[CP2K-user] [CP2K:14596] Re: TDDFPT calculations with CP2K7.1 using the range-separated functionals

Vladimir Rybkin rybk... at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 11:35:42 UTC 2021

Actually, the CUTOFF_RADIUS should be a bit less than the half of the 
smallest cell dimension, i.e. <16/2. I would take it as 7.9. Should improve 
the result.

среда, 20 января 2021 г. в 19:53:51 UTC+1, fy... at gmail.com: 

> Hi, Xiang-Yang,
> I tested B3LYP some time ago using your geometry, which is reasonable:
>          State    Excitation        Transition dipole (a.u.)        
> Oscillator
>          number   energy (eV)       x           y           z     strength 
> (a.u.)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  TDDFPT|      1       1.86120  -2.0023E+00  8.1993E-03 -3.3226E-03   
> 1.82825E-01
>  TDDFPT|      2       1.92870   9.9269E-03  2.2110E+00  4.4788E-03   
> 2.31001E-01
>  TDDFPT|      3       3.01758   8.6432E-02  1.8994E-04  7.7692E-06   
> 5.52295E-04
>  TDDFPT|      4       3.04539  -6.9340E-01  4.6654E-03 -6.3691E-05   
> 3.58749E-02
>  TDDFPT|      5       3.25891  -1.5458E-03 -7.2118E-02 -3.4034E-02   
> 5.07928E-04
> Below is the input (part):
>       ABC  30. 30. 16.
>       PERIODIC none
>     &END CELL
>     &COORD
>  N                  0.01468800    2.00544200   -0.29683900
>  N                 -2.37562900    2.41155000   -0.13186300
> ....
>           ! for condensed phase systems
>           ! should be less than halve the cell
>           CUTOFF_RADIUS 6.0
>           ! data file needed with the truncated operator
>           T_C_G_DATA ./t_c_g.dat
>         &END
> Regards,
> Fangyong
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 12:58 PM Fangyong Yan <fy... at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, Xiang-Yang,
>> Regards your comment:
>> "Since TDDFT is a single point calculation and I believe the single point 
>> calculations using different programs should obtain similar results, which 
>> is the spirit of Science."
>> I partially agree with you:
>> 1) The cp2k uses pseudopotential for TDDFT, and Gaussian uses 
>> all-electron, so they should not give the exactly same result;
>> 2) the main difference only happens for hybrid functional, in Gaussian 
>> the potential operator is 1/r; in cp2k, you use mix_CL_truncated, so it can 
>> result in difference. Also, I dont know how the parameters are set up, such 
>> as omega, scaled coulomb, scaled long range, etc. 
>> Regards,
>> Fangyong
>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 11:02 AM liu xiangyang <lx... at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, Fangyong,
>>> Thanks a lot for your kindness and patience for doing so much testings 
>>> and Sorry for the delay to reply so late since I have not login this site 
>>> these days.
>>> I agree with your results since I have also test the results using pure 
>>> functionals GGA such as PBE functional previously and the results agree 
>>> perferctly well when using G09 and CP2K respectively, just as the BLYP 
>>> functional you tested in the first place. However, as you have found, the 
>>> results obtained using the range separated functional wB97XD are distinct 
>>> from each other. 
>>> I have noticed your suggestion that the optimization might be the origin 
>>> of the discrepancy. However, this structure is modified from a previously 
>>> optimized structure of ZnPc and I have not optimized it at all.
>>> Since TDDFT is a single point calculation and I believe the single point 
>>> calculations using different programs should obtain similar results, which 
>>> is the spirit of Science.
>>> I tend to believe that there are some differences between the TDDFPT 
>>> method implemented in CP2K and TDDFT in G09, which makes the TDDFPT 
>>> unsuitable for the calculation using the range-separated functionals.
>>> However, I have not found a efficient that could fix such differences 
>>> yet and I believe this issue is important since the GGA functional might 
>>> not be accurate enough for describing charge transfer states, which always 
>>> need range separated functionals.
>>> Sincerely Yours,
>>> Xiang-Yang Liu
>>> On Friday, January 15, 2021 at 8:26:30 PM UTC+8 fy... at gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Hi, XIangyang,
>>>> One possibility is that your structure has been optimized using 
>>>> Gaussian, which uses all-electron calculation (I assume your structure is 
>>>> optimized). While cp2k uses pseudopotential. So the Gaussian optimized 
>>>> structure may not be the cp2k optimized structure. 
>>>> While this optimization issue may not be a problem with PBE/BLYP, it 
>>>> may be a problem for hybrid functional, especially for your structure. 
>>>> So maybe you can optimize your structure using pseudopotential in cp2k, 
>>>> once you get your optimized structure, you do tddfpt calculation. 
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Fangyong
>>>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 6:40 AM Fangyong Yan <fy... at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi, Xiangyang,
>>>>> I tested your functional, and got the similar result as yours. 
>>>>> However, I have tested both blyp and pbe, both are in good agreement 
>>>>> with Gaussian. So the discrepancy may only happen for hybrid functionals, 
>>>>> and I dont know the reason.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Fangyong
>>>>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 7:20 PM Fangyong Yan <fy... at gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, XIangyan,
>>>>>> I changed the functional type for atoms, from GTH-PBE-q4 => GTH-BLYP-q4, 
>>>>>> since I am using BLYP. (Sorry, I just copied your basis set and functionals 
>>>>>> and did not realize the difference.)
>>>>>> Here is the result, and is in good agreement with Gaussian 09.
>>>>>>          State    Excitation        Transition dipole (a.u.)        
>>>>>> Oscillator
>>>>>>          number   energy (eV)       x           y           z     strength 
>>>>>> (a.u.)
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      1       2.08325  -2.4674E+00  8.6733E-03 -6.5509E-03   
>>>>>> 3.10723E-01
>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      2       2.16407   1.4338E-02  2.9818E+00  1.0596E-02   
>>>>>> 4.71397E-01
>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      3       2.52106   1.3816E-01  1.4082E-03 -1.0486E-04   
>>>>>> 1.17904E-03
>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      4       2.55291  -8.4802E-01  4.4219E-03 -1.5266E-04   
>>>>>> 4.49799E-02
>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      5       2.58935   1.4471E-04 -4.8114E-02  4.4750E-02   
>>>>>> 2.73894E-04
>>>>>> I will test your functional, since it is hybrid, it will take some 
>>>>>> time. 
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Fangyong
>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 6:47 PM Fangyong Yan <fy... at gmail.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, XIangyan,
>>>>>>> I used you structure, and tested both Gaussian and cp2k, and they 
>>>>>>> have good agreement. 
>>>>>>> So Gaussian and cp2k can both give reasonable results for the 
>>>>>>> excitation energies of your molecule. 
>>>>>>> Gaussian 09, blyp/6-31G*, 
>>>>>>> Excited State   1:      Singlet-A      1.9414 eV  638.63 nm  
>>>>>>> f=0.2542  <S**2>=0.000
>>>>>>> Excited State   2:      Singlet-A      1.9724 eV  628.58 nm  
>>>>>>> f=0.3319  <S**2>=0.000
>>>>>>> Excited State   3:      Singlet-A      2.5113 eV  493.71 nm  
>>>>>>> f=0.0038  <S**2>=0.000
>>>>>>> Excited State   4:      Singlet-A      2.5205 eV  491.90 nm  
>>>>>>> f=0.0341  <S**2>=0.000
>>>>>>> Excited State   5:      Singlet-A      2.5764 eV  481.23 nm  
>>>>>>> f=0.0001  <S**2>=0.000
>>>>>>> cp2k, blyp/TZVP, with GTH pseudopotential, 
>>>>>>> I get
>>>>>>>          State    Excitation        Transition dipole (a.u.)        
>>>>>>> Oscillator
>>>>>>>          number   energy (eV)       x           y           z     strength 
>>>>>>> (a.u.)
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      1       2.08760   2.4868E+00 -8.6129E-03  6.4653E-03   
>>>>>>> 3.16297E-01
>>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      2       2.16739  -1.4224E-02 -2.9924E+00 -1.0393E-02   
>>>>>>> 4.75501E-01
>>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      3       2.52956  -1.3916E-01 -1.4062E-03  1.0520E-04   
>>>>>>> 1.20031E-03
>>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      4       2.56128   8.4944E-01 -4.4270E-03  1.5135E-04   
>>>>>>> 4.52790E-02
>>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      5       2.59590  -1.3595E-04  4.4904E-02 -4.4546E-02   
>>>>>>> 2.54439E-04
>>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      6       2.60688  -3.1839E-03  4.1336E-02  2.5674E-02   
>>>>>>> 1.51876E-04
>>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      7       2.76485  -3.0533E-03 -2.4437E-01  1.0913E-03   
>>>>>>> 4.04581E-03
>>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      8       2.80552  -2.7107E-01 -4.8867E-03 -9.2586E-04   
>>>>>>> 5.05222E-03
>>>>>>>  TDDFPT|      9       2.88205  -1.2938E-02 -1.3849E-04  1.2856E-03   
>>>>>>> 1.19366E-05
>>>>>>>  TDDFPT|     10       2.92954   2.8231E-05  6.4011E-03 -8.3886E-02   
>>>>>>> 5.07991E-04
>>>>>>> ****************** Below is the input. 
>>>>>>>   &SUBSYS
>>>>>>>     &CELL
>>>>>>>       ABC  30. 30. 6.
>>>>>>>       PERIODIC none
>>>>>>>     &END CELL
>>>>>>>     &COORD
>>>>>>>     &KIND C
>>>>>>>       BASIS_SET TZVP-GTH
>>>>>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q4
>>>>>>>     &END KIND
>>>>>>>     &KIND N
>>>>>>>       BASIS_SET TZVP-GTH
>>>>>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q5
>>>>>>>     &END KIND
>>>>>>>     &KIND H
>>>>>>>       BASIS_SET TZVP-GTH
>>>>>>>       POTENTIAL GTH-PBE-q1
>>>>>>>     &END KIND
>>>>>>>     &QS
>>>>>>>       METHOD GPW
>>>>>>>       MAP_CONSISTENT  T
>>>>>>>       EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-9
>>>>>>>     &END QS
>>>>>>>     &XC
>>>>>>>       &XC_FUNCTIONAL BLYP
>>>>>>>       &END XC_FUNCTIONAL
>>>>>>>       &XC_GRID
>>>>>>>         XC_DERIV SPLINE2_SMOOTH      # this is needed for the 2nd 
>>>>>>> derivatives of the XC functional
>>>>>>>       &END XC_GRID
>>>>>>>     &END XC
>>>>>>>     &SCF
>>>>>>>       MAX_SCF   250
>>>>>>>       EPS_SCF   1e-8
>>>>>>>       SCF_GUESS atomic
>>>>>>>     &END SCF
>>>>>>>     &MGRID
>>>>>>>       CUTOFF 600
>>>>>>>       NGRIDS 4
>>>>>>>       REL_CUTOFF 60
>>>>>>>     &END MGRID
>>>>>>>     &POISSON
>>>>>>>        PERIODIC none
>>>>>>>        POISSON_SOLVER MT
>>>>>>>     &END POISSON
>>>>>>>   &PROPERTIES
>>>>>>>     &TDDFPT
>>>>>>>        NSTATES     10             # number of excited states
>>>>>>>        MAX_ITER    100             # maximum number of Davidson 
>>>>>>> iterations
>>>>>>>        CONVERGENCE [eV] 1.0e-3    # convergence on maximum energy 
>>>>>>> change between iterations
>>>>>>>        &MGRID
>>>>>>>           CUTOFF 300  # separate cutoff for TDDFPT calc
>>>>>>>        &END
>>>>>>>     &END TDDFPT
>>>>>>> Regares,
>>>>>>> Fangyong
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 6:50 PM Lucas Lodeiro <el... at gmail.com> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Liu,
>>>>>>>> As you mention it is a little weird if other molecules work fine 
>>>>>>>> with the same input. I guess the next test is to tighten the convergence 
>>>>>>>> criteria in CP2K if it is possible.
>>>>>>>> Another thing, remember that for non periodic calculations, you 
>>>>>>>> have to set periodic none in the poisson and cell section.
>>>>>>>> *    &CELL*
>>>>>>>> *      ABC 30.0 30.0 30.0*
>>>>>>>> *      PERIODIC NONE*
>>>>>>>> *    &END CELL*
>>>>>>>> I see the transition energies change a little bit, it is at least 
>>>>>>>> comfortable, showing that one or more changes you did affect the result. 
>>>>>>>> Maybe as the last chance there will be  useful to know which change was the 
>>>>>>>> one that caused the variation a the energies.
>>>>>>>> Sorry, it does not seem a simple problem.
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> El mar, 12 ene 2021 a las 1:49, liu xiangyang (<lx... at gmail.com>) 
>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>> Hi  Vladimir  & Lucas,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your kindly responses. Actually, I have also 
>>>>>>>>> tested small molecule such as H2CO using present settings and the results 
>>>>>>>>> obtained by CP2K and G09 are quanlitatively in good agreement with each 
>>>>>>>>> According to your suggestions, I have made several changes to my 
>>>>>>>>> input file, including removal of the periodic conditions, removal of the 
>>>>>>>>> ADMM approximations to avoid possible mistakes, and  lower the convergence 
>>>>>>>>> in G09 since the computational efforts of CP2K is much larger. The basis 
>>>>>>>>> sets are not changed since the TDDFPT in CP2K is implemented only in GPW 
>>>>>>>>> method, which is unable to do calculations with all electron basis sets 
>>>>>>>>> such as Pople basis sets. However, I believe the difference of basis set 
>>>>>>>>> (DZVP-GTH vs. 6-31G*) should not be so large. Unfortunately, the results of 
>>>>>>>>> CP2K7.1 is still about 1 eV lower than that obtained in G09 (1.19 and 1.25 
>>>>>>>>> eV in CP2K vs. 2.18 and 2.26 eV in G09). 
>>>>>>>>> PS. I have also run GAPW calculations in CP2K using the 
>>>>>>>>> WB97XD/6-31G** and the resulted ground state energy are nearly the same as 
>>>>>>>>> that obtained in G09 (differenceless than 0.002 hartree). 
>>>>>>>>> The modified DFT parts of CP2K  input file is attatched also:
>>>>>>>>> &DFT
>>>>>>>>>     CHARGE 0 
>>>>>>>>>     &MGRID
>>>>>>>>>       CUTOFF 400
>>>>>>>>>     &END MGRID
>>>>>>>>>     &QS
>>>>>>>>>       METHOD gpw
>>>>>>>>>       EPS_PGF_ORB 1e-12
>>>>>>>>>     &END QS
>>>>>>>>>     &SCF
>>>>>>>>>       MAX_SCF   100
>>>>>>>>>       EPS_SCF   1e-5
>>>>>>>>>       SCF_GUESS atomic
>>>>>>>>>       &DIAGONALIZATION
>>>>>>>>>         ALGORITHM STANDARD
>>>>>>>>>       &END DIAGONALIZATION
>>>>>>>>>       &MIXING T
>>>>>>>>>         ALPHA 0.5
>>>>>>>>>         METHOD PULAY_MIXING
>>>>>>>>>         NPULAY 5
>>>>>>>>>       &END MIXING
>>>>>>>>>     &END SCF
>>>>>>>>>     &POISSON
>>>>>>>>>        PERIODIC NONE
>>>>>>>>>        PSOLVER MT
>>>>>>>>>     &END POISSON
>>>>>>>>>     &XC
>>>>>>>>>       &XC_FUNCTIONAL
>>>>>>>>>         &LIBXC
>>>>>>>>>           FUNCTIONAL HYB_GGA_XC_WB97X_D
>>>>>>>>>         &END
>>>>>>>>>       &END XC_FUNCTIONAL
>>>>>>>>>       &HF
>>>>>>>>>        &SCREENING
>>>>>>>>>          EPS_SCHWARZ 1.0E-6
>>>>>>>>>        &END
>>>>>>>>>        &MEMORY
>>>>>>>>>          MAX_MEMORY 100
>>>>>>>>>        &END
>>>>>>>>>          POTENTIAL_TYPE MIX_CL
>>>>>>>>>          OMEGA 0.2
>>>>>>>>>          SCALE_LONGRANGE 0.777964
>>>>>>>>>          SCALE_COULOMB 0.222036
>>>>>>>>>        &END
>>>>>>>>>       &END
>>>>>>>>>     &END XC
>>>>>>>>>   &END DFT
>>>>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>>>>> Xiang-Yang Liu
>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 7:07:34 AM UTC+8 ry... at gmail.com 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Sorry, I really read the differences incorrectly. Thank you, 
>>>>>>>>>> Lukas, for correcting me. 
>>>>>>>>>> понедельник, 11 января 2021 г. в 21:02:30 UTC+1, Lucas Lodeiro: 
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Liu,
>>>>>>>>>>> I did not run TDDFT calculations, but I did some tests between 
>>>>>>>>>>> CP2K and other programs like G09. As Vladimir says, your basis sets are not 
>>>>>>>>>>> the same, and some difference could appear due to this reason. But in your 
>>>>>>>>>>> case the differences are big, 1.6 eV approx. I found that some 
>>>>>>>>>>> default settings of convergences criterium are differents, for example the 
>>>>>>>>>>> *EPS_SCF* which is 1E-8 in G09, you could tight your 
>>>>>>>>>>> convergence criterion, *EPS_SCF, **EPS_DEFAULT, **EPS_SCHWARZ* to 
>>>>>>>>>>> -8, -12 and -8 to get results with similar convergences in both programs. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Also, you are using a PBC calculation in a big cell, but maybe it is no 
>>>>>>>>>>> sufficient to mimic the isolated molecule as in G09... and yout cutoff 
>>>>>>>>>>> radius for HF is a little bit short, if you run a non-periodic calculation, 
>>>>>>>>>>> you can use just the long range potential without the truncation.
>>>>>>>>>>> Finally, just to speed up, you can use OT instead of 
>>>>>>>>>>> diagonalization method, with it you can use 
>>>>>>>>>>> In order to have the same basis sets, as vladimir says, you 
>>>>>>>>>>> could explore  to use the same basis sets in both programs, you can get 
>>>>>>>>>>> basis sets to both programs from: 
>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.basissetexchange.org/
>>>>>>>>>>> And the Auxiliary basis set is the minimum one, you could 
>>>>>>>>>>> explore FIT and pFIT basis set to check if the result is sensitive.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>> Lucas Lodeiro
>>>>>>>>>>> El lun, 11 ene 2021 a las 13:01, Vladimir Rybkin (<
>>>>>>>>>>> ry... at gmail.com>) escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Xiang-Yang Liu,
>>>>>>>>>>>> most importantly: you are using different basis sets in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gaussian and CP2K (CP2K also use pseudopotentials). With this difference in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> mind you differences are within reasonable. Generally, difference below 0.1 
>>>>>>>>>>>> eV for TDDFT implementations is not "great".
>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Vladimir
>>>>>>>>>>>> понедельник, 11 января 2021 г. в 14:49:47 UTC+1, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> lx... at gmail.com: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear All,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried to use the TDDFPT method implemented in CP2K7.1 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to do excited state calculations with the range-separated functionals such 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> as wB97XD. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, after several tests with a small molecule, namely 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> H2Pc, I found that the first two excitation energies are greatly 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> underestimated in comparison with the LR-TDDFT results obtained in  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> GAUSSIAN09 (ca. 0.51 and 0.60 eV (CP2K7.1) vs. 2.18 and 2.26 eV 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (GAUSSIAN09)).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wonder whether there are some mistakes with my input file or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there are some problem of TDDFPT for such calculations?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The input file used in my calculations is written as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *&GLOBAL*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *  PROJECT tddfpt*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *  RUN_TYPE energy*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *  PRINT_LEVEL medium*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *&END GLOBAL*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *&FORCE_EVAL*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *  METHOD Quickstep*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *  &PROPERTIES*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &TDDFPT*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *       NSTATES  5            # number of excited states*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &END TDDFPT*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *  &END PROPERTIES*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *&DFT*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME BASIS_ADMM*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      METHOD BASIS_PROJECTION*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      ADMM_PURIFICATION_METHOD NONE *
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      EXCH_CORRECTION_FUNC BECKE88X*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    CHARGE 0 *
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &MGRID*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      CUTOFF 400*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &END MGRID*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &QS*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      METHOD gpw*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      EPS_PGF_ORB 1e-12*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &END QS*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &SCF*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      MAX_SCF   100*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      EPS_SCF   1e-5*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      SCF_GUESS atomic*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      &DIAGONALIZATION*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *        ALGORITHM STANDARD*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      &END DIAGONALIZATION*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      &MIXING T*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *        ALPHA 0.5*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *        METHOD PULAY_MIXING*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *        NPULAY 5*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      &END MIXING*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &END SCF*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &POISSON*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *       PERIODIC XYZ*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &END POISSON*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &XC*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      &XC_FUNCTIONAL*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *        &LIBXC*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *          FUNCTIONAL HYB_GGA_XC_WB97X_D*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *        &END*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      &END XC_FUNCTIONAL*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      &HF*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *       &SCREENING*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *         EPS_SCHWARZ 1.0E-6*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *       &END*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *       &MEMORY*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *         MAX_MEMORY 100*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *       &END*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *       &INTERACTION_POTENTIAL*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *         POTENTIAL_TYPE MIX_CL_TRUNC*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *         OMEGA 0.2*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *         SCALE_LONGRANGE 0.777964*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *         SCALE_COULOMB 0.222036*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *         CUTOFF_RADIUS 5.0*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *         T_C_G_DATA t_c_g.dat*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *       &END*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      &END*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      &XC_GRID*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *        XC_DERIV SPLINE2_SMOOTH      # this is needed for the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd derivatives of the XC functional*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      &END XC_GRID*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &END XC*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *  &END DFT*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *  &SUBSYS*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &TOPOLOGY*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *       &CENTER_COORDINATES*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *       &END CENTER_COORDINATES*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &END TOPOLOGY*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &CELL*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      ABC 30.0 30.0 30.0*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      PERIODIC XYZ*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &END CELL*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &COORD*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * N                  0.01468800    2.00544200   -0.29683900*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * N                 -2.37562900    2.41155000   -0.13186300*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * N                 -2.41200400   -2.37377100   -0.17491600*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * N                  2.41112400    2.37299900   -0.12658700*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * N                 -0.01307800   -2.00591400   -0.34375500*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * N                  2.37788800   -2.41418900   -0.17065800*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -4.17222800    0.73645800   -0.00309900*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -0.67412900    4.18239500    0.01934000*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -4.18380100   -0.67562700   -0.02014000*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  0.73808000    4.17070300    0.02178600*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -2.78102300    1.14403300   -0.18692600*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -1.10192300    2.79691600   -0.16605600*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -2.79906300   -1.10173400   -0.21220500*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  1.14375300    2.77826000   -0.16260500*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -0.73890800   -4.16630900   -0.00019300*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  4.18311400    0.67096100    0.00115100*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  0.67355900   -4.17905700    0.00226800*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  4.17314700   -0.74140800   -0.01277100*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -1.14329800   -2.77792600   -0.20621200*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  2.79688300    1.09912600   -0.17512500*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  1.10326800   -2.79777700   -0.20275300*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  2.78178900   -1.14729500   -0.19912900*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -5.34524900    1.46617200    0.20504700*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -1.38645100    5.36877700    0.20954200*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -5.36863500   -1.39063500    0.17089500*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  1.47037200    5.34443400    0.21437700*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -6.53049700    0.75063900    0.38667600*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -0.65342400    6.54324100    0.39406800*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -6.54209900   -0.66018000    0.36971000*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  0.75719100    6.53149500    0.39645600*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -1.47251300   -5.33425600    0.22345700*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  5.36943600    1.38205000    0.19903500*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  1.38473700   -5.36039200    0.22884400*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  5.34798200   -1.47459500    0.17084800*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                 -0.76071300   -6.51537100    0.44153000*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  6.54461400    0.64821000    0.37381100*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  0.65044900   -6.52827600    0.44412700*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * C                  6.53422100   -0.76263800    0.36007100*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                 -5.31982100    2.55648400    0.22741200*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                 -2.47726000    5.36199000    0.21499900*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                 -5.36047700   -2.48141400    0.16783300*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                  2.56090800    5.31878300    0.22274500*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                 -7.46690300    1.28881400    0.54987000*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                 -1.17840000    7.48942700    0.54335800*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                 -7.48727000   -1.18662900    0.52012100*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                  1.29740200    7.46875700    0.54746900*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                 -2.56294400   -5.30668600    0.23110100*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                  5.36158400    2.47267500    0.21857200*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                  2.47541900   -5.35281000    0.24119000*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                  5.32277600   -2.56515200    0.16738300*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                 -1.30192600   -7.44735900    0.61932200*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                  7.49034300    1.17231500    0.52877000*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                  1.17373400   -7.47001200    0.62407400*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                  7.47217800   -1.30348900    0.50426500*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                 -0.95410508    0.01210298   -0.52371821*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * H                  0.94993522   -0.00596112   -0.48792422*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * N                 -2.00779500    0.01729500   -0.33767900*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * N                  2.00585900   -0.01636500   -0.31524900*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &END COORD*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &KIND N*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      BASIS_SET DZVP-GTH*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      POTENTIAL GTH-PBE*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      BASIS_SET AUX_FIT cFIT3*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &END KIND*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &KIND C*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      BASIS_SET DZVP-GTH*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      POTENTIAL GTH-PBE*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      BASIS_SET AUX_FIT cFIT3*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &END KIND*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &KIND H*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      BASIS_SET DZVP-GTH*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      POTENTIAL GTH-PBE*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *      BASIS_SET AUX_FIT cFIT3*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *    &END KIND*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *  &END SUBSYS*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *&END FORCE_EVAL*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Best wishes, *
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Xiang-Yang Liu*
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