[CP2K-user] Vacuum level from ENERGY calculation.

sri harsha pshar... at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 12:29:12 UTC 2020

Dear  Marcella,

Do I find it by plotting the ESP profile or is it printed in the Hartree 
cube file?

Best regards

On Saturday, August 1, 2020 at 5:09:51 PM UTC Marcella Iannuzzi wrote:

> Dear Harsha,
> You get the vacuum level from the electrostatic potential in the vacuum 
> region. 
> You can get it from the electrostatic potential cube file. 
> Regards 
> Marcella
> On Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 4:48:18 PM UTC+2 Harsha wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am running an ENERGY calculation, to calculate work function. I can see 
>> Fermi energy from the output but it doesn't print vacuum level.
>> I am supposed to add any additional tags to print vacuum level? 
>> Any suggestions would be really helpful.
>> Thank you,
>> Harsha
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