[CP2K-user] What is the correlation between computer's memory and the number of atoms

ma...@gmail.com ma455... at gmail.com
Thu Jun 10 22:57:31 UTC 2021


I think using AIMD to simulate 80000 atoms is too big.... Maybe classical 
MD (gromacs or lammps) can handle this large system.


在2021年6月11日星期五 UTC+10 上午4:03:41<ya... at gmail.com> 写道:

> I am sorry, I am a new to use google group, maybe I have send you many 
> email by private, please ignore them.
> So the RAM is 16GB*24~~~~~382GB
> And I want to do AIMD simulation(deposit atoms on the surface, the surface 
> is 20nm* 20nm)
> 在2021年6月10日星期四 UTC+8 下午10:18:55<sc... at gmail.com> 写道:
>> How much RAM you have and what kind of simulation you are doing? 
>> On Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 5:50:42 PM UTC+5:30 ya... at gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> And if I run cp2k-8.2(GPU version), it report error " CUDA FFT1 Error 
>>> Could anyone help me and give some advices?
>>> 在2021年6月10日星期四 UTC+8 下午3:33:42<Yanyan Zhang> 写道:
>>>> Hi All
>>>> I use cp2k to simulate 80000 atoms, but it reports error: cannot 
>>>> allocate memory. Maybe my computer's memory (24*16GB) isn't enough.
>>>> So I want to know the correlation between computer's memory and the 
>>>> number of atoms. 
>>>> Thanks in advance and regards
>>>> Yanyan
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