[CP2K-user] How to mix DFTB and normal XC calculation?

Vladimir Rybkin rybk... at gmail.com
Thu May 16 09:14:05 UTC 2019

Dear Lifeng,

the code is experimental so it may happen. Could you please attach your 
full input?



четверг, 16 мая 2019 г., 8:51:39 UTC+2 пользователь linfeng gan написал:
> Dear Vladimir,
> It worked after I set GRID_OPT to be TRUE.! Thank your Vladimir.
> I still need some your help since I has not much experiences in the EMBED 
> calculations. I found that the embedding DFTB and PDB calculations were 
> very hard to converged even after 100 optimize steps for H2O-H2 system. For 
> example, after 50 iterations, I got following error massage,
> --------  Optimize embedding potential info at step =    50 ------------
>   Functional value         =                  NaN
>   Real energy change         =                  NaN
>   Step size                  =         0.5000000000
>   Trust radius               =         0.5000000000
>  ---------------------------------------------------
>   Convergence check :
>   Maximum density difference                = ********************
>   Convergence limit for max. density diff.  =         0.0250000000
>   Convergence in max. density diff.    =                   NO
>   Integrated density difference             =                  NaN
>   Conv. limit for integrated density diff.  =         0.5000000000
>   Convergence in integrated density diff.    =                   NO
>   Integrated squared density difference     =                  NaN
>   Maximum density change in:
>     subsystem  1, spin  1:        0.0000000000
>     subsystem  2, spin  1:        0.0000000000
> *******************************************************************************
>  *   ___                                                                       
> *
>  *  /   \                               
>                                        *
>  * [ABORT]                                                                     
> *
>  *  \___/             Embedding potential optimization not converged.          
> *
>  *    |                                              
>                           *
>  *  O/|                                                                        
> *
>  * /| |                                                                        
> *
>  * / \                                                force_env_methods.F:1483 
> *
> *******************************************************************************
> As you can see, the “Integrated density difference” value was NaN and the 
> embedding potential optimization was not converged. And I found that the 
> embedding potential was also NaN too which wrote in the 
> h2o_h2_dftb_pbe_DFET-embed_pot_*.cube files. Is these normal output for the 
> embed calculation? Or how can I fix this?
> Quickstep-
>   EMBEDDING POTENTIAL at optimization step            1
>     5    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
>    75    0.125982    0.000000    0.000000
>    75    0.000000    0.125982    0.000000
>    75    0.000000    0.000000    0.125982
>     8    0.000000    3.307021    2.834589    0.000000
>     1    0.000000    1.889726    1.889726    0.000000
>     1    0.000000    4.724315    1.889726    0.000000
>     1    0.000000    3.307021    5.196747    0.000000
>     1    0.000000    3.307021    6.614041    0.000000
>           NaN          NaN  0.00000E+00          NaN          NaN          
> NaN
>   0.00000E+00          NaN  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  
> 0.00000E+00
>           NaN  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00          NaN  0.00000E+00          
> NaN
>   0.00000E+00          NaN          NaN          NaN          NaN  
> 0.00000E+00
>           NaN  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00          NaN          
> NaN
>   0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00          NaN          NaN          NaN  
> 0.00000E+00
>   0.00000E+00          NaN          NaN  0.00000E+00          NaN  
> 0.00000E+00
>   0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00          NaN          NaN  0.00000E+00  
> 0.00000E+00
>           NaN  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00          NaN          NaN  
> 0.00000E+00
>           NaN          NaN          NaN  0.00000E+00          NaN  
> 0.00000E+00
>           NaN  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00          NaN          NaN  
> 0.00000E+00
>           NaN          NaN          NaN          NaN  0.00000E+00  
> 0.00000E+00
>   0.00000E+00          NaN          NaN
>           NaN  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00          NaN  0.00000E+00          
> NaN
> Yours,
> Linfeng
> 在 2019年5月15日星期三 UTC+8下午7:51:27,Vladimir Rybkin写道:
>> Dear Linfeng
>> 1) the first force_eval is the &EMBED one, the others are  actual 
>> subsystems.
>> 2) >> The first FORCE_EVA section should be descripting how the other 4 
>> FORCE_EVAL embed and how to mapping the fragments. The Am I correct?
>> Yes
>> 3) to 6) Yes
>> The error is as follows: for DFTB there is no basis set. However, in 
>> OPT_EMBED you ask for GRID_OPT .FALSE. This is not obvious but: the 
>> embedding potential optimization is requested in the finite RI basis of the 
>> total system. This basis, however, is not specified in DFTB. So, to make a 
>> long story short, set GRID_OPT .TRUE. This is general, safe and fast (and 
>> the default).
>> Yours,
>> Vladimir 
>> среда, 15 мая 2019 г., 12:18:52 UTC+2 пользователь linfeng gan написал:
>>> Hi Vladimir,
>>> Thanks for your feedback. But there are still something confusing me. 
>>> The input which I used was simply modified form 
>>> “tests/QS/regtest-embed/H2O_H2_pbe_mp2.inp” in the CP2K test dir. Correct 
>>> me if I understand the input keyword wrong.
>>> In the input system, there are a water molecular and a hydrogen 
>>> molecular.
>>> (1)   Question one
>>> The MULTIPLE_FORCE_EVALS section, I set
>>>     FORCE_EVAL_ORDER 2 3 4 5
>>> So, there should be 5 FORCE_EVAL sections in my input file. Am I correct?
>>> (2)   Question two
>>> !*******************************
>>> !FORCE_EVA section 1 
>>> !
>>> !mapping the fragments 
>>> !*******************************
>>> The first FORCE_EVA section should be descripting how the other 4 
>>> FORCE_EVAL embed and how to mapping the fragments. The Am I correct?
>>> (3)   Question three
>>> !*******************************
>>> !FORCE_EVA section 2 
>>> !
>>> !Subsys 1 the H2O molecular
>>> !*******************************
>>> The second FORCE_EVA section should be descripting how to calculate the 
>>> H2O molecular energy with DFTB. 
>>> (4)   Question 4
>>> !*******************************
>>> !FORCE_EVA section 3 
>>> !
>>> !Subsys 2 the H2 molecular
>>> !*******************************
>>>     &DFT
>>>         &QS
>>>         &END QS
>>>     &END DFT
>>> The third FORCE_EVA section should be descripting how to calculate the 
>>> H2 molecular energy with DFTB. This is the embedded cluster and the CLUSTER_EMBED_SUBSYS 
>>> .TRUE. is set.
>>> (5)   Question five
>>> !*******************************
>>> !FORCE_EVA section 4
>>> !
>>> !Total system including H2O and H2
>>> !*******************************
>>>     &DFT
>>>         &QS
>>>             REF_EMBED_SUBSYS .TRUE.
>>>             &OPT_EMBED
>>>                REG_LAMBDA 0.00001
>>>                N_ITER 3
>>>                DENS_CONV_INT 0.5
>>>                DENS_CONV_MAX 0.025
>>>                OPTIMIZER QUASI_NEWTON
>>>                GRID_OPT .FALSE.
>>>             &END OPT_EMBED
>>>         &END QS
>>>     &END DFT
>>> The fourth FORCE_EVA section descripting how to calculate the total 
>>> system, including H2O and H2 molecular, energy with DFTB. Because this is 
>>> the total system, the REF_EMBED_SUBSYS .TRUE. is set.
>>> (6)   Question six
>>> !*******************************
>>> !FORCE_EVA section 5 
>>> !
>>> !Higher level calculation on subsys 2, the H2O 
>>> !*******************************
>>>     &DFT
>>>         &QS
>>>         &END QS
>>>     &END DFT
>>> The fifth FORCE_EVA section descripting how to calculate the higher 
>>> level system, in this case H2, energy with PBE. The HIGH_LEVEL_EMBED_SUBSYS 
>>> .TRUE. should be set in this section.
>>> To avoid the grid influence I set the same grids for all the subsystem 
>>> as follow,
>>>         &MGRID
>>>           NGRIDS 5
>>>           CUTOFF 600     
>>>           REL_CUTOFF 60   
>>>         &END MGRID
>>> But I still got the same error,
>>> *******************************************************************************
>>>  *   ___                                                                       
>>> *
>>>  *  /   \                                        
>>>                               *
>>>  * [ABORT]                                                                     
>>> *
>>>  *  \___/               The pointer gto_basis_set is not associated            
>>> *
>>>  *    |                                                       
>>>                  *
>>>  *  O/|                                                                        
>>> *
>>>  * /| |                                                                        
>>> *
>>>  * / \                                           aobasis/basis_set_types.F:791 
>>> *
>>> *******************************************************************************
>>> What should I do next? I post my input file in the end of this,
>>> Regards,
>>> Linfeng
>>> &GLOBAL                                                                                           
>>>     PROJECT  h2o_h2_dftb_pbe_DFET
>>>     FORCE_EVAL_ORDER 2 3 4 5
>>> !*******************************
>>> !FORCE_EVA section 1 
>>> !
>>> !mapping the fragments 
>>> !*******************************
>>>     !Select DFET or DMFET. Default value: DFET
>>>     &EMBED DFET
>>>        NGROUPS 1
>>>        &MAPPING
>>>           &FORCE_EVAL_EMBED
>>>              &FRAGMENT 1
>>>                 1 3  
>>>              &END
>>>              &FRAGMENT 2
>>>                 4 5  
>>>              &END
>>>              &FRAGMENT 3
>>>                 1 5  
>>>              &END
>>>           &END
>>>           &FORCE_EVAL 1
>>>              &FRAGMENT 1
>>>                 1 3
>>>                 MAP 1 
>>>               &END
>>>           &END
>>>           &FORCE_EVAL 2
>>>              &FRAGMENT 1
>>>                 1 2
>>>                 MAP 2 
>>>              &END
>>>           &END
>>>           &FORCE_EVAL 3
>>>              &FRAGMENT 1
>>>                 1 5
>>>                 MAP 3 
>>>               &END
>>>           &END
>>>           &FORCE_EVAL 4
>>>              &FRAGMENT 1
>>>                 1 2
>>>                 MAP 2 
>>>              &END
>>>           &END
>>>        &END
>>>     &END EMBED
>>>     &SUBSYS
>>>       &CELL
>>>         ABC [angstrom]  5.000   5.000  5.000
>>>       &END CELL
>>>       &COORD
>>>           O      1.75  1.5  0.0   
>>>           H      1.0   1.0  0.0   
>>>           H      2.5   1.0  0.0    
>>>           H      1.75  2.75  0.0   
>>>           H      1.75  3.50 0.0    
>>>       &END
>>>     &END SUBSYS
>>> !*******************************
>>> !FORCE_EVA section 2 
>>> !
>>> !Subsys 1 the H2O molecular
>>> !*******************************
>>>     METHOD Quickstep
>>>     &SUBSYS
>>>         &CELL
>>>             ABC [angstrom]    5.000   5.000  5.000
>>>         &END CELL
>>>         &COORD
>>>             O      1.75  1.5  0.0   
>>>             H      1.0   1.0  0.0   
>>>             H      2.5   1.0  0.0 
>>>         &END COORD
>>>     &END SUBSYS
>>>     &DFT
>>>         &QS
>>>           METHOD DFTB
>>>           &DFTB
>>>             SELF_CONSISTENT    T
>>>             &PARAMETER
>>>               PARAM_FILE_PATH  DFTB/scc
>>>               PARAM_FILE_NAME  scc_parameter
>>>               UFF_FORCE_FIELD  ../uff_table
>>>             &END PARAMETER
>>>           &END DFTB
>>>         &END QS
>>>         &POISSON
>>>             &EWALD
>>>                EWALD_TYPE SPME
>>>                GMAX 25
>>>             &END EWALD
>>>         &END POISSON
>>>         &MGRID
>>>           NGRIDS 5
>>>           CUTOFF 600     
>>>           REL_CUTOFF 60   
>>>         &END MGRID
>>>         &SCF
>>>             MAX_SCF 100           !Maximum number of SCF iteration
>>>             &OT
>>>                 MINIMIZER DIIS
>>>             &END OT
>>>         &END SCF
>>>     &END DFT
>>> !*******************************
>>> !FORCE_EVA section 3 
>>> !
>>> !Subsys 2 the H2 molecular
>>> !*******************************
>>>     METHOD Quickstep
>>>     &SUBSYS     
>>>       &CELL
>>>           ABC [angstrom]    5.000   5.000  5.000      
>>>       &END CELL
>>>       &COORD   
>>>           H      1.75  2.75  0.0   
>>>           H      1.75  3.50 0.0 
>>>       &END COORD
>>>     &END SUBSYS
>>>     &DFT
>>>         &QS
>>>             METHOD DFTB
>>>             &DFTB
>>>               SELF_CONSISTENT    T
>>>               &PARAMETER
>>>                 PARAM_FILE_PATH  DFTB/scc
>>>                 PARAM_FILE_NAME  scc_parameter
>>>                 UFF_FORCE_FIELD  ../uff_table
>>>               &END PARAMETER
>>>             &END DFTB
>>>         &END QS
>>>         &POISSON
>>>             &EWALD
>>>                 EWALD_TYPE SPME
>>>                 GMAX 25
>>>             &END EWALD
>>>         &END POISSON
>>>         &MGRID
>>>           NGRIDS 5
>>>           CUTOFF 600     
>>>           REL_CUTOFF 60   
>>>         &END MGRID
>>>         &SCF
>>>             MAX_SCF 100         
>>>             &OT
>>>                 MINIMIZER DIIS
>>>             &END OT
>>>         &END SCF
>>>     &END DFT
>>> !*******************************
>>> !FORCE_EVA section 4
>>> !
>>> !Total system including H2O and H2
>>> !*******************************
>>>     METHOD Quickstep
>>>     &SUBSYS
>>>         &CELL
>>>            ABC [angstrom]    5.000   5.000  5.000
>>>         &END CELL
>>>         &COORD
>>>             O      1.75  1.5  0.0   
>>>             H      1.0   1.0  0.0   
>>>             H      2.5   1.0  0.0    
>>>             H      1.75  2.75  0.0   
>>>             H      1.75  3.50 0.0 
>>>         &END COORD
>>>     &END SUBSYS
>>>     &DFT
>>>         &QS
>>>             REF_EMBED_SUBSYS .TRUE.
>>>             &OPT_EMBED
>>>                REG_LAMBDA 0.00001
>>>                N_ITER 3
>>>                DENS_CONV_INT 0.5
>>>                DENS_CONV_MAX 0.025
>>>                OPTIMIZER QUASI_NEWTON
>>>                GRID_OPT .FALSE.
>>>             &END OPT_EMBED
>>>             !&OPT_DMFET
>>>             !&END
>>>             EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-10   !Default value: 1.00000000E-010
>>>             METHOD DFTB
>>>             &DFTB
>>>               SELF_CONSISTENT    T
>>>               &PARAMETER
>>>                 PARAM_FILE_PATH  DFTB/scc
>>>                 PARAM_FILE_NAME  scc_parameter
>>>                 UFF_FORCE_FIELD  ../uff_table
>>>               &END PARAMETER
>>>             &END DFTB
>>>         &END QS
>>>         &POISSON
>>>             &EWALD
>>>                EWALD_TYPE SPME
>>>                GMAX 25
>>>             &END EWALD
>>>         &END POISSON
>>>         &MGRID
>>>           NGRIDS 5
>>>           CUTOFF 600     
>>>           REL_CUTOFF 60   
>>>         &END MGRID
>>>         &SCF
>>>             MAX_SCF 100           
>>>             &OT
>>>                 MINIMIZER DIIS
>>>             &END OT
>>>         &END SCF
>>>     &END DFT
>>> !*******************************
>>> !FORCE_EVA section 5 
>>> !
>>> !Higher level calculation on subsys 2, the H2O 
>>> !*******************************
>>>     METHOD Quickstep
>>>     &DFT
>>>         &QS
>>>             METHOD GPW
>>>             EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-15
>>>             EPS_PGF_ORB 1.0E-30
>>>         &END QS
>>>         &SCF
>>>           MAX_SCF 100        
>>>           &OT
>>>             MINIMIZER DIIS
>>>           &END OT
>>>         &END SCF
>>>         &XC
>>>             &XC_FUNCTIONAL PBE
>>>             &END XC_FUNCTIONAL
>>>         &END XC
>>>         &POISSON
>>>             &EWALD
>>>                EWALD_TYPE SPME
>>>                GMAX 25
>>>             &END EWALD
>>>         &END POISSON
>>>         &MGRID
>>>           NGRIDS 5
>>>           CUTOFF 600     
>>>           REL_CUTOFF 60   
>>>         &END MGRID
>>>     &END DFT
>>>     &SUBSYS
>>>         &CELL
>>>             ABC [angstrom]  5.000   5.000  5.000
>>>         &END CELL
>>>         &KIND H
>>>             BASIS_SET  cc-TZ
>>>             BASIS_SET RI_AUX  RI_TZ
>>>             POTENTIAL  GTH-HF-q1
>>>         &END KIND
>>>         &KIND O
>>>             BASIS_SET  cc-TZ
>>>             BASIS_SET RI_AUX  RI_TZ
>>>             POTENTIAL  GTH-HF-q6
>>>         &END KIND
>>>         &COORD
>>>             H      1.75  2.75  0.0   
>>>             H      1.75  3.50 0.0    
>>>         &END
>>>     &END SUBSYS
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