[CP2K-user] *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:284 :: keyword XC_FUNCTIONALS *** *** assumed undefined type by default

Mozhdeh mozhdehmo... at gmail.com
Tue Apr 30 07:37:28 UTC 2019

Dear users and developers

using cp2k 6 and libvdwxc-master-429a80027a2ec2c97e2f6d9a3dc84843f2739865 
I've got this error:

 *** WARNING in input/input_keyword_types.F:284 :: keyword XC_FUNCTIONALS 
 *** assumed undefined type by default
SIRIUS 6.1.0, git hash: 3cf5f249c51c6d2f836a624d771c2aa9de1a2769
but I found that installed and built version of SIRIUS is SIRIUS-6.1.2 !
is there an inconsistency here? as I found a same bug report with sirius 
v6.1.5 and libvdwxc v0.4.0.


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