[CP2K-user] Toolchain build for cp2k trunk: elpa-2015.11.001 compilation fails

Jiayu Sun SLE sunjia... at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 02:57:13 UTC 2020

Hi, Lai

I have the same question, the official website provided a solution, the 
link is here:


在 2016年7月14日星期四 UTC+9上午11:52:29,Feng Lai写道:
> hello,
>      I used the script in toolchain folder to construct the arch file, and 
> everything is fine before the process reached the elpa compilation, The 
> procedure ended with a error 
> note(ERROR:(/usr/local/cp2k/tools/toochain/script/install_elpa.sh, line 68) 
> Non-zero exit code detected.) printed on the screen. When i peruse the log 
> file,i found that it looked like that something was wrong with the gcc 
> complier that the gcc cannot recognized the options: -V and -qversion.  The 
> attached file is the config.log, and my order on command line is 
> ./install_cp2k_toochain.sh --with-openmpi=install --with-elpa=install My 
> corporate system is CentOS 7.The cp2k source code that i want to compiled 
> was downloaded from svn. I don't know whether or not it is suitable to use 
> the cp2k to do some simulation in the CentOS corporate system , but it is 
> too hard for me to find the right way the compile a efficient cp2k in this 
> system.
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