au         2.2423000000 <(242)%20300-0000>       15.8625600000 
>>> <(862)%20560-0000>        7.3555700000
>>>  Au         5.2504700000 <(250)%20470-0000>       -0.0031500000      
>>>  -0.2873300000
>>>  Au         5.7554300000        1.4496900000        4.7827800000 
>>> <(782)%20780-0000>
>>>  Au         8.2564200000 <(256)%20420-0000>       -0.0223400000        
>>> 4.7844200000
>>>  Au         6.7305500000       -0.0153600000        2.2838600000 
>>> <(283)%20860-0000>
>>>  Au         9.2272600000        1.4536000000        2.2838000000 
>>> <(283)%20800-0000>
>>>  Au         7.7494800000        1.4492800000       -0.2949300000
>>>  Au         4.7366500000       -0.0017500000        7.3605200000 
>>> <(360)%20520-0000>
>>>  Au         7.2346300000 <(234)%20630-0000>        1.4505900000 
>>> <(450)%20590-0000>        7.3558500000
>>>  Au         5.2497200000 <(249)%20720-0000>        2.8792300000      
>>>  -0.2914800000
>>>  Au         5.7558000000        4.3399700000 <(339)%20970-0000>        
>>> 4.7814900000 <(781)%20490-0000>
>>>  Au         8.2540900000        2.8610600000        4.7825900000 
>>> <(782)%20590-0000>
>>>  Au         6.7324600000 <(732)%20460-0000>        2.8674200000 
>>> <(867)%20420-0000>        2.2839900000
>>>  Au         9.2298600000 <(229)%20860-0000>        4.3401400000        
>>> 2.2819300000 <(281)%20930-0000>
>>>  Au         7.7491300000        4.3295300000       -0.2929000000
>>>  Au         4.7360700000        2.8818600000        7.3608600000 
>>> <(360)%20860-0000>
>>>  Au         7.2349000000 <(234)%20900-0000>        4.3300800000        
>>> 7.3539700000
>>>  Au         5.2492200000 <(249)%20220-0000>        5.7623700000 
>>> <(762)%20370-0000>       -0.2921900000
>>>  Au         5.7584400000        7.2324100000        4.7809700000 
>>> <(780)%20970-0000>
>>>  Au         8.2522300000 <(252)%20230-0000>        5.7492600000        
>>> 4.7846100000
>>>  Au         6.7327700000 <(732)%20770-0000>        5.7486600000        
>>> 2.2831600000
>>>  Au         9.2276200000        7.2254400000 <(225)%20440-0000>        
>>> 2.2847100000
>>>  Au         7.7483100000        7.2106700000 <(210)%20670-0000>      
>>>  -0.2888500000
>>>  Au         4.7363600000        5.7627500000 <(762)%20750-0000>        
>>> 7.3532900000
>>>  Au         7.2345300000 <(234)%20530-0000>        7.2093300000 
>>> <(209)%20330-0000>        7.3581400000
>>>  Au         5.2506600000 <(250)%20660-0000>        8.6469300000 
>>> <(646)%20930-0000>       -0.2934300000
>>>  Au         5.7596600000       10.1170800000        4.7782800000 
>>> <(778)%20280-0000>
>>>  Au         8.2554400000        8.6364000000 <(636)%20400-0000>        
>>> 4.7854500000 <(785)%20450-0000>
>>>  Au         6.7281300000        8.6312800000 <(631)%20280-0000>        
>>> 2.2851400000
>>>  Au         9.2237000000 <(223)%20700-0000>       10.1096000000        
>>> 2.2839600000 <(283)%20960-0000>
>>>  Au         7.7487500000       10.0946400000       -0.2811000000
>>>  Au         4.7385800000        8.6456100000        7.3520900000
>>>  Au         7.2362200000 <(236)%20220-0000>       10.0940800000        
>>> 7.3538100000
>>>  Au         5.2522900000 <(252)%20290-0000>       11.5299700000      
>>>  -0.3000200000
>>>  Au         5.7581500000       12.9947000000        4.7763900000
>>>  Au         8.2598100000       11.5199300000 <(519)%20930-0000>        
>>> 4.7792000000 <(779)%20200-0000>
>>>  Au         6.7233900000       11.5177900000 <(517)%20790-0000>        
>>> 2.2840200000
>>>  Au         9.2230700000       12.9911300000        2.2810500000
>>>  Au         7.7489600000       12.9819500000       -0.2856200000
>>>  Au         4.7401100000       11.5285600000        7.3564400000
>>>  Au         7.2361200000       12.9816600000        7.3502500000
>>>  Au         5.2517700000 <(251)%20770-0000>       14.4147200000 
>>> <(414)%20720-0000>       -0.2944400000
>>>  Au         5.7568700000       15.8707300000 <(870)%20730-0000>        
>>> 4.7802300000 <(780)%20230-0000>
>>>  Au         8.2590000000       14.4006800000        4.7806100000 
>>> <(780)%20610-0000>
>>>  Au         6.7264400000 <(726)%20440-0000>       14.4036600000 
>>> <(403)%20660-0000>        2.2819500000
>>>  Au         9.2244700000 <(224)%20470-0000>       15.8714000000        
>>> 2.2836200000 <(283)%20620-0000>
>>>  Au         7.7492000000       15.8689600000       -0.2949300000
>>>  Au         4.7388400000       14.4131500000        7.3569400000
>>>  Au         7.2339800000       15.8689500000        7.3570400000
>>>  Au        10.2460000000        0.0018100000       -0.2893200000 
>>> <(289)%20320-0000>
>>>  Au        10.7547100000 <(754)%20710-0000>        1.4495000000        
>>> 4.7809200000 <(780)%20920-0000>
>>>  Au        13.2504000000 <(250)%20400-0000>       -0.0092700000        
>>> 4.7854600000 <(785)%20460-0000>
>>>  Au        11.7238200000       -0.0133700000        2.2858500000
>>>  Au        14.2186200000 <(218)%20620-0000>        1.4562900000        
>>> 2.2826000000
>>>  Au        12.7448800000        1.4461400000       -0.2939100000
>>>  Au         9.7346600000 <(734)%20660-0000>        0.0003000000        
>>> 7.3537500000
>>>  Au        12.2324000000        1.4457400000 <(445)%20740-0000>        
>>> 7.3618700000 <(361)%20870-0000>
>>>  Au        10.2470500000        2.8862400000       -0.2957100000
>>>  Au        10.7515300000        4.3362200000 <(336)%20220-0000>        
>>> 4.7816300000 <(781)%20630-0000>
>>>  Au        13.2492600000 <(249)%20260-0000>        2.8717400000        
>>> 4.7788800000 <(778)%20880-0000>
>>>  Au        11.7231500000        2.8697900000        2.2837400000 
>>> <(283)%20740-0000>
>>>  Au        14.2187300000 <(218)%20730-0000>        4.3410400000        
>>> 2.2784800000
>>>  Au        12.7447700000        4.3278900000       -0.2931800000
>>>  Au         9.7359600000        2.8840400000        7.3556100000
>>>  Au        12.2339600000        4.3275700000        7.3564300000
>>>  Au        10.2467700000        5.7668300000       -0.2970600000
>>>  Au        10.7520500000        7.2205600000 <(220)%20560-0000>        
>>> 4.7837700000
>>>  Au        13.2478500000        5.7533900000        4.7782000000 
>>> <(778)%20200-0000>
>>>  Au        11.7251900000        5.7589100000        2.2788500000
>>>  Au        14.2196900000 <(219)%20690-0000>        7.2270800000        
>>> 2.2805800000
>>>  Au        12.7432800000 <(743)%20280-0000>        7.2109500000 
>>> <(210)%20950-0000>       -0.2935100000
>>>  Au         9.7350100000        5.7636200000 <(763)%20620-0000>        
>>> 7.3568200000
>>>  Au        12.2313600000 <(231)%20360-0000>        7.2097900000 
>>> <(209)%20790-0000>        7.3562800000
>>>  Au        10.2463100000 <(246)%20310-0000>        8.6456600000      
>>>  -0.2971100000
>>>  Au        10.7549700000 <(754)%20970-0000>       10.1012300000        
>>> 4.7819600000 <(781)%20960-0000>
>>>  Au        13.2498300000 <(249)%20830-0000>        8.6359600000        
>>> 4.7805900000 <(780)%20590-0000>
>>>  Au        11.7242400000 <(724)%20240-0000>        8.6487400000        
>>> 2.2792500000 <(279)%20250-0000>
>>>  Au        14.2207600000 <(220)%20760-0000>       10.1133000000        
>>> 2.2813400000 <(281)%20340-0000>
>>>  Au        12.7427300000       10.0950800000       -0.2896300000 
>>> <(289)%20630-0000>
>>>  Au         9.7329400000 <(732)%20940-0000>        8.6447800000        
>>> 7.3631400000
>>>  Au        12.2298000000 <(229)%20800-0000>       10.0943700000        
>>> 7.3512600000 <(351)%20260-0000>
>>>  Au        10.2462000000       11.5270600000       -0.3010800000
>>>  Au        10.7571500000       12.9826700000        4.7785100000 
>>> <(778)%20510-0000>
>>>  Au        13.2527400000 <(252)%20740-0000>       11.5221500000        
>>> 4.7794200000 <(779)%20420-0000>
>>>  Au        11.7225900000       11.5346600000 <(534)%20660-0000>        
>>> 2.2805100000
>>>  Au        14.2225400000       12.9960300000        2.2808100000
>>>  Au        12.7429400000       12.9801700000       -0.2929100000
>>>  Au         9.7319300000 <(731)%20930-0000>       11.5278500000        
>>> 7.3661100000
>>>  Au        12.2286600000 <(228)%20660-0000>       12.9788100000 
>>> <(978)%20810-0000>        7.3516000000
>>>  Au        10.2457000000       14.4147100000 <(414)%20710-0000>      
>>>  -0.2946300000
>>>  Au        10.7573700000 <(757)%20370-0000>       15.8665700000 
>>> <(866)%20570-0000>        4.7795700000
>>>  Au        13.2522700000 <(252)%20270-0000>       14.4098500000 
>>> <(409)%20850-0000>        4.7833600000
>>>  Au        11.7242300000 <(724)%20230-0000>       14.4131600000        
>>> 2.2820900000
>>>  Au        14.2213300000       15.8764600000 <(876)%20460-0000>        
>>> 2.2843200000
>>>  Au        12.7440500000       15.8657600000 <(865)%20760-0000>      
>>>  -0.2975300000
>>>  Au         9.7325100000 <(732)%20510-0000>       14.4141500000        
>>> 7.3575200000
>>>  Au        12.2287300000 <(228)%20730-0000>       15.8634000000 
>>> <(863)%20400-0000>        7.3624900000
>>>  Au        15.2408400000 <(240)%20840-0000>       -0.0042100000      
>>>  -0.2931700000
>>>  Au        15.7500100000        1.4670200000        4.7782700000 
>>> <(778)%20270-0000>
>>>  Au        18.2459000000       -0.0162900000        4.7834700000
>>>  Au        16.7183300000 <(718)%20330-0000>       -0.0212100000        
>>> 2.2843000000 <(284)%20300-0000>
>>>  Au        19.2141900000        1.4624700000        2.2842300000
>>>  Au        17.7379800000 <(737)%20980-0000>        1.4438900000 
>>> <(443)%20890-0000>       -0.2808700000
>>>  Au        14.7285700000       -0.0054600000        7.3512100000 
>>> <(351)%20210-0000>
>>>  Au        17.2261400000        1.4442100000        7.3521900000
>>>  Au        15.2426300000        2.8791900000       -0.2989800000
>>>  Au        15.7483600000        4.3452800000        4.7765700000
>>>  Au        18.2495900000 <(249)%20590-0000>        2.8673100000 
>>> <(867)%20310-0000>        4.7785300000
>>>  Au        16.7146600000 <(714)%20660-0000>        2.8649200000 
>>> <(864)%20920-0000>        2.2836400000
>>>  Au        19.2132100000 <(213)%20210-0000>        4.3433900000 
>>> <(343)%20390-0000>        2.2809300000
>>>  Au        17.7391000000        4.3310200000       -0.2842300000
>>>  Au        14.7305400000        2.8777300000 <(877)%20730-0000>        
>>> 7.3558300000
>>>  Au        17.2269200000 <(226)%20920-0000>        4.3310000000        
>>> 7.3491800000
>>>  Au        15.2417200000        5.7636000000 <(763)%20600-0000>      
>>>  -0.2936100000
>>>  Au        15.7477700000 <(747)%20770-0000>        7.2221700000        
>>> 4.7799700000 <(779)%20970-0000>
>>>  Au        18.2484100000 <(248)%20410-0000>        5.7478800000 
>>> <(747)%20880-0000>        4.7800300000
>>>  Au        16.7173300000 <(717)%20330-0000>        5.7510100000        
>>> 2.2821700000
>>>  Au        19.2136700000 <(213)%20670-0000>        7.2233700000 
>>> <(223)%20370-0000>        2.2839000000
>>>  Au        17.7403100000 <(740)%20310-0000>        7.2179400000 
>>> <(217)%20940-0000>       -0.2919700000
>>>  Au        14.7293600000        5.7623300000 <(762)%20330-0000>        
>>> 7.3570700000
>>>  Au        17.2255000000 <(225)%20500-0000>        7.2178400000 
>>> <(217)%20840-0000>        7.3556300000
>>>  Au        15.2402900000 <(240)%20290-0000>        8.6469800000 
>>> <(646)%20980-0000>       -0.2873300000
>>>  Au        15.7477800000 <(747)%20780-0000>       10.1037100000        
>>> 4.7816000000 <(781)%20600-0000>
>>>  Au        18.2464300000 <(246)%20430-0000>        8.6269000000 
>>> <(626)%20900-0000>        4.7833500000
>>>  Au        16.7206700000 <(720)%20670-0000>        8.6350400000        
>>> 2.2844500000
>>>  Au        19.2154200000 <(215)%20420-0000>       10.1080800000        
>>> 2.2843800000
>>>  Au        17.7397500000       10.1008700000       -0.2920000000
>>>  Au        14.7270500000        8.6491000000        7.3608500000 
>>> <(360)%20850-0000>
>>>  Au        17.2252800000 <(225)%20280-0000>       10.1021600000        
>>> 7.3535000000
>>>  Au        15.2399200000 <(239)%20920-0000>       11.5293700000      
>>>  -0.2917400000
>>>  Au        15.7483200000       12.9926200000        4.7800200000
>>>  Au        18.2450300000       11.5105200000 <(510)%20520-0000>        
>>> 4.7811000000
>>>  Au        16.7224500000       11.5180900000        2.2849600000
>>>  Au        19.2182900000 <(218)%20290-0000>       12.9957500000        
>>> 2.2828200000
>>>  Au        17.7383400000       12.9808900000 <(980)%20890-0000>      
>>>  -0.2915800000
>>>  Au        14.7259500000 <(725)%20950-0000>       11.5328900000        
>>> 7.3609400000 <(360)%20940-0000>
>>>  Au        17.2245200000 <(224)%20520-0000>       12.9817200000        
>>> 7.3509600000
>>>  Au        15.2394500000 <(239)%20450-0000>       14.4136300000 
>>> <(413)%20630-0000>       -0.2923600000
>>>  Au        15.7498200000       15.8844100000        4.7801400000
>>>  Au        18.2433800000       14.3993700000        4.7823600000 
>>> <(782)%20360-0000>
>>>  Au        16.7225800000       14.3991200000        2.2833600000 
>>> <(283)%20360-0000>
>>>  Au        19.2175400000 <(217)%20540-0000>       15.8815900000        
>>> 2.2859200000
>>>  Au        17.7376300000 <(737)%20630-0000>       15.8621400000      
>>>  -0.2886500000
>>>  Au        14.7261100000       14.4144800000 <(414)%20480-0000>        
>>> 7.3529300000 <(352)%20930-0000>
>>>  Au        17.2242700000 <(224)%20270-0000>       15.8615800000        
>>> 7.3555200000
>>>   F         5.4915518479        9.9584086685       11.3380506553
>>>   O        12.9820404657       10.5646633209 <(564)%20663-3209>      
>>>  11.7934314605
>>>   F         5.5581596865        9.6972988969       14.3529601736 
>>> <(352)%20960-1736>
>>>   O        10.7478904985 <(747)%20890-4985>        9.6153489502 
>>> <(615)%20348-9502>       12.3486637073
>>>   F        12.5431043747        9.5230277972       13.9613764329
>>>   S        12.2027243494 <(202)%20724-3494>        9.5029539518 
>>> <(502)%20953-9518>       12.3660225715
>>>   S         5.6612901725 <(661)%20290-1725>        8.3312547216 
>>> <(331)%20254-7216>       11.3036458117
>>>   S         5.8380122161        8.1155367523       14.0945967990
>>>  Na         8.9369064846 <(936)%20906-4846>        8.1316149245      
>>>  12.4996145514
>>>   O         7.2920911988        8.0418496377       14.0644416034
>>>   O         7.0965589071        8.1711736201       11.0826972262
>>>   N         5.0940409058        7.8609781691 <(860)%20978-1691>      
>>>  12.7029005364 <(702)%20900-5364>
>>>   O         4.7673240866        7.8839282840       10.2651129913
>>>   O         5.1306261009        7.4288979544       15.1349384067
>>>   N        12.8103658320 <(810)%20365-8320>        8.1070455320      
>>>  11.8974925441
>>>   S        12.1657765954        6.7056421484 <(705)%20642-1484>      
>>>  12.2907655891
>>>   O        10.7083554937 <(708)%20355-4937>        6.6372390648      
>>>  12.2661688965
>>>   F        12.4922245519        6.5735740411 <(573)%20574-0411>      
>>>  13.8865980300
>>>   O        12.9160034112        5.6563446615       11.6587514508 
>>> <(658)%20751-4508>
>>>    &END COORD
>>>     &KIND Au
>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q11
>>>     &END KIND
>>>     &KIND F
>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q7
>>>     &END KIND
>>>     &KIND O
>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q6
>>>     &END KIND
>>>     &KIND C
>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q4
>>>     &END KIND
>>>     &KIND S
>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q6
>>>     &END KIND
>>>     &KIND N
>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q5
>>>     &END KIND
>>>     &KIND Na
>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q9
>>>     &END KIND
>>>    &END SUBSYS
>>>     &FIXED_ATOMS
>>>      LIST 1..192 
>>>   &GEO_OPT
>>>   MAX_ITER 300
>>>   &END GEO_OPT
>>> -- 
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