[CP2K-user] couldn't find transport in CP2K-toolchain

Zhaoyi Li joeyl... at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 13:10:47 UTC 2021

Dear CP2K users,

I built a docker image based on the Dockerfile in cp2k 
<https://github.com/cp2k/cp2k/tree/master/tools/toolchain>. But when I 
tried to run these following code:
source /opt/cp2k-toolchain/install/setup
mpirun -np 2 ./transport gnr.inp

I got this error messages:
+ mpirun -np 2 ./transport gnr.inp
[proxy:0:0 at 2ae602da8a8f] HYDU_create_process (utils/launch/launch.c:74): 
execvp error on file ./transport (No such file or directory)
[proxy:0:0 at 2ae602da8a8f] HYDU_create_process (utils/launch/launch.c:74): 
execvp error on file ./transport (No such file or directory)

Are there ways for me check whether I installed transport correctly? Thanks 
a lot!

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