[CP2K-user] CP2K 7.1-Cuda Bandgap and HF energies different from previous versions

Andres Ortega oandr... at gmail.com
Sun May 3 10:36:31 UTC 2020

Dear CP2K developers, 

As a follow-up, I did calculations in Piz Daint *without GPU* and use the 
cp2k version *without *Cuda
I was wondering if you could have a look at it, 

My results now are consistent with my previous calculations.

CP2K 6.1 NO CUDA results 

  Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:               

  Self energy of the core charge distribution:              

  Core Hamiltonian energy:                                   

  Hartree energy:                                            

  Exchange-correlation energy:                               

  Hartree-Fock Exchange energy:                              

  Dispersion energy:                                           

  Total energy:                                             

I was wondering how can I solve the problem of the discrepancies I found 
when using CP2K with GPU-Cuda, 



El miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020, 16:47:18 (UTC+2), Andres Ortega escribió:
> Dear CP2K developers,
> I was wondering if you could help me with something, 
> I have used CP2K 5.1 and 6.1 for PBE0-TC-LRC calculations in the past.
> I have found that my Bandgap values are consistent in versions 5.1 and 6.1 
> in our local cluster.
> I did calculations with the versions 6.1 and 7.1 with Cuda in Piz Daint, 
> and I have found that my Bandgaps are around -0.25 eV different and the HF 
> energies (and total energies) are now different
> There is no difference using a restart wfn file or optimizing the SCF 
> cycle from the beginning. 
> 5.1 and 6.1
> (1) 
>    Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:               
> 0.00007052589464
>   Self energy of the core charge distribution:              
> -4822.08795661199383
>   Core Hamiltonian energy:                                   
> 1456.10019696034419
>   *Hartree energy:                                            
> 1951.78336227053728*
> *  Exchange-correlation energy:                               
> -433.84963055662922*
> *  Hartree-Fock Exchange energy:                              
> -127.87395151550244*
>   Dispersion energy:                                           
> -0.46932014114032
>      Total energy  ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( QS ) energy (a.u.):        
>     -1976.397228950271256
>    HOMO - LUMO gap [eV] :    2.910486
> 6.1 and 7.1 with cuda 
>  (2)
>     Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:               
> 0.00007052589464
>   Self energy of the core charge distribution:              
> -4822.08795661199383
>   Core Hamiltonian energy:                                   
> 1456.47181019598679
>   *Hartree energy:                                            
> 1951.50352600623592*
> *  Exchange-correlation energy:                               
> -438.90435624956706*
> *  Hartree-Fock Exchange energy:                              
> -121.46009108451653*
>   Dispersion energy:                                           
> -0.46932014114033
>     Total energy *ENERGY*| Total FORCE_EVAL ( QS ) energy (a.u.):        
>     -1974.946317359100703
>   *HOMO* - LUMO gap [eV] :    2.747721
> best, 
> Andres Ortega
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