[CP2K-user] Atomic Forces too Low

Lucas Bandeira bandeir... at gmail.com
Mon Jun 28 17:00:51 UTC 2021

Dear cp2k community,

I am trying to analyze k-points convergence for a Au bulk, but I am facing
a problem: the atomic forces are too small. They are of the order of 1E-13
Ha. Then, when I try to compute the atomic forces between two consecutive
grids, they are of the order of 1E-14 Ha, much lower than the threshold I
use, 4.5E-4 Ha (the default maximum atomic force used in cp2k geometry
optimization). So basically it means that the results will be the same no
matter the k-point mesh I choose, from a 1x1x1 to a 15x15x15 mesh. Can
somebody help me to solve this problem? Attached are one of the inputs that
I have used and the corresponding output.

Yours sincerely,

Lucas Bandeira
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