Subsection FORCES of section PRINT

Victoria Morad sqr... at
Wed Jun 6 10:24:08 UTC 2018

Dear Vladimir,

section &PRTIN is in &DFT section. Input and output attached. Output:

Possible matches for unknown subsection 


   subsection FORCES in section %__ROOT__%MOTION%PINT%HELIUM%PRINT score:  

   subsection FORCES in section %__ROOT__%MOTION%PRINT score:  54

   subsection FORCES in section %__ROOT__%FORCE_EVAL%EIP%PRINT score:  54

   subsection FORCES in section %__ROOT__%FORCE_EVAL%PRINT score:  54

   subsection FORCE_MIXING_LABELS in section %__ROOT__%MOTION%PRINT score:  


 *   ___                                                                   

 *  /   \                                                                  

 * [ABORT]                                                                 

 *  \___/               unknown subsection FORCES of section PRINT         

 *    |                                                                    

 *  O/|                                                                    

 * /| |                                                                    

 * / \                                               input/input_parsing.F:185 


 ===== Routine Calling Stack ===== 

            5 section_vals_parse

            4 section_vals_parse

            3 section_vals_parse

            2 section_vals_parse

            1 read_input


MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD

with errorcode 1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.

You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on

exactly when Open MPI kills them.



середа, 6 червня 2018 р. 10:39:41 UTC+2 користувач Vladimir Rybkin написав:
> Dear Victoria,
> the &PRINT section can appear in various parts of the input (essentially 
> every module has its own &PRINT as one can print numerous properties). 
> Thus, you could be more specific with your error. Attaching an input and an 
> output files greatly simplifies the affair. Most likely, it has nothing to 
> do with Phonopy but rather a section in the wrong place or a lacking &END.
> Yours,
> Vladimir  
> среда, 6 июня 2018 г., 10:15:37 UTC+2 пользователь Victoria Morad написал:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am using cp2k 5.2.1 installed and compiled through homebrew. I am 
>> trying to use it with phonopy to get phonon spectra according to this 
>> tutorial (
>>, but 
>> get an error message about unknown subsection. I get that the feature was 
>> implemented in cp2k 6.0? Is cp2k 6.0 available?
>> Best,
>> Viktoria
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