[CP2K-user] Unknown subsection GLOBAL of section ROOT

Jonathan Torstensen jona... at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 15:18:43 UTC 2021

Thank you! 

I coouldn't see this in the editor. 

However, now I get MPI aborted at rank 0, with errorcode 1. The new inp is 

Le mardi 23 février 2021 à 15:34:30 UTC+1, fa... at gmail.com a écrit :

> Dear Jonathan,
> You have a special character in the &GLOBAL string. Opening the file in 
> vim shows: &<feff>GLOBAL
> If you remove the character <feff> will get rid of the error message.
> Cheers,
> Fabian
> On Tuesday, 23 February 2021 at 15:22:55 UTC+1 jo... at gmail.com wrote:
>> Why do I get this fir this script?:) 
>> Br, 
>> Jonathan 
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