[CP2K-user] Help about AIMD equilibration time for liquid water and water interface simulation
tb95... at mail.ustc.edu.cn
Wed Jun 19 08:22:46 UTC 2019
I meet the same question,I asked some people who have much experience about
cp2k,I thought the question is the TIMECON parameter under the NOSE,the
default value is the 1000[fs],it means that the temperature exchange every
1000fs,I set the parameter value to 100fs,it will be fine for fast
equlibration!You can try!
tangbo USTC
在 2019年1月11日星期五 UTC+8上午6:45:41,Shuai Jiang写道:
> Hi, all,
> Recently I am trying to utilize AIMD in CP2K to equilibrate liquid water
> and water clusters for further analysis. According to the literature, after
> classical MD equilibration, 2 ps in AIMD would be long enough to
> equilibrate the system under the NVT condition with Nose-Hoover thermostat
> (see Fig.1. Input). But under my test, for liquid water (32 water molecules
> composing cluster with PBC, TIP5P equilibrated), even after 5ps, the
> temperature still changes significantly (Fig.1.). So I change the input
> parameters (including decreasing time steps from 1fs to 0.5 fs, decreasing
> the inner scf max cycles while increasing the outer scf cycles, changing
> DFT from BLYP to PBE, increasing EPS_SCF from 1E-5 to 1E-6, changing
> thermostat from Nose to GLE) with the same input configuration, it turns
> out that the most influencing parameter for temperature equilibration is
> thermostat (see Fig.2. for GLE results). It seems like that GLE could
> equilibrate the liquid water faster. But why isn’t Nose-Hoover thermostat
> working in my test? A lot of literature use Nose-Hoover thermostat for
> equilibration and NVE for production.
> For simulating SO2 interacting with small water cluster surface to test,
> the equilibration time is much longer as the temperature oscillates
> significantly (Fig.3.) even though it is after almost 18 ps equilibration!
> The small water cluster is composed of 24 water molecules and equilibrated
> under TIP3P for 1ns, then the SO2 molecule is put around it, then do the
> geometry optimization with BLYP-D3 till convergence as the initial
> configuration for AIMD. So I am curious about the same question as that in
> simulating the liquid water: why Nose-Hoover thermostat cannot equilibrate
> my system in several ps as indicated in the literature? The faster
> equilibration under GLE thermostat rules out the issue of initial
> configuration, so are there some parameters wrongly setting? Thanks in
> advance.
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