[CP2K-user] CP2K 6.1 compile with libxc 4.2.3

ar26... at gmail.com ar26... at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 11:40:26 UTC 2019


I have exactly the same problem, but your suggestion doesn't seems to work 
for me. I compiled both programs with the same Intel 2017.4.056 compiler 
but I still get the same error.

This is the configuration script to install libxc:

            module load intel/2017.4.056

--prefix=/users/ar612/programs/intel/2017.4.056/libxc/4.3.3 --enable-shared 
CFLAGS='-fPIC' CXX="mpiicpc" CC="mpiicc" FC="mpiifort"
 And this is my arch file for cp2k. I'm using a template of a previous 
installation in my cluster:
              CC       = mpiicc -qopenmp
              CXX      = mpiicpc -qopenmp
              CPP       =
              FC       = mpiifort -qopenmp
              LD       = mpiifort -qopenmp
              AR       = ar -r

              export OMP_STACKSIZE="50M"

              LIBXC_DIR = $(HOME)/programs/intel/2017.4.056/libxc/4.3.3
              LIBINT_DIR = /cluster/libraries/libint/intel/1.1.6
              LIBXSMM_DIR = /cluster/libraries/libxsmm/intel/1.8.1
              ELPA_DIR = /cluster/libraries/elpa/intel/2017.05.003
              MKL_DIR = /cluster/compiler/intel/mkl
              MPI_DIR = 

              CPPFLAGS =

              DFLAGS   = -D__MKL -D__FFTW3 -D__ELPA=201705 -D__LIBINT 
-D__LIBXC -D__parallel \
                         -D__SCALAPACK -D__BLACS -D__LIBINT_MAX_AM=6 

              CFLAGS   = $(DFLAGS)

              FCFLAGS  = $(DFLAGS) -O2 -g -traceback -fpp -free -no-ipo \
                       -I$(MKL_DIR)/include -I$(MKL_DIR)/include/fftw 
-I$(LIBINT_DIR)/include \
                       -I$(LIBXC_DIR)/include -I$(LIBXSMM_DIR)/include 
-I$(ELPA_DIR)/include/elpa_openmp-2017.05.003/elpa \

              LDFLAGS  = $(FCFLAGS) -L$(ELPA_DIR) -static-intel

              LDFLAGS_C = $(FCFLAGS) -L$(ELPA_DIR) -static-intel -nofor_main

              LIBS     = -L$(ELPA_DIR)/lib -lelpa_openmp \
                       $(MKL_DIR)/lib/intel64/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a \
                       $(MKL_DIR)/lib/intel64/libfftw3xf_intel.a \
$(MKL_DIR)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
                       $(MKL_DIR)/lib/intel64/libmkl_sequential.a \
                       $(MKL_DIR)/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a \
-Wl,--end-group \
                       -lpthread -lm -ldl \
$(LIBINT_DIR)/lib/libint.a -lstdc++ \
                       $(LIBXC_DIR)/lib/libxcf03.a $(LIBXC_DIR)/lib/libxc.a 

              # Required due to memory leak that occurs if high 
optimisations are used
              mp2_optimize_ri_basis.o: mp2_optimize_ri_basis.F
                      ../../../tools/build_utils/fypp -n $< $*.F90
                      $(FC) -c $(FCFLAGS2) $<
              #        $(MKL_DIR)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_thread.a

In both cases I'm using Intel fortran compiler mpiifort of the same version 
(unless there I'm messing some detail) and these are the errors I get:

            mpiifort -qopenmp -c -D__MKL -D__FFTW3 -D__ELPA=201705 
-D__LIBINT_MAX_AM=6 -D__LIBDERIV_MAX_AM1=5 -D__LIBXSMM -O2 -g -traceback 
-fpp -free -no-ipo -I/cluster/compiler/intel/mkl/include 
-D__COMPILE_DATE="\"Do 21. Feb 12:22:07 CET 2019\"" 
error #7013: This module file was not generated by any release of this 
compiler.   [XC_F03_LIB_M]
                           USE xc_f03_lib_m, ONLY: xc_f03_func_end, &
error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   
INTENT(IN)               :: xc_info
error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   
TYPE(xc_f03_func_reference_t)                      :: xc_ref
error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   
TYPE(xc_f03_func_info_t)                           :: xc_info
error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   
TYPE(xc_f03_func_t)                                :: xc_func
error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   
INTENT(INOUT)                 :: xc_func
error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   
INTENT(IN)               :: xc_info
error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist.   [XC_F03_FUNC_END]
                           USE xc_f03_lib_m, ONLY: xc_f03_func_end, &
error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist.   [XC_F03_FUNC_INIT]
                              xc_f03_func_init, &
 Any kind of suggestion will be welcome. Regards,

El domingo, 8 de julio de 2018, 10:48:15 (UTC+2), ela... at ucsd.edu escribió:
> Hi Yingchun
> Thanks for the help! I tried that but it didn't seem to fix the error.. I 
> did find the problem though! I think the issue was that I did not compile 
> my libxc library with the same fortran compiler as CP2K. When I switched my 
> libxc fortan compiler to mpifort and re-compiled libxc, the CP2K 
> compilation worked!
> Thanks,
> Teri
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