[CP2K-user] [CP2K:11100] Re: van der Waals regtests fail on Intel KNL, and build glitches

Anton Kudelin archm... at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 11:43:50 UTC 2019

What was the result of using the toolchain? Could you recompile the CP2K 
environment with a fresh GCC (7.4, 8.2, or any other that supports KNL 
extensions) by hand or by the toolchain? Also I'd like to look at output 
files which gave 'RUNTIME FAIL'.

On Friday, January 4, 2019 at 4:52:21 PM UTC+3, Ronald Cohen wrote:
> Yes, I did use the tool chain. The arch file is here. It has only minor 
> changes from the distributed one.
> Thank you!
> Ron
> ---
> Ron Cohen
> rec... at gmail.com <javascript:>
> skypename: ronaldcohen
> twitter: @recohen3
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