[CP2K-user] POWELL| Error in trust region

Sun Geng gengs... at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 01:16:31 UTC 2021

I also notice that, CP2K only prints thousands of lines of the above error 
message (" POWELL| Error in trust region ") in the standard error,
but the SCF get stuck in the first SCF (i.e. never finish one SCF) steps.
I attached my input file.
Thank you very much in advance.

在2021年1月16日星期六 UTC-8 上午11:37:15<Sun Geng> 写道:

> Hi,
> What does this error message means when I am using CP2K/ADMM method?
> "POWELL| Error in trust region"
> Thank you very much in advance,
> Best,
> Geng
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