[CP2K-user] Error while compiling cp2k v7.1

Mohamed Ahmed mohamed... at gmail.com
Tue Dec 31 14:38:29 UTC 2019

Hi everyone,

I am trying to build cp2k v7.1. Referring to the attached screenshot, I get 
the error shown when executing *make -j 4 ARCH=local VERSION=psmp* after 
successfully executing *./install_cp2k_toolchain.sh --libint-lmax=7 
--with-cmake=system --with-pexsi=install --with-quip=install 
--with-spglib=install --with-plumed=install* and *source 
/home/mohamedsami144/cp2k/tools/toolchain/install/setup. *My machine is 
running Ubuntu 19.10.

Your help to solve this issue will be greatly appreciated.

Happy new Decade.
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