[CP2K-user] Energy gap inconsistent with experiment

Fabian Ducry fabia... at gmail.com
Mon May 25 15:47:52 UTC 2020


Have you checked the literature for band gap values obtained from DFT with 
the PBE functional for your compound? Often there is a mismatch between 
experiment and simulation.

Here are som pointers how you can improve your input

 - check and converge the cutoff: 
 - increase the accuracy: EPS_SCF 1.0e-6 or better 1.0e-7, EPS_DEFAULT 
 - make sure your coordinates are ok. The forces on the atoms are large, 
this system is far from a minimum.


On Monday, 25 May 2020 15:08:57 UTC+2, Ref wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I tried to calculate the DOS of YBCO, but in the end, on the resulting 
> graph, the formed value of energy gap  is tens of times larger than the 
> expected result (obtained from experimental data - it should be about 20 
> meV). I used standard potential GTH, functional PBE and  normal parameters. 
> I performed geometry optimization for a primitive cell, and then multiplied 
> it to size 3 x 3 x 3 in a graphics editor with some doping. (about 190 
> atoms are in the final system.)
> What could be associated with such a strong discrepancy? What general 
> recommendations could you give to improve the result?
> I've attached the input file that I've used. 
> Thanks in advance for your assistance!
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