[CP2K-user] [CP2K:13301] COF cell optimize exploded

Linfeng Gan linfe... at gmail.com
Fri May 15 00:29:28 UTC 2020


Hi, Sun

I would like to share some of my experience with you.



As you can see from the cutoff test, you must increase cutoff at least up 
to 1000 Ry. I had test cutoff ranged from 600 to 2500, the highest the 
best. At 1200 Ry, the cell optimization result is very close to the 
experimental data. 

# Grid cutoff vs total energy

# Date: Tue Apr  7 10:28:38 2020

# rel_cutoff = 60 

# Cutoff (Ry) | Total Energy (Ha) | Energy per Atom (eV) | NG on grid 1 | 
NG on grid 2 | NG on grid 3 | NG on grid 4 | NG on grid 5 

50             -511.8311527382        -145.0795204885       1191545         
55218           480             0             0

100            -498.0188507854        -141.1643970471       1191545         
55218           480             0             0

150            -498.1333770910        -141.1968597477       1084277        
152208         10758             0             0

200            -498.0596390179        -141.1759585497       1011045        
180500         55218           480             0

250            -498.0576533189        -141.1753956995        894935        
264998         86030          1280             0

300            -498.0561376050        -141.1749660675        839389        
277782        127992          2080             0

350            -498.0556031621        -141.1748145786        784888        
299389        152208         10758             0

400            -498.0546430297        -141.1745424273        743542        
307599        172215         23887             0

450            -498.0543833523        -141.1744688212        715246        
305115        187987         38415           480

500            -498.0547962093        -141.1745858463        664938        
346107        180500         55218           480

550            -498.0548813984        -141.1746099933        648732        
310339        223070         63822          1280

600            -498.0548597218        -141.1746038491        597516        
325211        250210         73026          1280

650            -498.0549993006        -141.1746434129        558534        
336401        264998         86030          1280

700            -498.0548179649        -141.1745920130        513592        
356057        290284         85230          2080

750            -498.0547555671        -141.1745743262        499950        
340239        294170        110804          2080

800            -498.0547613057        -141.1745759528        452398        
386991        277782        127992          2080

850            -498.0547622822        -141.1745762296        415918        
410299        267688        147908          5430

900            -498.0547014016        -141.1745589729        403034        
388334        292909        157536          5430

950            -498.0547014005        -141.1745589726        390150        
394738        299389        152208         10758

1000           -498.0546629837        -141.1745480833        374096        
381572        318409        162408         10758

1050           -498.0546627095        -141.1745480056        372626        
379024        308511        172231         14851

1100           -498.0546627489        -141.1745480167        333972        
409570        307599        172215         23887

1150           -498.0546599853        -141.1745472334        291540        
452002        287140        192674         23887

1200           -498.0546599398        -141.1745472205        283078        
459664        282659        188911         32931

1250           -498.0546664857        -141.1745490759        265352        
449894        305115        187987         38895

1300           -498.0546695315        -141.1745499393        257340        
430648        331573        180200         47482

1350           -498.0546694852        -141.1745499261        249304        
433344        336433        172464         55698

1400           -498.0546619268        -141.1745477837        249304        
415634        346107        180500         55698

1450           -498.0546657092        -141.1745488558        237064        
427874        330835        195772         55698

1500           -498.0546657265        -141.1745488607        237064        
419238        322207        203632         65102

1550           -498.0546649445        -141.1745486391        232240        
416492        310339        223070         65102

1600           -498.0546621702        -141.1745478527        232240        
400820        312383        236698         65102

1650           -498.0546580786        -141.1745466929        224234        
392132        329077        228294         73506

1700           -498.0546579920        -141.1745466684        224234        
373282        325211        250210         74306

1750           -498.0546626389        -141.1745479855        224234        
368338        318615        255886         80170

1800           -498.0546626425        -141.1745479866        216222        
347172        339757        263922         80170

1850           -498.0546624400        -141.1745479292        216222        
342312        336401        264998         87310

1900           -498.0546624669        -141.1745479368        196998        
345386        332173        285376         87310

1950           -498.0546619107        -141.1745477791        153670        
372770        343209        290284         87310

2000           -498.0546645404        -141.1745485245        127866        
385726        356057        290284         87310

2050           -498.0546619783        -141.1745477983        107134        
406458        356057        285100         92494

2100           -498.0546619823        -141.1745477994         82148        
431444        339841        296252         97558

2150           -498.0546619947        -141.1745478029         77348        
422602        340239        294170        112884

2200           -498.0546617280        -141.1745477273         69312        
400926        369951        294170        112884

2250           -498.0546617309        -141.1745477282         64488        
392818        382883        285546        121508

2300           -498.0546623124        -141.1745478930         64488        
387910        386991        277782        130072

2350           -498.0546623561        -141.1745479054         53548        
378466        399339        285818        130072

2400           -498.0546621789        -141.1745478552         53548        
370382        407423        270648        145242

2450           -498.0546621769        -141.1745478546         43948        
371970        410299        267688        153338

2500           -498.0546611280        -141.1745475573         35936        
379982        402203        274984        154138





I had tested the CELL_REF vectors A, B, and C from 1 to 3 times of origin 
CELL corresponding vectors with 0.2 interval. I think 1.2 time of the CELL 
vectors ABC is enough which has a good balancing the computational time and 

On Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 6:54:53 PM UTC+8, shixun sun wrote:
> Hi, Gan
> I had the same problem with you now, and could you tell me how much you 
> increase your cutoff. and did you change your c axis, like you want 6, so 
> you increase it to 10 in your input
> Millions of thanks for your help
> best
> Linfeng Gan <li... at gmail.com <javascript:>> 于2020年5月14日周四 下午6:48写道:
>> I had carefully tested the CUTOFF and the CELL_REF. The test results 
>> showed that increased the CUTOFF had most helpful.
>> So, the problem solved
>> On Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 4:11:46 PM UTC+8, Linfeng Gan wrote:
>>> Thanks Juerg. I will try as you suggest and update a few days later.
>>> On Monday, April 6, 2020 at 3:32:56 PM UTC+8, jgh wrote:
>>>> Hi 
>>>> I assume your system is weakly bound in z-direction. Small force 
>>>> changes in that direction can cause large changes. 
>>>> The only obvious problem I could spot is the definition of the 
>>>> reference cell. In order to minimize the effect of a change in 
>>>> volume, the reference cell should be larger than the initial 
>>>> and final cell. I would set c=10 or 12 and I would also increase 
>>>> the cutoff. 
>>>> You could test this by just scan the energy as function of c and 
>>>> correctly adapt the geometry of course. 
>>>> regards 
>>>> Juerg Hutter 
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>> Juerg Hutter                         Phone : ++41 44 635 4491 
>>>> Institut für Chemie C                FAX   : ++41 44 635 6838 
>>>> Universität Zürich                   E-mail: h... at chem.uzh.ch 
>>>> Winterthurerstrasse 190 
>>>> CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland 
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>> -----c... at googlegroups.com wrote: ----- 
>>>> To: "cp2k" <c... at googlegroups.com> 
>>>> From: "Linfeng Gan" 
>>>> Sent by: c... at googlegroups.com 
>>>> Date: 04/05/2020 04:27AM 
>>>> Subject: [CP2K:13056] COF cell optimize exploded 
>>>>   Hello all, 
>>>>   I need some help about the covalent-organic frameworks (COF) 2D sheet 
>>>> cell optimize. After I optimized the COF with a 2X2X2 supercell, the cell 
>>>> size was totally exploded. I had kept the cell vectors and symmetry 
>>>> constant, changed different basis sets and different XC functions but the 
>>>> cell exploded anyway. 
>>>>   I had tried basis sets DZVP-MOLOPT-GTH and DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH with 
>>>> PADE, PBE and BLYP. And the DFTD3 correction was also add to each 
>>>> calculation. The GAPW method I also had tried, but none of them worked. 
>>>>   Any suggestion is welcome, thanks! 
>>>>   Linfeng 
>>>>   The COF-5-2X2X2 supercell vectors should be: 
>>>>   CELL_TOP| Volume [angstrom^3]:                                       
>>>>  21253.270 
>>>>    CELL_TOP| Vector a [angstrom    60.040     0.000     0.000    |a| = 
>>>>      60.040 
>>>>    CELL_TOP| Vector b [angstrom   -30.020    51.996     0.000    |b| = 
>>>>      60.040 
>>>>    CELL_TOP| Vector c [angstrom     0.000     0.000     6.808    |c| = 
>>>>       6.808 
>>>>    CELL_TOP| Angle (b,c), alpha [degree]:                               
>>>>     90.000 
>>>>    CELL_TOP| Angle (a,c), beta  [degree]:                               
>>>>     90.000 
>>>>    CELL_TOP| Angle (a,b), gamma [degree]:                               
>>>>    120.000 
>>>>   But after cell optimized calculation the output cell vectors are: 
>>>> ******************************************************************************* 
>>>>    ***                    GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION COMPLETED               
>>>>        *** 
>>>>  ******************************************************************************* 
>>>>                       Reevaluating energy at the minimum 
>>>>    CELL| Volume [angstrom^3]:                                           
>>>>  25653.623 
>>>>    CELL| Vector a [angstrom]:      60.345     0.000     0.000    |a| = 
>>>>      60.345 
>>>>    CELL| Vector b [angstrom]:     -30.173    52.260     0.000    |b| = 
>>>>      60.345 
>>>>    CELL| Vector c [angstrom]:       0.000    -0.000     8.135    |c| = 
>>>>       8.135 
>>>>    CELL| Angle (b,c), alpha [degree]:                                   
>>>>     90.000 
>>>>    CELL| Angle (a,c), beta  [degree]:                                   
>>>>     90.000 
>>>>    CELL| Angle (a,b), gamma [degree]:                                   
>>>>    120.000 
>>>>   -- 
>>>>  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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>>>>  To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
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>>>>  To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/cp2k/2da4af3b-2dcf-46c3-a49e-3dc62b170405%40googlegroups.com. 
>>>> [attachment "COF-5-2X2X2.xyz" removed by Jürg Hutter/at/UZH] 
>>>> [attachment "opt_cell.inp" removed by Jürg Hutter/at/UZH] 
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