[CP2K-user] New KIND generated after minimization

qi...@gmail.com qing... at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 00:44:51 UTC 2021


I am running QM/MM MD simulations using CP2K 7.1. I found that I could not 
do the minimization starting from a CRD (rst) file, but it could be done 
starting from a PDB file,
which was generated with amb2pdb from Amber.
The error reported is: 
Unknown element for KIND <NG>. This problem can be fixed 
specifying properly elements in PDB or specifying a KIND section or 
getting in touch with one of  the developers! 
I checked my system, I did not find an atom named NG.

Even though the minimization was done successfully starting from a PDB 
file, but the subsequent NVT equilibration was failed due to the same 
error. After I added a section of
NG (I assume it is nitrogen), the NVT equilibration was running 

Is there a way to convert the restart file into a pdb file, so that I can 
check which atom was renamed to NG by CP2K? Any suggestion? Thanks a lot!
All the best,
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