[CP2K-user] Visualizing molden format normal modes without Molden

Alejandro Ramos ar26... at gmail.com
Fri Aug 2 09:28:22 UTC 2019

Dear all,

I'm performing vibrational analysis of some molecule in CP2K. The output of 
the normal modes is in molden format, but I don't want to use Molden for 
visualizing it because I think it offers very few visualization options and 
it doesn't look nice to me. Not Avogadro, Chemcraft, VMD, PyMol or any 
other popular visualization program can open this kind of files. Does 
someone have an idea of what can I use besides Molden to visualize the 
normal modes output of CP2K? Maybe there is some kind of plugin or script 
for the programs mentioned earlier?

Thanks in advance,

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