[CP2K-user] Electron density from plane wave DFT (SIRIUS)

Nimish Dwarakanath nimish.d... at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 17:48:35 UTC 2021


I want to obtain the electron density in the Gaussian cube format of a pure 
Plane Wave DFT calculation using the 'SIRIUS' library within CP2K-7.1. I 
have modified an example from the CP2K website (
https://www.cp2k.org/howto:running_qe_computation) by including the section 
controlling the printing of electron density cube file. The calculation 
terminates normally but does not produce any Gaussian cube file. 

I have attached the input script (Si7Ge_cube_input.txt) that I used and the 
outputs from the CP2K program (Si7Ge_cube_output.txt & sirius_output.txt) 
with this email. 

Any input that helps me resolve the issue will be much appreciated.

Nimish Dwarkanath,
Ph.D. student,
JNCASR, Bengaluru (INDIA)
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 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword MEMORY_USAGE ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                  ***

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword XC_FUNCTIONALS ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                    ***

SIRIUS 6.4.1, git hash: 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592
 HINT in environment.F:814 The compiler target flags (generic) used to build
   this binary cannot exploit all extensions of this CPU model (x86_avx2).
   Consider compiler target flags as part of FCFLAGS and CFLAGS (ARCH file).
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry

SIRIUS version : 6.4.1
git hash       : 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592
git branch     : release tag v6.4.1
build time     : Mon,  1 Feb 2021 20:33:44
start time     : Wed,  3 Feb 2021 13:15:14

number of MPI ranks           : 16
MPI grid                      : 16 1 1
maximum number of OMP threads : 1
number of MPI ranks per node  : 16
page size (Kb)                : 4
number of pages               : 12316596
available memory (GB)         : 46

FFT context for density and potential
  comm size                             : 16
  plane wave cutoff                     : 20.000000
  grid size                             : 72 72 72   total : 373248
  grid limits                           : -35 36   -35 36   -35 36
  number of G-vectors within the cutoff : 73063
  local number of G-vectors             : 4569
  number of G-shells                    : 892

FFT context for coarse grid
  comm size                             : 1
  plane wave cutoff                     : 10.000000
  grid size                             : 36 36 36   total : 46656
  grid limits                           : -17 18   -17 18   -17 18
  number of G-vectors within the cutoff : 9139
  local number of G-vectors             : 573
  number of G-shells                    : 224

Unit cell
lattice vectors
  a1 :      10.2625356600       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 
  a2 :       0.0000000000      10.2625356600       0.0000000000 
  a3 :       0.0000000000       0.0000000000      10.2625356600 
reciprocal lattice vectors
  b1 :       0.6122449183       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 
  b2 :       0.0000000000       0.6122449183       0.0000000000 
  b3 :       0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.6122449183 

unit cell volume :      1080.84654245 [a.u.^3]
1/sqrt(omega)    :         0.03041711
MT volume        : 0.000000 ( 0.00%)
IT volume        : 1080.846542 (100.00%)

number of atom types : 2
type id : 0   symbol : Ge   mt_radius : 203.145959, num_atoms: 1
type id : 1   symbol : Si   mt_radius : 205.944975, num_atoms: 7
total number of atoms : 8
number of symmetry classes : 8
number of PAW atoms : 0

minimum bond length:       4.443808294402

number of pseudo wave-functions: 37

space group number   : 0
international symbol : n/a
Hall symbol          : n/a
number of operations : 1
transformation matrix : 
    1.000000     0.000000     0.000000 
    0.000000     1.000000     0.000000 
    0.000000     0.000000     1.000000 
origin shift : 
    0.000000     0.000000     0.000000

label          : Ge
symbol         : Ge
name           : 
zn             : 14
mass           : 132414.619497
mt_radius      : 203.145959
num_mt_points  : 873
grid_origin    : 0.000000
grid_name      : external

number of core electrons    : 0.000000
number of valence electrons : 14.000000

total number of radial functions : 6
lmax of radial functions         : 2
max. number of radial functions  : 2
total number of basis functions  : 18
number of aw basis functions     : 0
number of lo basis functions     : 18
number of ps wavefunctions       : 3

label          : Si
symbol         : Si
name           : 
zn             : 4
mass           : 51196.734525
mt_radius      : 205.944975
num_mt_points  : 899
grid_origin    : 0.000000
grid_name      : external

number of core electrons    : 0.000000
number of valence electrons : 4.000000

total number of radial functions : 6
lmax of radial functions         : 2
max. number of radial functions  : 2
total number of basis functions  : 18
number of aw basis functions     : 0
number of lo basis functions     : 18
number of ps wavefunctions       : 2

total nuclear charge               : 42
number of core electrons           : 0.000000
number of valence electrons        : 42.000000
total number of electrons          : 42.000000
extra charge                       : 0.000000
total number of aw basis functions : 0
total number of lo basis functions : 144
number of first-variational states : -1
number of bands                    : 31
number of spins                    : 1
number of magnetic dimensions      : 0
lmax_apw                           : -1
lmax_rho                           : 4
lmax_pot                           : 4
lmax_rf                            : 2
smearing width                     : 0.001000
cyclic block size                  : 16
|G+k| cutoff                       : 5.000000
valence relativity                 : zora
core relativity                    : Dirac
standard eigen-value solver        : LAPACK
generalized eigen-value solver     : LAPACK
processing unit                    : CPU

iterative solver                   : davidson
number of steps                    : 20
subspace size                      : 4

spglib version: 1.12.2
HDF5 version: 1.10.4
Libxc version: 4.3.4

XC functionals
1) XC_LDA_X: Slater exchange
P. A. M. Dirac, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 26, 376 (1930) (10.1017/S0305004100016108)
F. Bloch, Z. Phys. 57, 545 (1929) (10.1007/BF01340281)

2) XC_LDA_C_PZ: Perdew & Zunger
J. P. Perdew and A. Zunger, Phys. Rev. B 23, 5048 (1981) (10.1103/PhysRevB.23.5048)

total number of k-points : 8
  ik                vk                    weight  num_gkvec
   0     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000       0.125000       2301
   1     0.0000   0.0000   0.5000       0.125000       2272
   2     0.0000   0.5000   0.0000       0.125000       2272
   3     0.0000   0.5000   0.5000       0.125000       2296
   4     0.5000   0.0000   0.0000       0.125000       2272
   5     0.5000   0.0000   0.5000       0.125000       2296
   6     0.5000   0.5000   0.0000       0.125000       2296
   7     0.5000   0.5000   0.5000       0.125000       2272

| SCF iteration   0 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    10.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.44774398
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.19763920
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.70639863
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       105.85547863
one-electron contribution :       -81.10558341 (Ha),      -162.21116682 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        52.92773932
xc contribution           :       -43.70639863
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.29734195 (Ha),      -280.59468389 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.78759672
Efermi        :         0.22500000

iteration :   0, RMS 1.918972473491E-05, energy difference : -1.402973419468E+02

| SCF iteration   1 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    17.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.30195220
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.24983001
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.73763375
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.74769378
one-electron contribution :       -81.79981597 (Ha),      -163.59963193 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.37384689
xc contribution           :       -43.73763375
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.57670205 (Ha),      -281.15340411 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.37792332
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   1, RMS 4.072468333354E-06, energy difference : -2.793601068177E-01

| SCF iteration   2 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    16.500000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -4.87664550
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23068863
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.71946728
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.12647756
one-electron contribution :       -80.77243443 (Ha),      -161.54486886 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.06323878
xc contribution           :       -43.71946728
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -139.84176215 (Ha),      -279.68352431 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.31127035
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   2, RMS 1.797531178058E-06, energy difference : 7.349399006502E-01

| SCF iteration   3 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    16.125000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.18545129
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23646836
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72360648
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32657901
one-electron contribution :       -81.27556194 (Ha),      -162.55112389 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16328951
xc contribution           :       -43.72360648
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.24897814 (Ha),      -280.49795628 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.36929580
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   3, RMS 9.157946992459E-07, energy difference : -4.072159873519E-01

| SCF iteration   4 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    15.250000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08667968
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23731408
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72430054
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32457352
one-electron contribution :       -81.17393912 (Ha),      -162.34787825 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16228676
xc contribution           :       -43.72430054
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.14905213 (Ha),      -280.29810426 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34020103
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   4, RMS 1.343232838292E-07, energy difference : 9.992601152695E-02

| SCF iteration   5 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    12.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08782688
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17444489 (Ha),      -162.34888979 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.14990695 (Ha),      -280.29981389 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34543229
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   5, RMS 1.216121458440E-08, energy difference : -8.548181549202E-04

| SCF iteration   6 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:     9.000000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08811925
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17473727 (Ha),      -162.34947453 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.15019932 (Ha),      -280.30039864 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34573111
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   6, RMS 4.244934818407E-09, energy difference : -2.923729603594E-04

| SCF iteration   7 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:     0.000000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08811925
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17473727 (Ha),      -162.34947453 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.15019932 (Ha),      -280.30039864 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34573111
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   7, RMS 4.244934818388E-09, energy difference : 0.000000000000E+00

converged after 8 SCF iterations!

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword MEMORY_USAGE ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                  ***

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword XC_FUNCTIONALS ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                    ***

SIRIUS 6.4.1, git hash: 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592
 HINT in environment.F:814 The compiler target flags (generic) used to build
   this binary cannot exploit all extensions of this CPU model (x86_avx2).
   Consider compiler target flags as part of FCFLAGS and CFLAGS (ARCH file).
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry

SIRIUS version : 6.4.1
git hash       : 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592
git branch     : release tag v6.4.1
build time     : Mon,  1 Feb 2021 20:33:44
start time     : Thu,  4 Feb 2021 11:03:52

number of MPI ranks           : 16
MPI grid                      : 16 1 1
maximum number of OMP threads : 1
number of MPI ranks per node  : 16
page size (Kb)                : 4
number of pages               : 12316596
available memory (GB)         : 46

FFT context for density and potential
  comm size                             : 16
  plane wave cutoff                     : 20.000000
  grid size                             : 72 72 72   total : 373248
  grid limits                           : -35 36   -35 36   -35 36
  number of G-vectors within the cutoff : 73063
  local number of G-vectors             : 4569
  number of G-shells                    : 892

FFT context for coarse grid
  comm size                             : 1
  plane wave cutoff                     : 10.000000
  grid size                             : 36 36 36   total : 46656
  grid limits                           : -17 18   -17 18   -17 18
  number of G-vectors within the cutoff : 9139
  local number of G-vectors             : 573
  number of G-shells                    : 224

Unit cell
lattice vectors
  a1 :      10.2625356600       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 
  a2 :       0.0000000000      10.2625356600       0.0000000000 
  a3 :       0.0000000000       0.0000000000      10.2625356600 
reciprocal lattice vectors
  b1 :       0.6122449183       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 
  b2 :       0.0000000000       0.6122449183       0.0000000000 
  b3 :       0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.6122449183 

unit cell volume :      1080.84654245 [a.u.^3]
1/sqrt(omega)    :         0.03041711
MT volume        : 0.000000 ( 0.00%)
IT volume        : 1080.846542 (100.00%)

number of atom types : 2
type id : 0   symbol : Ge   mt_radius : 203.145959, num_atoms: 1
type id : 1   symbol : Si   mt_radius : 205.944975, num_atoms: 7
total number of atoms : 8
number of symmetry classes : 8
number of PAW atoms : 0

minimum bond length:       4.443808294402

number of pseudo wave-functions: 37

space group number   : 0
international symbol : n/a
Hall symbol          : n/a
number of operations : 1
transformation matrix : 
    1.000000     0.000000     0.000000 
    0.000000     1.000000     0.000000 
    0.000000     0.000000     1.000000 
origin shift : 
    0.000000     0.000000     0.000000

label          : Ge
symbol         : Ge
name           : 
zn             : 14
mass           : 132414.619497
mt_radius      : 203.145959
num_mt_points  : 873
grid_origin    : 0.000000
grid_name      : external

number of core electrons    : 0.000000
number of valence electrons : 14.000000

total number of radial functions : 6
lmax of radial functions         : 2
max. number of radial functions  : 2
total number of basis functions  : 18
number of aw basis functions     : 0
number of lo basis functions     : 18
number of ps wavefunctions       : 3

label          : Si
symbol         : Si
name           : 
zn             : 4
mass           : 51196.734525
mt_radius      : 205.944975
num_mt_points  : 899
grid_origin    : 0.000000
grid_name      : external

number of core electrons    : 0.000000
number of valence electrons : 4.000000

total number of radial functions : 6
lmax of radial functions         : 2
max. number of radial functions  : 2
total number of basis functions  : 18
number of aw basis functions     : 0
number of lo basis functions     : 18
number of ps wavefunctions       : 2

total nuclear charge               : 42
number of core electrons           : 0.000000
number of valence electrons        : 42.000000
total number of electrons          : 42.000000
extra charge                       : 0.000000
total number of aw basis functions : 0
total number of lo basis functions : 144
number of first-variational states : -1
number of bands                    : 31
number of spins                    : 1
number of magnetic dimensions      : 0
lmax_apw                           : -1
lmax_rho                           : 4
lmax_pot                           : 4
lmax_rf                            : 2
smearing width                     : 0.001000
cyclic block size                  : 16
|G+k| cutoff                       : 5.000000
valence relativity                 : zora
core relativity                    : Dirac
standard eigen-value solver        : LAPACK
generalized eigen-value solver     : LAPACK
processing unit                    : CPU

iterative solver                   : davidson
number of steps                    : 20
subspace size                      : 4

spglib version: 1.12.2
HDF5 version: 1.10.4
Libxc version: 4.3.4

XC functionals
1) XC_LDA_X: Slater exchange
P. A. M. Dirac, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 26, 376 (1930) (10.1017/S0305004100016108)
F. Bloch, Z. Phys. 57, 545 (1929) (10.1007/BF01340281)

2) XC_LDA_C_PZ: Perdew & Zunger
J. P. Perdew and A. Zunger, Phys. Rev. B 23, 5048 (1981) (10.1103/PhysRevB.23.5048)

total number of k-points : 8
  ik                vk                    weight  num_gkvec
   0     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000       0.125000       2301
   1     0.0000   0.0000   0.5000       0.125000       2272
   2     0.0000   0.5000   0.0000       0.125000       2272
   3     0.0000   0.5000   0.5000       0.125000       2296
   4     0.5000   0.0000   0.0000       0.125000       2272
   5     0.5000   0.0000   0.5000       0.125000       2296
   6     0.5000   0.5000   0.0000       0.125000       2296
   7     0.5000   0.5000   0.5000       0.125000       2272

| SCF iteration   0 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    10.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.44774398
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.19763920
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.70639863
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       105.85547863
one-electron contribution :       -81.10558341 (Ha),      -162.21116682 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        52.92773932
xc contribution           :       -43.70639863
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.29734195 (Ha),      -280.59468389 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.78759672
Efermi        :         0.22500000

iteration :   0, RMS 1.918972473491E-05, energy difference : -1.402973419468E+02

| SCF iteration   1 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    17.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.30195220
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.24983001
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.73763375
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.74769378
one-electron contribution :       -81.79981597 (Ha),      -163.59963193 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.37384689
xc contribution           :       -43.73763375
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.57670205 (Ha),      -281.15340411 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.37792332
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   1, RMS 4.072468333354E-06, energy difference : -2.793601068177E-01

| SCF iteration   2 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    16.500000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -4.87664550
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23068863
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.71946728
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.12647756
one-electron contribution :       -80.77243443 (Ha),      -161.54486886 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.06323878
xc contribution           :       -43.71946728
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -139.84176215 (Ha),      -279.68352431 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.31127035
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   2, RMS 1.797531178058E-06, energy difference : 7.349399006502E-01

| SCF iteration   3 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    16.125000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.18545129
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23646836
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72360648
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32657901
one-electron contribution :       -81.27556194 (Ha),      -162.55112389 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16328951
xc contribution           :       -43.72360648
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.24897814 (Ha),      -280.49795628 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.36929580
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   3, RMS 9.157946992459E-07, energy difference : -4.072159873519E-01

| SCF iteration   4 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    15.250000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08667968
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23731408
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72430054
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32457352
one-electron contribution :       -81.17393912 (Ha),      -162.34787825 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16228676
xc contribution           :       -43.72430054
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.14905213 (Ha),      -280.29810426 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34020103
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   4, RMS 1.343232838292E-07, energy difference : 9.992601152695E-02

| SCF iteration   5 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    12.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08782688
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17444489 (Ha),      -162.34888979 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.14990695 (Ha),      -280.29981389 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34543229
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   5, RMS 1.216121458440E-08, energy difference : -8.548181549202E-04

| SCF iteration   6 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:     9.000000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08811925
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17473727 (Ha),      -162.34947453 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.15019932 (Ha),      -280.30039864 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34573111
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   6, RMS 4.244934818407E-09, energy difference : -2.923729603594E-04

| SCF iteration   7 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:     0.000000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08811925
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17473727 (Ha),      -162.34947453 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.15019932 (Ha),      -280.30039864 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34573111
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   7, RMS 4.244934818388E-09, energy difference : 0.000000000000E+00

converged after 8 SCF iterations!

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword MEMORY_USAGE ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                  ***

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword XC_FUNCTIONALS ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                    ***

SIRIUS 6.4.1, git hash: 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592
 HINT in environment.F:814 The compiler target flags (generic) used to build
   this binary cannot exploit all extensions of this CPU model (x86_avx2).
   Consider compiler target flags as part of FCFLAGS and CFLAGS (ARCH file).
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry

SIRIUS version : 6.4.1
git hash       : 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592
git branch     : release tag v6.4.1
build time     : Mon,  1 Feb 2021 20:33:44
start time     : Thu,  4 Feb 2021 11:08:57

number of MPI ranks           : 16
MPI grid                      : 16 1 1
maximum number of OMP threads : 1
number of MPI ranks per node  : 16
page size (Kb)                : 4
number of pages               : 12316596
available memory (GB)         : 46

FFT context for density and potential
  comm size                             : 16
  plane wave cutoff                     : 20.000000
  grid size                             : 72 72 72   total : 373248
  grid limits                           : -35 36   -35 36   -35 36
  number of G-vectors within the cutoff : 73063
  local number of G-vectors             : 4569
  number of G-shells                    : 892

FFT context for coarse grid
  comm size                             : 1
  plane wave cutoff                     : 10.000000
  grid size                             : 36 36 36   total : 46656
  grid limits                           : -17 18   -17 18   -17 18
  number of G-vectors within the cutoff : 9139
  local number of G-vectors             : 573
  number of G-shells                    : 224

Unit cell
lattice vectors
  a1 :      10.2625356600       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 
  a2 :       0.0000000000      10.2625356600       0.0000000000 
  a3 :       0.0000000000       0.0000000000      10.2625356600 
reciprocal lattice vectors
  b1 :       0.6122449183       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 
  b2 :       0.0000000000       0.6122449183       0.0000000000 
  b3 :       0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.6122449183 

unit cell volume :      1080.84654245 [a.u.^3]
1/sqrt(omega)    :         0.03041711
MT volume        : 0.000000 ( 0.00%)
IT volume        : 1080.846542 (100.00%)

number of atom types : 2
type id : 0   symbol : Ge   mt_radius : 203.145959, num_atoms: 1
type id : 1   symbol : Si   mt_radius : 205.944975, num_atoms: 7
total number of atoms : 8
number of symmetry classes : 8
number of PAW atoms : 0

minimum bond length:       4.443808294402

number of pseudo wave-functions: 37

space group number   : 0
international symbol : n/a
Hall symbol          : n/a
number of operations : 1
transformation matrix : 
    1.000000     0.000000     0.000000 
    0.000000     1.000000     0.000000 
    0.000000     0.000000     1.000000 
origin shift : 
    0.000000     0.000000     0.000000

label          : Ge
symbol         : Ge
name           : 
zn             : 14
mass           : 132414.619497
mt_radius      : 203.145959
num_mt_points  : 873
grid_origin    : 0.000000
grid_name      : external

number of core electrons    : 0.000000
number of valence electrons : 14.000000

total number of radial functions : 6
lmax of radial functions         : 2
max. number of radial functions  : 2
total number of basis functions  : 18
number of aw basis functions     : 0
number of lo basis functions     : 18
number of ps wavefunctions       : 3

label          : Si
symbol         : Si
name           : 
zn             : 4
mass           : 51196.734525
mt_radius      : 205.944975
num_mt_points  : 899
grid_origin    : 0.000000
grid_name      : external

number of core electrons    : 0.000000
number of valence electrons : 4.000000

total number of radial functions : 6
lmax of radial functions         : 2
max. number of radial functions  : 2
total number of basis functions  : 18
number of aw basis functions     : 0
number of lo basis functions     : 18
number of ps wavefunctions       : 2

total nuclear charge               : 42
number of core electrons           : 0.000000
number of valence electrons        : 42.000000
total number of electrons          : 42.000000
extra charge                       : 0.000000
total number of aw basis functions : 0
total number of lo basis functions : 144
number of first-variational states : -1
number of bands                    : 31
number of spins                    : 1
number of magnetic dimensions      : 0
lmax_apw                           : -1
lmax_rho                           : 4
lmax_pot                           : 4
lmax_rf                            : 2
smearing width                     : 0.001000
cyclic block size                  : 16
|G+k| cutoff                       : 5.000000
valence relativity                 : zora
core relativity                    : Dirac
standard eigen-value solver        : LAPACK
generalized eigen-value solver     : LAPACK
processing unit                    : CPU

iterative solver                   : davidson
number of steps                    : 20
subspace size                      : 4

spglib version: 1.12.2
HDF5 version: 1.10.4
Libxc version: 4.3.4

XC functionals
1) XC_LDA_X: Slater exchange
P. A. M. Dirac, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 26, 376 (1930) (10.1017/S0305004100016108)
F. Bloch, Z. Phys. 57, 545 (1929) (10.1007/BF01340281)

2) XC_LDA_C_PZ: Perdew & Zunger
J. P. Perdew and A. Zunger, Phys. Rev. B 23, 5048 (1981) (10.1103/PhysRevB.23.5048)

total number of k-points : 8
  ik                vk                    weight  num_gkvec
   0     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000       0.125000       2301
   1     0.0000   0.0000   0.5000       0.125000       2272
   2     0.0000   0.5000   0.0000       0.125000       2272
   3     0.0000   0.5000   0.5000       0.125000       2296
   4     0.5000   0.0000   0.0000       0.125000       2272
   5     0.5000   0.0000   0.5000       0.125000       2296
   6     0.5000   0.5000   0.0000       0.125000       2296
   7     0.5000   0.5000   0.5000       0.125000       2272

| SCF iteration   0 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    10.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.44774398
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.19763920
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.70639863
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       105.85547863
one-electron contribution :       -81.10558341 (Ha),      -162.21116682 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        52.92773932
xc contribution           :       -43.70639863
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.29734195 (Ha),      -280.59468389 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.78759672
Efermi        :         0.22500000

iteration :   0, RMS 1.918972473491E-05, energy difference : -1.402973419468E+02

| SCF iteration   1 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    17.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.30195220
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.24983001
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.73763375
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.74769378
one-electron contribution :       -81.79981597 (Ha),      -163.59963193 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.37384689
xc contribution           :       -43.73763375
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.57670205 (Ha),      -281.15340411 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.37792332
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   1, RMS 4.072468333354E-06, energy difference : -2.793601068177E-01

| SCF iteration   2 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    16.500000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -4.87664550
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23068863
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.71946728
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.12647756
one-electron contribution :       -80.77243443 (Ha),      -161.54486886 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.06323878
xc contribution           :       -43.71946728
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -139.84176215 (Ha),      -279.68352431 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.31127035
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   2, RMS 1.797531178058E-06, energy difference : 7.349399006502E-01

| SCF iteration   3 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    16.125000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.18545129
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23646836
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72360648
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32657901
one-electron contribution :       -81.27556194 (Ha),      -162.55112389 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16328951
xc contribution           :       -43.72360648
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.24897814 (Ha),      -280.49795628 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.36929580
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   3, RMS 9.157946992459E-07, energy difference : -4.072159873519E-01

| SCF iteration   4 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    15.250000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08667968
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23731408
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72430054
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32457352
one-electron contribution :       -81.17393912 (Ha),      -162.34787825 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16228676
xc contribution           :       -43.72430054
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.14905213 (Ha),      -280.29810426 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34020103
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   4, RMS 1.343232838292E-07, energy difference : 9.992601152695E-02

| SCF iteration   5 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    12.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08782688
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17444489 (Ha),      -162.34888979 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.14990695 (Ha),      -280.29981389 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34543229
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   5, RMS 1.216121458440E-08, energy difference : -8.548181549202E-04

| SCF iteration   6 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:     9.000000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08811925
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17473727 (Ha),      -162.34947453 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.15019932 (Ha),      -280.30039864 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34573111
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   6, RMS 4.244934818407E-09, energy difference : -2.923729603594E-04

| SCF iteration   7 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:     0.000000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08811925
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17473727 (Ha),      -162.34947453 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.15019932 (Ha),      -280.30039864 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34573111
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   7, RMS 4.244934818388E-09, energy difference : 0.000000000000E+00

converged after 8 SCF iterations!

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword MEMORY_USAGE ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                  ***

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword XC_FUNCTIONALS ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                    ***

SIRIUS 6.4.1, git hash: 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592
 HINT in environment.F:814 The compiler target flags (generic) used to build
   this binary cannot exploit all extensions of this CPU model (x86_avx2).
   Consider compiler target flags as part of FCFLAGS and CFLAGS (ARCH file).
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry

SIRIUS version : 6.4.1
git hash       : 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592
git branch     : release tag v6.4.1
build time     : Mon,  1 Feb 2021 20:33:44
start time     : Thu,  4 Feb 2021 11:11:18

number of MPI ranks           : 16
MPI grid                      : 16 1 1
maximum number of OMP threads : 1
number of MPI ranks per node  : 16
page size (Kb)                : 4
number of pages               : 12316596
available memory (GB)         : 46

FFT context for density and potential
  comm size                             : 16
  plane wave cutoff                     : 20.000000
  grid size                             : 72 72 72   total : 373248
  grid limits                           : -35 36   -35 36   -35 36
  number of G-vectors within the cutoff : 73063
  local number of G-vectors             : 4569
  number of G-shells                    : 892

FFT context for coarse grid
  comm size                             : 1
  plane wave cutoff                     : 10.000000
  grid size                             : 36 36 36   total : 46656
  grid limits                           : -17 18   -17 18   -17 18
  number of G-vectors within the cutoff : 9139
  local number of G-vectors             : 573
  number of G-shells                    : 224

Unit cell
lattice vectors
  a1 :      10.2625356600       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 
  a2 :       0.0000000000      10.2625356600       0.0000000000 
  a3 :       0.0000000000       0.0000000000      10.2625356600 
reciprocal lattice vectors
  b1 :       0.6122449183       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 
  b2 :       0.0000000000       0.6122449183       0.0000000000 
  b3 :       0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.6122449183 

unit cell volume :      1080.84654245 [a.u.^3]
1/sqrt(omega)    :         0.03041711
MT volume        : 0.000000 ( 0.00%)
IT volume        : 1080.846542 (100.00%)

number of atom types : 2
type id : 0   symbol : Ge   mt_radius : 203.145959, num_atoms: 1
type id : 1   symbol : Si   mt_radius : 205.944975, num_atoms: 7
total number of atoms : 8
number of symmetry classes : 8
number of PAW atoms : 0

minimum bond length:       4.443808294402

number of pseudo wave-functions: 37

space group number   : 0
international symbol : n/a
Hall symbol          : n/a
number of operations : 1
transformation matrix : 
    1.000000     0.000000     0.000000 
    0.000000     1.000000     0.000000 
    0.000000     0.000000     1.000000 
origin shift : 
    0.000000     0.000000     0.000000

label          : Ge
symbol         : Ge
name           : 
zn             : 14
mass           : 132414.619497
mt_radius      : 203.145959
num_mt_points  : 873
grid_origin    : 0.000000
grid_name      : external

number of core electrons    : 0.000000
number of valence electrons : 14.000000

total number of radial functions : 6
lmax of radial functions         : 2
max. number of radial functions  : 2
total number of basis functions  : 18
number of aw basis functions     : 0
number of lo basis functions     : 18
number of ps wavefunctions       : 3

label          : Si
symbol         : Si
name           : 
zn             : 4
mass           : 51196.734525
mt_radius      : 205.944975
num_mt_points  : 899
grid_origin    : 0.000000
grid_name      : external

number of core electrons    : 0.000000
number of valence electrons : 4.000000

total number of radial functions : 6
lmax of radial functions         : 2
max. number of radial functions  : 2
total number of basis functions  : 18
number of aw basis functions     : 0
number of lo basis functions     : 18
number of ps wavefunctions       : 2

total nuclear charge               : 42
number of core electrons           : 0.000000
number of valence electrons        : 42.000000
total number of electrons          : 42.000000
extra charge                       : 0.000000
total number of aw basis functions : 0
total number of lo basis functions : 144
number of first-variational states : -1
number of bands                    : 31
number of spins                    : 1
number of magnetic dimensions      : 0
lmax_apw                           : -1
lmax_rho                           : 4
lmax_pot                           : 4
lmax_rf                            : 2
smearing width                     : 0.001000
cyclic block size                  : 16
|G+k| cutoff                       : 5.000000
valence relativity                 : zora
core relativity                    : Dirac
standard eigen-value solver        : LAPACK
generalized eigen-value solver     : LAPACK
processing unit                    : CPU

iterative solver                   : davidson
number of steps                    : 20
subspace size                      : 4

spglib version: 1.12.2
HDF5 version: 1.10.4
Libxc version: 4.3.4

XC functionals
1) XC_LDA_X: Slater exchange
P. A. M. Dirac, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 26, 376 (1930) (10.1017/S0305004100016108)
F. Bloch, Z. Phys. 57, 545 (1929) (10.1007/BF01340281)

2) XC_LDA_C_PZ: Perdew & Zunger
J. P. Perdew and A. Zunger, Phys. Rev. B 23, 5048 (1981) (10.1103/PhysRevB.23.5048)

total number of k-points : 8
  ik                vk                    weight  num_gkvec
   0     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000       0.125000       2301
   1     0.0000   0.0000   0.5000       0.125000       2272
   2     0.0000   0.5000   0.0000       0.125000       2272
   3     0.0000   0.5000   0.5000       0.125000       2296
   4     0.5000   0.0000   0.0000       0.125000       2272
   5     0.5000   0.0000   0.5000       0.125000       2296
   6     0.5000   0.5000   0.0000       0.125000       2296
   7     0.5000   0.5000   0.5000       0.125000       2272

| SCF iteration   0 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    10.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.44774398
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.19763920
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.70639863
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       105.85547863
one-electron contribution :       -81.10558341 (Ha),      -162.21116682 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        52.92773932
xc contribution           :       -43.70639863
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.29734195 (Ha),      -280.59468389 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.78759672
Efermi        :         0.22500000

iteration :   0, RMS 1.918972473491E-05, energy difference : -1.402973419468E+02

| SCF iteration   1 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    17.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.30195220
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.24983001
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.73763375
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.74769378
one-electron contribution :       -81.79981597 (Ha),      -163.59963193 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.37384689
xc contribution           :       -43.73763375
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.57670205 (Ha),      -281.15340411 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.37792332
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   1, RMS 4.072468333354E-06, energy difference : -2.793601068177E-01

| SCF iteration   2 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    16.500000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -4.87664550
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23068863
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.71946728
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.12647756
one-electron contribution :       -80.77243443 (Ha),      -161.54486886 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.06323878
xc contribution           :       -43.71946728
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -139.84176215 (Ha),      -279.68352431 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.31127035
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   2, RMS 1.797531178058E-06, energy difference : 7.349399006502E-01

| SCF iteration   3 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    16.125000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.18545129
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23646836
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72360648
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32657901
one-electron contribution :       -81.27556194 (Ha),      -162.55112389 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16328951
xc contribution           :       -43.72360648
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.24897814 (Ha),      -280.49795628 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.36929580
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   3, RMS 9.157946992459E-07, energy difference : -4.072159873519E-01

| SCF iteration   4 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    15.250000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08667968
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23731408
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72430054
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32457352
one-electron contribution :       -81.17393912 (Ha),      -162.34787825 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16228676
xc contribution           :       -43.72430054
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.14905213 (Ha),      -280.29810426 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34020103
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   4, RMS 1.343232838292E-07, energy difference : 9.992601152695E-02

| SCF iteration   5 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    12.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08782688
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17444489 (Ha),      -162.34888979 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.14990695 (Ha),      -280.29981389 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34543229
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   5, RMS 1.216121458440E-08, energy difference : -8.548181549202E-04

| SCF iteration   6 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:     9.000000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08811925
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17473727 (Ha),      -162.34947453 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.15019932 (Ha),      -280.30039864 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34573111
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   6, RMS 4.244934818407E-09, energy difference : -2.923729603594E-04

| SCF iteration   7 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:     0.000000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08811925
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17473727 (Ha),      -162.34947453 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.15019932 (Ha),      -280.30039864 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34573111
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   7, RMS 4.244934818388E-09, energy difference : 0.000000000000E+00

converged after 8 SCF iterations!

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword MEMORY_USAGE ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                  ***

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword XC_FUNCTIONALS ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                    ***

SIRIUS 6.4.1, git hash: 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592

 Possible matches for unknown subsection 


   subsection LOCALIZE in section %__ROOT__%FORCE_EVAL%DFT%XAS score:  74
   keyword LOCALIZE in section %__ROOT__%FORCE_EVAL%DFT%XAS_TDP%DONOR_STATES score:  74
   subsection LOCALIZE in section %__ROOT__%FORCE_EVAL%DFT score:  74
   subsection LOCALIZE in section %__ROOT__%FORCE_EVAL%DFT%PRINT%ACTIVE_SPACE score:  74
   subsection LOCALIZE in section %__ROOT__%FORCE_EVAL%PROPERTIES%LINRES score:  74

 *   ___                                                                       *
 *  /   \                                                                      *
 * [ABORT]                                                                     *
 *  \___/              unknown subsection LOCALIZE of section PRINT            *
 *    |                                                                        *
 *  O/|                                                                        *
 * /| |                                                                        *
 * / \                                               input/input_parsing.F:186 *

 ===== Routine Calling Stack ===== 

            5 section_vals_parse
            4 section_vals_parse
            3 section_vals_parse
            2 section_vals_parse
            1 read_input
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
with errorcode 1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword MEMORY_USAGE ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                  ***

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword XC_FUNCTIONALS ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                    ***

SIRIUS 6.4.1, git hash: 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592

 Possible matches for unknown subsection 


   subsection WANNIER_CENTERS in section %__ROOT__%FORCE_EVAL%DFT%XAS%LOCALIZE%PRINT score:  242
   subsection WANNIER_CENTERS in section %__ROOT__%FORCE_EVAL%DFT%XAS%PRINT score:  242
   subsection WANNIER_CENTERS in section %__ROOT__%FORCE_EVAL%DFT%LOCALIZE%PRINT score:  242

 *   ___                                                                       *
 *  /   \                                                                      *
 * [ABORT]                                                                     *
 *  \___/         unknown subsection WANNIER_CENTERS of section LOCALIZE       *
 *    |                                                                        *
 *  O/|                                                                        *
 * /| |                                                                        *
 * / \                                               input/input_parsing.F:186 *

 ===== Routine Calling Stack ===== 

            5 section_vals_parse
            4 section_vals_parse
            3 section_vals_parse
            2 section_vals_parse
            1 read_input
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
with errorcode 1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword MEMORY_USAGE ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                  ***

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword XC_FUNCTIONALS ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                    ***

SIRIUS 6.4.1, git hash: 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592
 HINT in environment.F:814 The compiler target flags (generic) used to build
   this binary cannot exploit all extensions of this CPU model (x86_avx2).
   Consider compiler target flags as part of FCFLAGS and CFLAGS (ARCH file).
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry

SIRIUS version : 6.4.1
git hash       : 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592
git branch     : release tag v6.4.1
build time     : Mon,  1 Feb 2021 20:33:44
start time     : Thu,  4 Feb 2021 11:15:34

number of MPI ranks           : 16
MPI grid                      : 16 1 1
maximum number of OMP threads : 1
number of MPI ranks per node  : 16
page size (Kb)                : 4
number of pages               : 12316596
available memory (GB)         : 46

FFT context for density and potential
  comm size                             : 16
  plane wave cutoff                     : 20.000000
  grid size                             : 72 72 72   total : 373248
  grid limits                           : -35 36   -35 36   -35 36
  number of G-vectors within the cutoff : 73063
  local number of G-vectors             : 4569
  number of G-shells                    : 892

FFT context for coarse grid
  comm size                             : 1
  plane wave cutoff                     : 10.000000
  grid size                             : 36 36 36   total : 46656
  grid limits                           : -17 18   -17 18   -17 18
  number of G-vectors within the cutoff : 9139
  local number of G-vectors             : 573
  number of G-shells                    : 224

Unit cell
lattice vectors
  a1 :      10.2625356600       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 
  a2 :       0.0000000000      10.2625356600       0.0000000000 
  a3 :       0.0000000000       0.0000000000      10.2625356600 
reciprocal lattice vectors
  b1 :       0.6122449183       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 
  b2 :       0.0000000000       0.6122449183       0.0000000000 
  b3 :       0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.6122449183 

unit cell volume :      1080.84654245 [a.u.^3]
1/sqrt(omega)    :         0.03041711
MT volume        : 0.000000 ( 0.00%)
IT volume        : 1080.846542 (100.00%)

number of atom types : 2
type id : 0   symbol : Ge   mt_radius : 203.145959, num_atoms: 1
type id : 1   symbol : Si   mt_radius : 205.944975, num_atoms: 7
total number of atoms : 8
number of symmetry classes : 8
number of PAW atoms : 0

minimum bond length:       4.443808294402

number of pseudo wave-functions: 37

space group number   : 0
international symbol : n/a
Hall symbol          : n/a
number of operations : 1
transformation matrix : 
    1.000000     0.000000     0.000000 
    0.000000     1.000000     0.000000 
    0.000000     0.000000     1.000000 
origin shift : 
    0.000000     0.000000     0.000000

label          : Ge
symbol         : Ge
name           : 
zn             : 14
mass           : 132414.619497
mt_radius      : 203.145959
num_mt_points  : 873
grid_origin    : 0.000000
grid_name      : external

number of core electrons    : 0.000000
number of valence electrons : 14.000000

total number of radial functions : 6
lmax of radial functions         : 2
max. number of radial functions  : 2
total number of basis functions  : 18
number of aw basis functions     : 0
number of lo basis functions     : 18
number of ps wavefunctions       : 3

label          : Si
symbol         : Si
name           : 
zn             : 4
mass           : 51196.734525
mt_radius      : 205.944975
num_mt_points  : 899
grid_origin    : 0.000000
grid_name      : external

number of core electrons    : 0.000000
number of valence electrons : 4.000000

total number of radial functions : 6
lmax of radial functions         : 2
max. number of radial functions  : 2
total number of basis functions  : 18
number of aw basis functions     : 0
number of lo basis functions     : 18
number of ps wavefunctions       : 2

total nuclear charge               : 42
number of core electrons           : 0.000000
number of valence electrons        : 42.000000
total number of electrons          : 42.000000
extra charge                       : 0.000000
total number of aw basis functions : 0
total number of lo basis functions : 144
number of first-variational states : -1
number of bands                    : 31
number of spins                    : 1
number of magnetic dimensions      : 0
lmax_apw                           : -1
lmax_rho                           : 4
lmax_pot                           : 4
lmax_rf                            : 2
smearing width                     : 0.001000
cyclic block size                  : 16
|G+k| cutoff                       : 5.000000
valence relativity                 : zora
core relativity                    : Dirac
standard eigen-value solver        : LAPACK
generalized eigen-value solver     : LAPACK
processing unit                    : CPU

iterative solver                   : davidson
number of steps                    : 20
subspace size                      : 4

spglib version: 1.12.2
HDF5 version: 1.10.4
Libxc version: 4.3.4

XC functionals
1) XC_LDA_X: Slater exchange
P. A. M. Dirac, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 26, 376 (1930) (10.1017/S0305004100016108)
F. Bloch, Z. Phys. 57, 545 (1929) (10.1007/BF01340281)

2) XC_LDA_C_PZ: Perdew & Zunger
J. P. Perdew and A. Zunger, Phys. Rev. B 23, 5048 (1981) (10.1103/PhysRevB.23.5048)

total number of k-points : 8
  ik                vk                    weight  num_gkvec
   0     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000       0.125000       2301
   1     0.0000   0.0000   0.5000       0.125000       2272
   2     0.0000   0.5000   0.0000       0.125000       2272
   3     0.0000   0.5000   0.5000       0.125000       2296
   4     0.5000   0.0000   0.0000       0.125000       2272
   5     0.5000   0.0000   0.5000       0.125000       2296
   6     0.5000   0.5000   0.0000       0.125000       2296
   7     0.5000   0.5000   0.5000       0.125000       2272

| SCF iteration   0 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    10.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.44774398
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.19763920
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.70639863
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       105.85547863
one-electron contribution :       -81.10558341 (Ha),      -162.21116682 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        52.92773932
xc contribution           :       -43.70639863
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.29734195 (Ha),      -280.59468389 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.78759672
Efermi        :         0.22500000

iteration :   0, RMS 1.918972473491E-05, energy difference : -1.402973419468E+02

| SCF iteration   1 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    17.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.30195220
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.24983001
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.73763375
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.74769378
one-electron contribution :       -81.79981597 (Ha),      -163.59963193 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.37384689
xc contribution           :       -43.73763375
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.57670205 (Ha),      -281.15340411 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.37792332
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   1, RMS 4.072468333354E-06, energy difference : -2.793601068177E-01

| SCF iteration   2 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    16.500000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -4.87664550
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23068863
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.71946728
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.12647756
one-electron contribution :       -80.77243443 (Ha),      -161.54486886 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.06323878
xc contribution           :       -43.71946728
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -139.84176215 (Ha),      -279.68352431 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.31127035
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   2, RMS 1.797531178058E-06, energy difference : 7.349399006502E-01

| SCF iteration   3 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    16.125000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.18545129
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23646836
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72360648
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32657901
one-electron contribution :       -81.27556194 (Ha),      -162.55112389 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16328951
xc contribution           :       -43.72360648
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.24897814 (Ha),      -280.49795628 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.36929580
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   3, RMS 9.157946992459E-07, energy difference : -4.072159873519E-01

| SCF iteration   4 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    15.250000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08667968
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23731408
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72430054
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32457352
one-electron contribution :       -81.17393912 (Ha),      -162.34787825 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16228676
xc contribution           :       -43.72430054
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.14905213 (Ha),      -280.29810426 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34020103
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   4, RMS 1.343232838292E-07, energy difference : 9.992601152695E-02

| SCF iteration   5 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    12.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08782688
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17444489 (Ha),      -162.34888979 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.14990695 (Ha),      -280.29981389 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34543229
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   5, RMS 1.216121458440E-08, energy difference : -8.548181549202E-04

| SCF iteration   6 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:     9.000000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08811925
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17473727 (Ha),      -162.34947453 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.15019932 (Ha),      -280.30039864 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34573111
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   6, RMS 4.244934818407E-09, energy difference : -2.923729603594E-04

| SCF iteration   7 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:     0.000000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08811925
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17473727 (Ha),      -162.34947453 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.15019932 (Ha),      -280.30039864 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34573111
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   7, RMS 4.244934818388E-09, energy difference : 0.000000000000E+00

converged after 8 SCF iterations!

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword MEMORY_USAGE ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                  ***

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:286 :: keyword XC_FUNCTIONALS ***
 *** assumed undefined type by default                                    ***

SIRIUS 6.4.1, git hash: 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592
 HINT in environment.F:814 The compiler target flags (generic) used to build
   this binary cannot exploit all extensions of this CPU model (x86_avx2).
   Consider compiler target flags as part of FCFLAGS and CFLAGS (ARCH file).
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry
parameters use_symmetry

SIRIUS version : 6.4.1
git hash       : 04226063af2b64ff6b303967c89adc2af5768592
git branch     : release tag v6.4.1
build time     : Mon,  1 Feb 2021 20:33:44
start time     : Thu,  4 Feb 2021 22:57:56

number of MPI ranks           : 8
MPI grid                      : 8 1 1
maximum number of OMP threads : 1
number of MPI ranks per node  : 8
page size (Kb)                : 4
number of pages               : 12316596
available memory (GB)         : 46

FFT context for density and potential
  comm size                             : 8
  plane wave cutoff                     : 20.000000
  grid size                             : 72 72 72   total : 373248
  grid limits                           : -35 36   -35 36   -35 36
  number of G-vectors within the cutoff : 73063
  local number of G-vectors             : 9134
  number of G-shells                    : 892

FFT context for coarse grid
  comm size                             : 1
  plane wave cutoff                     : 10.000000
  grid size                             : 36 36 36   total : 46656
  grid limits                           : -17 18   -17 18   -17 18
  number of G-vectors within the cutoff : 9139
  local number of G-vectors             : 1143
  number of G-shells                    : 224

Unit cell
lattice vectors
  a1 :      10.2625356600       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 
  a2 :       0.0000000000      10.2625356600       0.0000000000 
  a3 :       0.0000000000       0.0000000000      10.2625356600 
reciprocal lattice vectors
  b1 :       0.6122449183       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 
  b2 :       0.0000000000       0.6122449183       0.0000000000 
  b3 :       0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.6122449183 

unit cell volume :      1080.84654245 [a.u.^3]
1/sqrt(omega)    :         0.03041711
MT volume        : 0.000000 ( 0.00%)
IT volume        : 1080.846542 (100.00%)

number of atom types : 2
type id : 0   symbol : Ge   mt_radius : 203.145959, num_atoms: 1
type id : 1   symbol : Si   mt_radius : 205.944975, num_atoms: 7
total number of atoms : 8
number of symmetry classes : 8
number of PAW atoms : 0

minimum bond length:       4.443808294402

number of pseudo wave-functions: 37

space group number   : 0
international symbol : n/a
Hall symbol          : n/a
number of operations : 1
transformation matrix : 
    1.000000     0.000000     0.000000 
    0.000000     1.000000     0.000000 
    0.000000     0.000000     1.000000 
origin shift : 
    0.000000     0.000000     0.000000

label          : Ge
symbol         : Ge
name           : 
zn             : 14
mass           : 132414.619497
mt_radius      : 203.145959
num_mt_points  : 873
grid_origin    : 0.000000
grid_name      : external

number of core electrons    : 0.000000
number of valence electrons : 14.000000

total number of radial functions : 6
lmax of radial functions         : 2
max. number of radial functions  : 2
total number of basis functions  : 18
number of aw basis functions     : 0
number of lo basis functions     : 18
number of ps wavefunctions       : 3

label          : Si
symbol         : Si
name           : 
zn             : 4
mass           : 51196.734525
mt_radius      : 205.944975
num_mt_points  : 899
grid_origin    : 0.000000
grid_name      : external

number of core electrons    : 0.000000
number of valence electrons : 4.000000

total number of radial functions : 6
lmax of radial functions         : 2
max. number of radial functions  : 2
total number of basis functions  : 18
number of aw basis functions     : 0
number of lo basis functions     : 18
number of ps wavefunctions       : 2

total nuclear charge               : 42
number of core electrons           : 0.000000
number of valence electrons        : 42.000000
total number of electrons          : 42.000000
extra charge                       : 0.000000
total number of aw basis functions : 0
total number of lo basis functions : 144
number of first-variational states : -1
number of bands                    : 31
number of spins                    : 1
number of magnetic dimensions      : 0
lmax_apw                           : -1
lmax_rho                           : 4
lmax_pot                           : 4
lmax_rf                            : 2
smearing width                     : 0.001000
cyclic block size                  : 16
|G+k| cutoff                       : 5.000000
valence relativity                 : zora
core relativity                    : Dirac
standard eigen-value solver        : LAPACK
generalized eigen-value solver     : LAPACK
processing unit                    : CPU

iterative solver                   : davidson
number of steps                    : 20
subspace size                      : 4

spglib version: 1.12.2
HDF5 version: 1.10.4
Libxc version: 4.3.4

XC functionals
1) XC_LDA_X: Slater exchange
P. A. M. Dirac, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 26, 376 (1930) (10.1017/S0305004100016108)
F. Bloch, Z. Phys. 57, 545 (1929) (10.1007/BF01340281)

2) XC_LDA_C_PZ: Perdew & Zunger
J. P. Perdew and A. Zunger, Phys. Rev. B 23, 5048 (1981) (10.1103/PhysRevB.23.5048)

total number of k-points : 8
  ik                vk                    weight  num_gkvec
   0     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000       0.125000       2301
   1     0.0000   0.0000   0.5000       0.125000       2272
   2     0.0000   0.5000   0.0000       0.125000       2272
   3     0.0000   0.5000   0.5000       0.125000       2296
   4     0.5000   0.0000   0.0000       0.125000       2272
   5     0.5000   0.0000   0.5000       0.125000       2296
   6     0.5000   0.5000   0.0000       0.125000       2296
   7     0.5000   0.5000   0.5000       0.125000       2272

| SCF iteration   0 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    10.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.44774398
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.19763920
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.70639863
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       105.85547863
one-electron contribution :       -81.10558341 (Ha),      -162.21116682 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        52.92773932
xc contribution           :       -43.70639863
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.29734195 (Ha),      -280.59468389 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.78759672
Efermi        :         0.22500000

iteration :   0, RMS 1.918972473491E-05, energy difference : -1.402973419468E+02

| SCF iteration   1 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    17.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.30195220
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.24983001
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.73763375
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.74769378
one-electron contribution :       -81.79981597 (Ha),      -163.59963193 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.37384689
xc contribution           :       -43.73763375
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.57670205 (Ha),      -281.15340411 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.37792332
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   1, RMS 4.072468333353E-06, energy difference : -2.793601068169E-01

| SCF iteration   2 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    16.500000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -4.87664550
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23068863
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.71946728
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.12647756
one-electron contribution :       -80.77243443 (Ha),      -161.54486886 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.06323878
xc contribution           :       -43.71946728
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -139.84176215 (Ha),      -279.68352431 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.31127035
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   2, RMS 1.797531178057E-06, energy difference : 7.349399006497E-01

| SCF iteration   3 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    16.125000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.18545129
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23646836
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72360648
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32657901
one-electron contribution :       -81.27556194 (Ha),      -162.55112389 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16328951
xc contribution           :       -43.72360648
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.24897814 (Ha),      -280.49795628 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.36929580
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   3, RMS 9.157946992459E-07, energy difference : -4.072159873518E-01

| SCF iteration   4 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    15.250000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08667968
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23731408
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72430054
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32457352
one-electron contribution :       -81.17393912 (Ha),      -162.34787825 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16228676
xc contribution           :       -43.72430054
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.14905213 (Ha),      -280.29810426 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34020103
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   4, RMS 1.343232838292E-07, energy difference : 9.992601152749E-02

| SCF iteration   5 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:    12.375000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08782688
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17444489 (Ha),      -162.34888979 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.14990695 (Ha),      -280.29981389 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34543229
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   5, RMS 1.216121458436E-08, energy difference : -8.548181558581E-04

| SCF iteration   6 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:     9.000000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08811925
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17473727 (Ha),      -162.34947453 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.15019932 (Ha),      -280.30039864 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34573111
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   6, RMS 4.244934818468E-09, energy difference : -2.923729603594E-04

| SCF iteration   7 out of 100 |
[solve] average number of iterations:     0.000000

Charges and magnetic moments
total charge          :  42.000000

valence_eval_sum          :        -5.08811925
<rho|V^{XC}>              :       -30.23738438
<rho|E^{XC}>              :       -43.72436403
<mag|B^{XC}>              :         0.00000000
<rho|V^{H}>               :       106.32400240
one-electron contribution :       -81.17473727 (Ha),      -162.34947453 (Ry)
hartree contribution      :        53.16200120
xc contribution           :       -43.72436403
ewald contribution        :       -68.41309922
PAW contribution          :         0.00000000
Total energy              :      -140.15019932 (Ha),      -280.30039864 (Ry)

band gap (eV) :         0.34573111
Efermi        :         0.24495087

iteration :   7, RMS 4.244934818458E-09, energy difference : 0.000000000000E+00

converged after 8 SCF iterations!
-------------- next part --------------
       STD_EVP_SOLVER_TYPE lapack
       GEN_EVP_SOLVER_TYPE lapack
       VERBOSITY 1
       ELECTRONIC_STRUCTURE_METHOD  pseudopotential
       SMEARING_WIDTH 0.001
       USE_SYMMETRY false
       NUM_MAG_DIMS 0
       GK_CUTOFF 5.0
       PW_CUTOFF 20.00
       ENERGY_TOL 1e-10
       POTENTIAL_TOL 1e-8
       NUM_DFT_ITER 100
       NGRIDK 2 2 2
       NUM_STEPS 20
       TYPE davidson
       BETA 0.7
       TYPE broyden1
       MAX_HISTORY 8
         STRIDE 1 1 1
      &END PRINT
               FUNCTIONAL XC_LDA_X
            &END LIBXC
               FUNCTIONAL XC_LDA_C_PZ
            &END LIBXC
      &END XC
    &END DFT
      A [bohr] 10.26253566        0.00000000        0.00000000
      B [bohr] 0.00000000       10.26253566        0.00000000
      C [bohr] 0.00000000        0.00000000       10.26253566
      Ge          0.00000000         0.00000000         0.00000000
      Si          0.00000000         0.50000000         0.50000000
      Si          0.50000000         0.00000000         0.50000000
      Si          0.50000000         0.50000000         0.00000000
      Si          0.75000000         0.75000000         0.25000000
      Si          0.75000000         0.25000000         0.75000000
      Si          0.25000000         0.75000000         0.75000000
      Si          0.25000000         0.25000000         0.25000000
    &KIND Si
      POTENTIAL UPF si_lda_v1.uspp.F.UPF.json
    &KIND Ge
      POTENTIAL UPF ge_lda_v1.4.uspp.F.UPF.json
-------------- next part --------------
 DBCSR| CPU Multiplication driver                                           XSMM
 DBCSR| Multrec recursion limit                                              512
 DBCSR| Multiplication stack size                                           1000
 DBCSR| Maximum elements for images                                    UNLIMITED
 DBCSR| Multiplicative factor virtual images                                   1
 DBCSR| Use multiplication densification                                       T
 DBCSR| Multiplication size stacks                                             3
 DBCSR| Number of 3D layers                                               SINGLE
 DBCSR| Use MPI memory allocation                                              T
 DBCSR| Use RMA algorithm                                                      F
 DBCSR| Use Communication thread                                               T
 DBCSR| Communication thread load                                             87

  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM STARTED AT               2021-02-04 22:57:56.010
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM STARTED ON          bhadra.intranet.jncasr.ac.in
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM STARTED BY                                nimish
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                                  2628
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STARTED IN                    /home/nimish/si7ge

 CP2K| version string:                                          CP2K version 7.1
 CP2K| source code revision number:                                  git:e635599
 CP2K| cp2kflags: omp libint fftw3 libxc elpa parallel mpi3 scalapack xsmm spgli
 CP2K|            b sirius
 CP2K| is freely available from                            https://www.cp2k.org/
 CP2K| Program compiled at                          Mon Feb  1 20:46:10 IST 2021
 CP2K| Program compiled on                          bhadra.intranet.jncasr.ac.in
 CP2K| Program compiled for                                                local
 CP2K| Data directory path               /home/nimish/Applications/cp2k-7.1/data
 CP2K| Input file name                                       Si7Ge_with_cube.inp

 GLOBAL| Force Environment number                                              1
 GLOBAL| Basis set file name                                           BASIS_SET
 GLOBAL| Potential file name                                           POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| MM Potential file name                                     MM_POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| Coordinate file name                                      __STD_INPUT__
 GLOBAL| Method name                                                        CP2K
 GLOBAL| Project name                                                      Si7Ge
 GLOBAL| Preferred FFT library                                             FFTW3
 GLOBAL| Preferred diagonalization lib.                                     ELPA
 GLOBAL| Run type                                                   ENERGY_FORCE
 GLOBAL| All-to-all communication in single precision                          F
 GLOBAL| FFTs using library dependent lengths                                  F
 GLOBAL| Global print level                                               MEDIUM
 GLOBAL| MPI I/O enabled                                                       T
 GLOBAL| Total number of message passing processes                             8
 GLOBAL| Number of threads for this process                                    1
 GLOBAL| This output is from process                                           0
 GLOBAL| CPU model name                           AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6348
 GLOBAL| CPUID                                                              1002
 GLOBAL| Compiled for CPUID                                                    0

 MEMORY| system memory details [Kb]
 MEMORY|                        rank 0           min           max       average
 MEMORY| MemTotal             49266384      49266384      49266384      49266384
 MEMORY| MemFree               5872956       5872956       5872956       5872956
 MEMORY| Buffers                  2720          2720          2720          2720
 MEMORY| Cached               38972320      38972320      38972320      38972320
 MEMORY| Slab                  2718564       2718564       2718564       2718564
 MEMORY| SReclaimable          1977060       1977060       1977060       1977060
 MEMORY| MemLikelyFree        46825056      46825056      46825056      46825056

 *** Fundamental physical constants (SI units) ***

 *** Literature: B. J. Mohr and B. N. Taylor,
 ***             CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical
 ***             constants: 2006, Web Version 5.1
 ***             http://physics.nist.gov/constants

 Speed of light in vacuum [m/s]                             2.99792458000000E+08
 Magnetic constant or permeability of vacuum [N/A**2]       1.25663706143592E-06
 Electric constant or permittivity of vacuum [F/m]          8.85418781762039E-12
 Planck constant (h) [J*s]                                  6.62606896000000E-34
 Planck constant (h-bar) [J*s]                              1.05457162825177E-34
 Elementary charge [C]                                      1.60217648700000E-19
 Electron mass [kg]                                         9.10938215000000E-31
 Electron g factor [ ]                                     -2.00231930436220E+00
 Proton mass [kg]                                           1.67262163700000E-27
 Fine-structure constant                                    7.29735253760000E-03
 Rydberg constant [1/m]                                     1.09737315685270E+07
 Avogadro constant [1/mol]                                  6.02214179000000E+23
 Boltzmann constant [J/K]                                   1.38065040000000E-23
 Atomic mass unit [kg]                                      1.66053878200000E-27
 Bohr radius [m]                                            5.29177208590000E-11

 *** Conversion factors ***

 [u] -> [a.u.]                                              1.82288848426455E+03
 [Angstrom] -> [Bohr] = [a.u.]                              1.88972613288564E+00
 [a.u.] = [Bohr] -> [Angstrom]                              5.29177208590000E-01
 [a.u.] -> [s]                                              2.41888432650478E-17
 [a.u.] -> [fs]                                             2.41888432650478E-02
 [a.u.] -> [J]                                              4.35974393937059E-18
 [a.u.] -> [N]                                              8.23872205491840E-08
 [a.u.] -> [K]                                              3.15774647902944E+05
 [a.u.] -> [kJ/mol]                                         2.62549961709828E+03
 [a.u.] -> [kcal/mol]                                       6.27509468713739E+02
 [a.u.] -> [Pa]                                             2.94210107994716E+13
 [a.u.] -> [bar]                                            2.94210107994716E+08
 [a.u.] -> [atm]                                            2.90362800883016E+08
 [a.u.] -> [eV]                                             2.72113838565563E+01
 [a.u.] -> [Hz]                                             6.57968392072181E+15
 [a.u.] -> [1/cm] (wave numbers)                            2.19474631370540E+05
 [a.u./Bohr**2] -> [1/cm]                                   5.14048714338585E+03

 CELL_TOP| Volume [angstrom^3]:                                          160.165
 CELL_TOP| Vector a [angstrom     5.431     0.000     0.000    |a| =       5.431
 CELL_TOP| Vector b [angstrom     0.000     5.431     0.000    |b| =       5.431
 CELL_TOP| Vector c [angstrom     0.000     0.000     5.431    |c| =       5.431
 CELL_TOP| Angle (b,c), alpha [degree]:                                   90.000
 CELL_TOP| Angle (a,c), beta  [degree]:                                   90.000
 CELL_TOP| Angle (a,b), gamma [degree]:                                   90.000
 CELL_TOP| Numerically orthorhombic:                                         YES

 GENERATE|  Preliminary Number of Bonds generated:                             0
 GENERATE|  Achieved consistency in connectivity generation.

 CELL| Volume [angstrom^3]:                                              160.165
 CELL| Vector a [angstrom]:       5.431     0.000     0.000    |a| =       5.431
 CELL| Vector b [angstrom]:       0.000     5.431     0.000    |b| =       5.431
 CELL| Vector c [angstrom]:       0.000     0.000     5.431    |c| =       5.431
 CELL| Angle (b,c), alpha [degree]:                                       90.000
 CELL| Angle (a,c), beta  [degree]:                                       90.000
 CELL| Angle (a,b), gamma [degree]:                                       90.000
 CELL| Numerically orthorhombic:                                             YES

 CELL_REF| Volume [angstrom^3]:                                          160.165
 CELL_REF| Vector a [angstrom     5.431     0.000     0.000    |a| =       5.431
 CELL_REF| Vector b [angstrom     0.000     5.431     0.000    |b| =       5.431
 CELL_REF| Vector c [angstrom     0.000     0.000     5.431    |c| =       5.431
 CELL_REF| Angle (b,c), alpha [degree]:                                   90.000
 CELL_REF| Angle (a,c), beta  [degree]:                                   90.000
 CELL_REF| Angle (a,b), gamma [degree]:                                   90.000
 CELL_REF| Numerically orthorhombic:                                         YES

 **                                                                           **
 **   #### ##   ## ####  ##### #####           #### ## ####  ## ## ##  ####   **
 **   ## ####   ## ## ## ###   #####          ##    ## ##  # ## ## ## ##      **
 **   #### ## # ## ## ## #####  ###           ##### ## ####  ## ## ## #####   **
 **   ##   ####### ## ## ##     ###              ## ## ## #  ## #####    ##   **
 **   ##   ## # ## ####  ##     ###           ####  ## ##  # ## ##### ####    **
 **                                                                           **
 **   SIRIUS: Domain specific library for electronic structure calculations   **
 **                                                                           **


  1. Atomic kind: Ge                                    Number of atoms:       1

  2. Atomic kind: Si                                    Number of atoms:       7


  Atom  Kind  Element       X           Y           Z          Z(eff)       Mass

       1     1 Ge  32    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000      0.00      72.6400
       2     2 Si  14    0.000000    2.715350    2.715350      0.00      28.0855
       3     2 Si  14    2.715350    0.000000    2.715350      0.00      28.0855
       4     2 Si  14    2.715350    2.715350    0.000000      0.00      28.0855
       5     2 Si  14    4.073025    4.073025    1.357675      0.00      28.0855
       6     2 Si  14    4.073025    1.357675    4.073025      0.00      28.0855
       7     2 Si  14    1.357675    4.073025    4.073025      0.00      28.0855
       8     2 Si  14    1.357675    1.357675    1.357675      0.00      28.0855

 ================================== SIRIUS INIT =================================
 ========================= SIRIUS INIT FINISHED =================================
 ============================= SIRIUS UPDATE CONTEXT============================
 ==================== SIRIUS UPDATE CONTEXT FINISHED============================

 ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( SIRIUS ) energy (a.u.):         -140.150199319957380

 -                                                                             -
 -                                DBCSR STATISTICS                             -
 -                                                                             -
 COUNTER                                    TOTAL       BLAS       SMM       ACC
 flops inhomo. stacks                           0       0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
 flops total                         0.000000E+00       0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
 flops max/rank                      0.000000E+00       0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
 matmuls inhomo. stacks                         0       0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
 matmuls total                                  0       0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
 number of processed stacks                     0       0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
 average stack size                                     0.0       0.0       0.0
 marketing flops                     0.000000E+00
 -                                                                             -
 -                      DBCSR MESSAGE PASSING PERFORMANCE                      -
 -                                                                             -
 ROUTINE             CALLS      AVE VOLUME [Bytes]
 MP_Bcast                1                     12.
 MP_Allreduce           19                     21.

 MEMORY| Estimated peak process memory [MiB]                                 199

 -                                                                             -
 -                         MESSAGE PASSING PERFORMANCE                         -
 -                                                                             -

 ROUTINE             CALLS      AVE VOLUME [Bytes]
 MP_Allreduce           24                      8.

 -                                                                             -
 -                           R E F E R E N C E S                               -
 -                                                                             -
 CP2K version 7.1, the CP2K developers group (2019).
 CP2K is freely available from https://www.cp2k.org/ .

 Schuett, Ole; Messmer, Peter; Hutter, Juerg; VandeVondele, Joost. 
 Electronic Structure Calculations on Graphics Processing Units, John
 Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 173-190 (2016). 
 GPU-Accelerated Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication for
 Linear Scaling Density Functional Theory.

 Borstnik, U; VandeVondele, J; Weber, V; Hutter, J. 
 PARALLEL COMPUTING, 40 (5-6), 47-58 (2014). 
 Sparse matrix multiplication: The distributed block-compressed sparse
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 -                                                                             -
 -                                T I M I N G                                  -
 -                                                                             -
 SUBROUTINE                       CALLS  ASD         SELF TIME        TOTAL TIME
                                MAXIMUM       AVERAGE  MAXIMUM  AVERAGE  MAXIMUM
 CP2K                                 1  1.0    0.007    0.009   16.871   16.872
 pwdft_calc_energy_force              1  2.0    9.538    9.538    9.538    9.538
 pwdft_init                           1  2.0    7.321    7.322    7.323    7.323

 The number of warnings for this run is : 2
  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM ENDED AT                 2021-02-04 22:58:13.151
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM RAN ON              bhadra.intranet.jncasr.ac.in
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM RAN BY                                    nimish
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                                  2628
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STOPPED IN                    /home/nimish/si7ge

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