[CP2K-user] [CP2K:13511] "Non-zero exit code detected." when compile cp2k 7.1

Anton S. Lytvynenko tenebrosu... at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 10:26:29 UTC 2020

11.06.20 06:08, Jiayu Sun SLE пише:
> Installing from scratch into
> /home/jiayusun/Downloads/cp2k-7.1/tools/toolchain/install/openblas-0.3.6
> patching file kernel/x86_64/KERNEL.SKYLAKEX
> (/home/jiayusun/Downloads/cp2k-7.1/tools/toolchain/scripts/install_openblas.sh,
> line 72) Non-zero exit code detected.
> ERROR: (./scripts/install_mathlibs.sh, line 34) Non-zero exit code
> detected.
> How can I do this in this case?
> What the meaning of this sentence: "Non-zero exit code detected." When
> I compile other packages, this error occurs again, almost all the
> packages are facing the same problem.

When the program ends, it returns so called exit code -- an integer
value indicating if it was successful. By convention, exit code 0 means
successful execution, non-integer ones typically indicate some issues
(they can have their own conventions depending on the system or
software, but such conventions are more specific). The sentence you are
citing means that the install_openblas.sh script failed for some reason.
I guess your system misses some packages necessary to build the code,
and you should figure out which ones and install them. Please check the
logs on the openblas build (see "[CP2K:10684] installation of cp2k on
linux mint machine" topic for similar situation and discussion how to
find them).



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