changing amount of pinned memory cp2k asks for

Ada Sedova ada.a.... at
Fri Aug 17 21:38:23 UTC 2018

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a HPC system that previously had no problems running the 
2048 water LS-DFT benchmark with GPU support, as long as I only used 8 
ranks per node. It's OLCF Titan, so there's not a lot of memory to start 

Recently they upgraded the OS and the CUDA drivers, and now not only will 
my old binary not work, but any build I try also has the problem that acc_hostmem_alloc_raw 
exits with acc_hostmem_alloc_raw: Could not allocate host pinned memory.

cudaHostAlloc works just fine in a stand-alone script. I'm trying to figure 
out if there's a way to change how much memory CP2K allocates on the host 
as pinned memory for CUDA.


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