[CP2K:10266] Re: ELPA speed-up with Intel-compiled code
Jerry Tanoury
jerryt... at gmail.com
Fri May 4 11:49:48 UTC 2018
Nico, Juerg,
Thank you. That all makes sense.
Best regards,
On Friday, May 4, 2018 at 5:47:54 AM UTC-4, Nico Holmberg wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> Just to expand on Juerg's answer, it appears that you are using the OT
> method together with the FULL_SINGLE_INVERSE preconditioner
> <https://manual.cp2k.org/trunk/CP2K_INPUT/FORCE_EVAL/DFT/SCF/OT.html#list_PRECONDITIONER>.
> ELPA won't accelerate such simulations because no direct diagonalization is
> performed during the SCF run.
> If you swap the preconditioner to FULL_ALL, you should notice a ~50 %
> improvement in the *first step* of each inner SCF loop iteration when you
> use ELPA instead of ScaLAPACK. Futhermore, if you switch OT to a standard
> diagonalization based SCF solver, each SCF iteration should be accelerated
> by the same factor. I would however recommend that you always use OT if
> the system is suitable for the method.
> BR,
> Nico
> torstai 3. toukokuuta 2018 19.24.34 UTC+3 jgh kirjoitti:
>> Hi
>> how much time is used for Diagonalization in these runs?
>> I would guess it is a rather small fraction. We developed the OT
>> method especially to avoid diagonalization as much as possible.
>> If this is in fact the case, no speedup can be expected by using
>> ELPA.
>> best regards
>> Juerg
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> Juerg Hutter Phone : ++41 44 635 4491
>> Institut für Chemie C FAX : ++41 44 635 6838
>> Universität Zürich E-mail: hut... at chem.uzh.ch
>> Winterthurerstrasse 190
>> CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>> -----cp... at googlegroups.com wrote: -----
>> To: cp2k <cp... at googlegroups.com>
>> From: Jerry Tanoury
>> Sent by: cp... at googlegroups.com
>> Date: 05/03/2018 06:15PM
>> Subject: [CP2K:10266] Re: ELPA speed-up with Intel-compiled code
>> Dear Alfio,
>> My apologies for not attaching these at the beginning. The input and
>> output files are now attached. Please note that the file names (coordinate
>> files, etc.) have been changed in the input and output files for
>> proprietary reasons. Also, the ELPA run was killed rather soon after it
>> began because no speed-up was observed.
>> Best regards,
>> Jerry
>> On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 2:57:12 PM UTC-4, Jerry Tanoury wrote:
>> Dear forum,
>> I am running CP2K version 5.1 compiled with Intel 2017 update 5 compilers
>> and corresponding MKL libs. The arch file is attached. Everything runs as
>> expected. I then build ELPA-2016.05.004 as shown below and built an
>> ELPA-enable cp2k version according to the attached arch file:
>> ../configure
>> --prefix=/cluster/home/tanoury/CP2K/intelbuilt_packages/2017u5/elpa-2016.05.004
>> FC=mpiifort FCFLAGS=-O2 -xHost CC=mpiicc CFLAGS=-O2 -xHost
>> --enable-option-checking=fatal --enable-static=yes --enable-avx2=no
>> --enable-avx=no
>> SCALAPACK_LDFLAGS=-L/cluster/home/tanoury/intel/2017u5/compilers_and_libraries_2017.5.239/linux/mkl/lib/intel64
>> -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core
>> -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lpthread
>> -Wl,-rpath,/cluster/home/tanoury/intel/2017u5/compilers_and_libraries_2017.5.239/linux/mkl/lib/intel64
>> SCALAPACK_FCFLAGS=-L/cluster/home/tanoury/intel/2017u5/compilers_and_libraries_2017.5.239/linux/mkl/lib/intel64
>> -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core
>> -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lpthread
>> -I/cluster/home/tanoury/intel/2017u5/compilers_and_libraries_2017.5.239/linux/mkl/include/intel64/lp64
>> When doing a speed test on 80 cores, I saw no speed-up from ELPA. Is
>> this unexpected? Did I build ELPA correctly? Perhaps I need to run on
>> 100's of cores.
>> Thank you for the help,
>> Jerry
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>> [attachment "CP2K_Test.inp" removed by Jürg Hutter/at/UZH]
>> [attachment "CP2K_Test1-ELPA.inp" removed by Jürg Hutter/at/UZH]
>> [attachment "CP2K_Test1-ELPA.output" removed by Jürg Hutter/at/UZH]
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