problem with cp2k parallel version

Alfio Lazzaro alfio.... at
Tue May 22 12:18:50 UTC 2018

could you check which compiler version are you using? Some Intel compiler 
versions are buggy. Take a look 

Then, which version of the CP2K are you using? You have some pretty old 
flags in your arch file...

Best regards,


Il giorno martedì 22 maggio 2018 13:58:52 UTC+2, stp... at ha 
> Dear All
> I have a problem with cp2k_popt. when I submit a job on our cluster, it 
> will stop writing output after 35 MD steps ( while I asked for 2000)  while 
> the cluster server shows that the job is still running. Moreover, there is 
> no error message. The same job runs till the end with the serial version 
> cp2k_ssmp. I tried to play with the CPUs number  but was not succesful. 
> Attached are the input files,  submission scripts and the file I used in 
> the arch directory to compile cp2k.
> Could someone help?
> Regards 
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