[CP2K-user] [CP2K:11230] Cell optimization of layered material, convergence vs K_POINTS
hut... at chem.uzh.ch
hut... at chem.uzh.ch
Wed Feb 13 13:29:14 UTC 2019
just a few suggestions that might help:
1) use EPS_DEFAULT 1.e-12 for additional numerical stability
2) use &REF_CELL with a cell of about the size of the largest cell expected
this improves numerical stability by enforcing a constant number of grid points
I think it is more stable
best regards
Juerg Hutter Phone : ++41 44 635 4491
Institut für Chemie C FAX : ++41 44 635 6838
Universität Zürich E-mail: hut... at chem.uzh.ch
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland
-----cp... at googlegroups.com wrote: -----
To: "cp2k" <cp... at googlegroups.com>
From: "Daniele Ongari"
Sent by: cp... at googlegroups.com
Date: 02/04/2019 12:00PM
Subject: [CP2K:11230] Cell optimization of layered material, convergence vs K_POINTS
Dear CP2K developers,
while optimizing the cell of 2d layered covalent-organic frameworks (think: graphite with holes) we are encountering instabilities that can seemingly be quenched by increasing the number of layers used in the cell (increasing the K_POINTS works as well).
Since the materials tend to have a PBE gap above 2eV and should be van-der-Waals bonded only, we find that surprising.
In the following we report one of these problematic cases, COF-1, using PBE-D3(BJ) functional.
Figure 1 shows the starting unit cell, which contains 2 layers of the material (before and after the cell_opt with kpoints).
Figure 2 shows the convergence of the total energy, once using just the Gamma point and once using 1x1x2 k-points (2 k-points along the z direction). Note that for the second one we use DIAGONALIZATION and EXTRAPOLATION=USE_GUESS, as required for using kpoints, but the same CELL_OPT settings.
The cell find its optimal dimension by tilting in the xy plane and, in the case of Gamma calculation, the optimization oscillates without converging.
- ot-gamma inp: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g5usnojtblhomi3/ot_inp.txt?dl=0
- kpoints inp: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d69170jnqfuq4g6/kp_inp.txt?dl=0
- coord+inputs+outputs zipped: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k3kl6sw9u8ine2y/cof1_ot_vs_kpoints.zip?dl=1
We used K-POINTS because the perpendicular width in z direction is 6.920 Angs at the start and gets 6.766 Angsat the end, however we are confused on why the K-POINTS in z directions are so important for the stability of the calculation. Is there any other parameter that I can tune to stabilize the no-K-POINTS+OT calculation?
I tested already many options without kpoints, without success (always experiencing jumps in the energy during the CELL_OPT):
1) lower EPS_SCF
2) higher CUTOFF
and with (a partial) success:
5) Duplicating the cell in z direction gives almost exactly the same result as with K-POINTS (and is more efficients in terms of speed, albeit not an elegant solution)
6) CG or (much) lower TRUST_RADIUS=0.1, do not jump but they are *very* inefficient, and therefore not a solution.
7) Using the PW code Quantum Espresso (much slower than CP2K for this system) with Gamma approximation. In that case PBE-D3 does always lead to a smooth cell_opt convergence using bfgs. As expected, the z dimension of the cell is small, but "not so small" to cause problems.
Therefore, the most efficient solution for now it would be to duplicate my 2D materials in the z direction (mod #5) to have a robust convergence with the price of a ~2x slower calculation and having a bigger reference cell. This does not *always* solve the cell_opt convergence problems, but it works for most of the problematic cases. Consider that, as in my previous post on OT convergence problems (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/cp2k/X8RhYjSVVWc/TXdeLTMUCQAJ) our aim is to use general setting for high-throughput calculation.
Do you have any other suggestion to try solving my problem?
I expect that these 2D-layers have a corrugated potential surface: I'm not looking for the absolute minima, but at least a reasonable one without geometry convergence problem. I'm wondering if there are some threshold value that I can tune not to have interference with the CELL_OPT, without increasing much the computational cost (not more than ~2x).
Any suggestion is welcome, thanks!
Daniele Ongari
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