[CP2K-user] corrput DCD file - Any suggestions to recover it?

ganta.pr... at gmail.com ganta.pr... at gmail.com
Sat Apr 13 20:36:20 UTC 2019

Dear CP2K team/users,

One of my output trajectories (dcd format) using CP2K is corrupt and I want 
to recover data from all frames ignoring the corrupt frame/s. I am able to 
load/export first 4463 frames using vmd but the total trajectory is until 
50,000 frames.

I am using hexedit, ghex in Ubuntu to check for the errors in dcd file, but 
with no progress. 

I have attached corrupt DCD file in the below link


Do you have any suggestions for me regarding hex-editing dcd file (I have 
never done this before)? Please let me know.

Have a nice weekend.


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