cp2k4.1 install on centos6.5

Alfio Lazzaro alfio.... at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 07:58:11 UTC 2018

We do support several compilers (GNU and Intel + others). However, the 
libraries have to be compiled with the same compilers that you are using 
for CP2K. Indeed, I see (sorry, I didn't get it in the first instance) that 
you get this error message:

This module file was not generated by any release of this compiler.

Therefore it looks like the libraries were compiled with a different 
compiler. Could you confirm that?



Il giorno martedì 10 aprile 2018 00:11:10 UTC+2, zhenrong li ha scritto:
>    - 
>    I'm setting the path right.
> May I ask if cp2k is required for the GCC version?
> 在 2018年4月9日星期一 UTC+8下午9:56:30,Alfio Lazzaro写道:
>> Hello,
>> I'm not sure where the problem is... Is there any reason why you want to 
>> use CP2K 4.1 and not 5.1?
>> Anyway, the message error says that libxc is somehow not installed.
>> From your arch file, I see that you are using:
>> LIBXCROOT = /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/tools/toolchain/install/libxc
>> ifneq (,$(LIBXCROOT))
>>   DFLAGS  += -D__LIBXC
>>   IFLAGS  += -I$(LIBXCROOT)/include
>>   LIBS    += $(LIBXCROOT)/lib/libxcf90.a $(LIBXCROOT)/lib/libxc.a
>> endif
>> Could you double-check that the library and includes are there?
>> Alfio
>> Il giorno lunedì 9 aprile 2018 11:38:41 UTC+2, zhenrong li ha scritto:
>>> 在 2018年4月9日星期一 UTC+8下午5:31:37,tear... at gmail.com写道:
>>>> I installed the cp2k4.1 parallel version on centos6.5, I use the 
>>>> install_cp2k_toolchain. Sh, but when I went to compile cp2k4.1., 
>>>> make -j 28 ARCH=Linux-x86-64-intel-host VERSION=psmp
>>>> I'm using Intel's compiler,parallel_studio_xe_2015, mpich3.2
>>>> *The following error was reported:*
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(37): error #7013: This module 
>>>> file was not generated by any release of this compiler.   [LIBXC_FUNCS_M]
>>>>   USE libxc_funcs_m,                   ONLY: XC_GGA_C_N12,&
>>>> ------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(213): error #6457: This 
>>>> derived type name has not been declared.   [XC_F90_POINTER_T]
>>>>       TYPE(xc_f90_pointer_t), INTENT(IN) :: xc_info
>>>> -----------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(215): error #6683: A kind 
>>>> type parameter must be a compile-time constant.   [DP]
>>>>       REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)          :: sc
>>>> ----------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(226): error #6457: This 
>>>> derived type name has not been declared.   [XC_F90_POINTER_T]
>>>>       TYPE(xc_f90_pointer_t)             :: str ! this will hold a 
>>>> (char **) pointer
>>>> -----------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(403): error #6683: A kind 
>>>> type parameter must be a compile-time constant.   [DP]
>>>>       REAL(KIND=dp)                            :: rho, norm_drho, 
>>>> laplace_rho, &
>>>> ----------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(405): error #6683: A kind 
>>>> type parameter must be a compile-time constant.   [DP]
>>>>       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), &
>>>> ----------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(407): error #6683: A kind 
>>>> type parameter must be a compile-time constant.   [DP]
>>>>       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), &
>>>> ----------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(409): error #6457: This 
>>>> derived type name has not been declared.   [XC_F90_POINTER_T]
>>>>       TYPE(xc_f90_pointer_t)                   :: xc_func, xc_info
>>>> -----------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(504): error #6457: This 
>>>> derived type name has not been declared.   [XC_F90_POINTER_T]
>>>>       TYPE(xc_f90_pointer_t), INTENT(INOUT)              :: xc_func
>>>> -----------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(505): error #6457: This 
>>>> derived type name has not been declared.   [XC_F90_POINTER_T]
>>>>       TYPE(xc_f90_pointer_t), INTENT(IN)                 :: xc_info
>>>> -----------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(507): error #6683: A kind 
>>>> type parameter must be a compile-time constant.   [DP]
>>>>       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(*), INTENT(IN)            :: params
>>>> ----------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(37): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_C_N12]
>>>>   USE libxc_funcs_m,                   ONLY: XC_GGA_C_N12,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(38): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_C_N12_SX]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_C_N12_SX,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(39): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_K_FR_B88]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_K_FR_B88,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(40): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_K_LLP]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_K_LLP,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(41): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_K_THAKKAR]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_K_THAKKAR,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(42): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_X_B88]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_X_B88,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(43): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_X_HJS_B88]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_X_HJS_B88,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(44): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_X_HJS_B97X]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_X_HJS_B97X,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(45): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_X_HJS_PBE]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_X_HJS_PBE,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(46): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_X_HJS_PBE_SOL]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_X_HJS_PBE_SOL,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(47): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_X_LB]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_X_LB,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(48): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_X_MB88]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_X_MB88,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(49): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_X_N12]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_X_N12,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(50): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_X_OPTB88_VDW]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_X_OPTB88_VDW,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(51): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_GGA_X_WPBEH]
>>>>                                              XC_GGA_X_WPBEH,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(52): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_HYB_GGA_XC_HJS_B88]
>>>>                                              XC_HYB_GGA_XC_HJS_B88,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(53): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_HYB_GGA_XC_HJS_B97X]
>>>>                                              XC_HYB_GGA_XC_HJS_B97X,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(54): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_HYB_GGA_XC_HJS_PBE]
>>>>                                              XC_HYB_GGA_XC_HJS_PBE,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F(55): error #6580: Name in 
>>>> only-list does not exist.   [XC_HYB_GGA_XC_HJS_PBE_SOL]
>>>>                                              XC_HYB_GGA_XC_HJS_PBE_SOL,&
>>>> ---------------------------------------------^
>>>> /tmp/ifortaOOjgO.i(689): catastrophic error: Too many errors, exiting
>>>> compilation aborted for /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F (code 
>>>> 1)
>>>> make[3]: *** [xc_libxc_wrap.o] Error 1
>>>> make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv.F(78): error #7013: 
>>>> This module file was not generated by any release of this compiler.  
>>>>  [LIBXSMM]
>>>>     USE libxsmm,                           ONLY:  libxsmm_init
>>>> --------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv.F(92): error #6580: 
>>>> Name in only-list does not exist.   [LIBXSMM_FINALIZE]
>>>>     USE libxsmm,                           ONLY:  libxsmm_finalize
>>>> --------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(163): error 
>>>> #7013: This module file was not generated by any release of this compiler.  
>>>>  [LIBXSMM]
>>>>     USE libxsmm,                           ONLY: libxsmm_function  => 
>>>> libxsmm_dmmfunction,&
>>>> --------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(175): error 
>>>> #6592: This symbol must be a defined parameter, an enumerator, or an 
>>>> argument of an inquiry function that evaluates to a compile-time constant.  
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(176): error 
>>>> #6592: This symbol must be a defined parameter, an enumerator, or an 
>>>> argument of an inquiry function that evaluates to a compile-time constant.  
>>>> --------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(197): error 
>>>> #6498: The use-name for this local-name is not defined.   [LIBXSMM_FUNCTION]
>>>>     TYPE(libxsmm_function)                    :: func
>>>> ---------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_s.f90(168): error 
>>>> #6580: Name in only-list does not exist.   [LIBXSMM_PREFETCH_NONE]
>>>>                                                  LIBXSMM_PREFETCH_NONE,&
>>>> -------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_s.f90(169): error 
>>>> #6580: Name in only-list does not exist.   [LIBXSMM_PREFETCH]
>>>>                                                  LIBXSMM_PREFETCH,&
>>>> -------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_s.f90(170): error 
>>>> #6580: Name in only-list does not exist.   [LIBXSMM_ROW_MAJOR]
>>>>                                                  LIBXSMM_ROW_MAJOR,&
>>>> -------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_s.f90(171): error 
>>>> #6580: Name in only-list does not exist.   [LIBXSMM_COL_MAJOR]
>>>>                                                  LIBXSMM_COL_MAJOR,&
>>>> -------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_s.f90(172): error 
>>>> #6580: Name in only-list does not exist.   [LIBXSMM_MAX_MNK]
>>>>                                                  LIBXSMM_MAX_MNK,&
>>>> -------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_s.f90(173): error 
>>>> #6580: Name in only-list does not exist.   [LIBXSMM_FLAGS]
>>>>                                                  LIBXSMM_FLAGS
>>>> -------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_s.f90(175): error 
>>>> #6592: This symbol must be a defined parameter, an enumerator, or an 
>>>> argument of an inquiry function that evaluates to a compile-time constant.  
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_s.f90(176): error 
>>>> #6592: This symbol must be a defined parameter, an enumerator, or an 
>>>> argument of an inquiry function that evaluates to a compile-time constant.  
>>>> --------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_s.f90(197): error 
>>>> #6498: The use-name for this local-name is not defined.   [LIBXSMM_FUNCTION]
>>>>     TYPE(libxsmm_function)                    :: func
>>>> ---------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv.F(78): error #6580: 
>>>> Name in only-list does not exist.   [LIBXSMM_INIT]
>>>>     USE libxsmm,                           ONLY:  libxsmm_init
>>>> --------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(202): error 
>>>> #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type.  
>>>> cp__a("dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv.F",202)
>>>> -------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(202): error 
>>>> #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type.  
>>>> cp__a("dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv.F",202)
>>>> ----------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(211): error 
>>>> #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type.  
>>>>        IF(threshold > LIBXSMM_MAX_MNK) THEN
>>>> ----------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(217): error 
>>>> #6498: The use-name for this local-name is not defined.   [LIBXSMM_DISPATCH]
>>>>           CALL libxsmm_dispatch(func, &
>>>> ---------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(221): error 
>>>> #6498: The use-name for this local-name is not defined.  
>>>>           IF (libxsmm_available(func)) THEN
>>>> --------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(221): error 
>>>> #6341: A logical data type is required in this context.  
>>>>           IF (libxsmm_available(func)) THEN
>>>> --------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(236): error 
>>>> #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type.  
>>>> THEN
>>>> ------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(237): error 
>>>> #6498: The use-name for this local-name is not defined.   [LIBXSMM_CALL]
>>>>                    CALL libxsmm_call(func, &
>>>> ------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(242): error 
>>>> #6498: The use-name for this local-name is not defined.   [LIBXSMM_CALL]
>>>>                    CALL libxsmm_call(func, &
>>>> ------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(252): error 
>>>> #6498: The use-name for this local-name is not defined.   [LIBXSMM_CALL]
>>>>                 CALL libxsmm_call(func, &
>>>> ---------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(257): error 
>>>> #6498: The use-name for this local-name is not defined.   [LIBXSMM_CALL]
>>>>                 CALL libxsmm_call(func, &
>>>> ---------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(282): error 
>>>> #6498: The use-name for this local-name is not defined.   [LIBXSMM_GEMM]
>>>>           CALL libxsmm_gemm(m=m, n=n, k=k, a=a_ptr, b=b_ptr, c=c_ptr, &
>>>> ---------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(168): error 
>>>> #6580: Name in only-list does not exist.   [LIBXSMM_PREFETCH_NONE]
>>>>                                                  LIBXSMM_PREFETCH_NONE,&
>>>> -------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv_d.f90(169): error 
>>>> #6580: Name in only-list does not exist.   [LIBXSMM_PREFETCH]
>>>>                                                  LIBXSMM_PREFETCH,&
>>>> -------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /tmp/iforttMGWTQ.i(1256): catastrophic error: Too many errors, exiting
>>>> compilation aborted for 
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/src/dbcsr/mm/dbcsr_mm_hostdrv.F (code 1)
>>>> make[3]: *** [dbcsr_mm_hostdrv.o] Error 1
>>>> make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
>>>> make[1]: *** [psmp] Error 2
>>>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>>>>    - 
>>>>    This is my arch file configuration:
>>>> # Arch file targeting Linux 64-bit using the Intel tool chain
>>>> #
>>>> PERL     = perl
>>>> CPP      = #cpp
>>>> AR       = xiar -r
>>>> # LIBINT: configure, build, and install
>>>> # Version 1.1.5 (tested)
>>>> #
>>>> # $ env \
>>>> #   AR=xiar \
>>>> #   FC=ifort F77=ifort F90=ifort FCFLAGS="-O2 -xHost -ipo" \
>>>> #   CC=icc CFLAGS="-O2 -xHost -ipo" \
>>>> #   CXX=icpc CXXFLAGS="-O2 -xHost -ipo" \
>>>> #   ./configure --prefix=$HOME/libint \
>>>> #     --with-cc-optflags="-O2 -xHost -ipo" \
>>>> #     --with-cxx-optflags="-O2 -xHost -ipo" \
>>>> #     --with-libint-max-am=5 \
>>>> #     --with-libderiv-max-am1=4
>>>> # $ make
>>>> # $ make install
>>>> # $ make realclean
>>>> #
>>>> LIBINTROOT = /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/tools/toolchain/install/libint
>>>> # LIBXC: configure, build, and install
>>>> # Version 2.2.2 (tested)
>>>> #
>>>> # $ env \
>>>> #   AR=xiar \
>>>> #   FC=ifort F77=ifort F90=ifort FCFLAGS="-O2 -xHost -ipo" \
>>>> #   CC=icc CFLAGS="-O2 -xHost -ipo" \
>>>> #   ./configure --prefix=$HOME/libxc
>>>> # $ make
>>>> # $ make install
>>>> # $ make clean
>>>> #
>>>> LIBXCROOT = /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/tools/toolchain/install/libxc
>>>> # LIBXSMM: cp2k/tools/build_libsmm/libxsmm or 
>>>> https://github.com/hfp/libxsmm
>>>> # Please note that CP2K redistributes LIBXSMM and allows to build 
>>>> # according to an auto-tuning process. Defining LIBXSMMROOT may 
>>>> interfere
>>>> # with CP2K's version of LIBXSMM. To offload work to LIBXSMM 
>>>> # define the preprocessor symbol CP2K_DBCSR_ACC_MIC_USE_LIBXSMM
>>>> # (cp2k/src/dbcsr/libsmm_acc/libmicsmm/libmicsmm_config.h).
>>>> #
>>>> # $ make ROW_MAJOR=0 \
>>>> #   INDICES_M="$(echo $(seq 1 24))" \
>>>> #   INDICES_N="$(echo $(seq 1 24))" \
>>>> #   INDICES_K="$(echo $(seq 1 24))"
>>>> # $ make clean
>>>> #
>>>> LIBXSMMROOT = /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/tools/toolchain/install/libxsmm
>>>> # LIBXSTREAM: cp2k/src/acc/mic/libxstream or 
>>>> https://github.com/hfp/libxstream
>>>> # Please note that CP2K redistributes a tested version of LIBXSTREAM.
>>>> #
>>>> # $ make
>>>> # $ make clean
>>>> LIBXSTREAMROOT = /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/tools/mic/libxstream
>>>> # Diagnostic message to be turned off
>>>> DIAG_DISABLE = 8290,8291,10010,10212,11060
>>>> #
>>>> ifeq (,$(PAR))
>>>>   PAR := 2
>>>> endif
>>>> ifeq (,$(SMP))
>>>>   SMP := 1
>>>> endif
>>>> ifeq (,$(ACC))
>>>>   ACC := 1
>>>> endif
>>>> ifeq (,$(MIC))
>>>>   MIC := 1
>>>> endif
>>>> ifeq (,$(ATTRIBUTE))
>>>>   ATTRIBUTE := mic
>>>> endif
>>>> ifeq (,$(MKL))
>>>>   MKL := 2
>>>> endif
>>>> ifeq (,$(MKL_STATIC))
>>>>   MKL_STATIC := 1
>>>> endif
>>>> ifeq (1,$(MKL_DIRECT))
>>>>   MKL_STATIC := 1
>>>>   # always using MKL_DIRECT_CALL_SEQ since it is nested
>>>> endif
>>>> ifeq (,$(OCL))
>>>>   OCL := 0
>>>> endif
>>>> ifeq (,$(DBG))
>>>>   DBG := 0
>>>> endif
>>>> CPPFLAGS  := $(NULL)
>>>> CXXFLAGS  := -diag-disable $(DIAG_DISABLE) -std=c++0x
>>>> CFLAGS    := -diag-disable $(DIAG_DISABLE)
>>>> FCFLAGS   := -diag-disable $(DIAG_DISABLE) -free -fpp -heap-arrays 64
>>>> LDFLAGS   := -diag-disable $(DIAG_DISABLE)
>>>> LDFLAGS_C := -diag-disable $(DIAG_DISABLE) -nofor_main
>>>> OPTFLAGS  := $(NULL)
>>>> ifeq (0,$(DBG))
>>>>   OPTFLAGS  += -O2
>>>>   OPTFLAGS  += -xHost
>>>>   DFLAGS    += -DNDEBUG
>>>>   CXXFLAGS  += -fp-model precise #-fno-alias -ansi-alias
>>>>   CFLAGS    += -fp-model precise #-fno-alias -ansi-alias
>>>>   FCFLAGS   += -fp-model source
>>>>   LDFLAGS   += #
>>>>   ifeq (1,$(IPO))
>>>>     OPTFLAGS += -ipo-separate
>>>>   endif
>>>> else
>>>>   OPTFLAGS  += -O0 -g -traceback
>>>>   ifeq (2,$(DBG))
>>>>     FCFLAGS   += -fpe0 # debugging NaNs
>>>>   endif
>>>> endif
>>>> ifneq (0,$(PAR))
>>>>   CXX = mpiicpc
>>>>   CC  = mpiicc
>>>>   FC  = mpiifort
>>>>   LD  = mpiifort
>>>>   DFLAGS += -D__parallel -D__BLACS -D__SCALAPACK
>>>>   ifneq (1,$(PAR))
>>>>     DFLAGS += -D__SCALAPACK2
>>>>   endif
>>>> else
>>>>   CXX = icpc
>>>>   CC  = icc
>>>>   FC  = ifort
>>>>   LD  = ifort
>>>> endif
>>>> ifneq (0,$(SMP))
>>>>   OPTFLAGS += -openmp
>>>> endif
>>>> ifneq (,$(LIBINTROOT))
>>>>   IFLAGS  += -I$(LIBINTROOT)/include
>>>>   LIBS    += $(LIBINTROOT)/lib/libderiv.a $(LIBINTROOT)/lib/libint.a
>>>> endif
>>>> ifneq (,$(LIBXCROOT))
>>>>   DFLAGS  += -D__LIBXC
>>>>   IFLAGS  += -I$(LIBXCROOT)/include
>>>>   LIBS    += $(LIBXCROOT)/lib/libxcf90.a $(LIBXCROOT)/lib/libxc.a
>>>> endif
>>>> ifneq (,$(LIBXSTREAMROOT))
>>>>   IFLAGS  += -I$(LIBXSTREAMROOT)/include
>>>> else
>>>>   IFLAGS  += -I$(SRCDIR)/acc/mic/libxstream/include
>>>> endif
>>>> ###########################elpa#######################################
>>>>   DFLAGS  += -D__ELPA=201605
>>>>   IFLAGS  += 
>>>> -I/opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/tools/toolchain/install/elpa-2016.05.003/include/elpa_openmp-2016.05.003/elpa
>>>>   IFLAGS  += 
>>>> -I/opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/tools/toolchain/install/elpa-2016.05.003/include/elpa_openmp-2016.05.003/modules
>>>>   LIBS    += 
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/tools/toolchain/install/elpa-2016.05.003/lib/libelpa_openmp.a
>>>> ##########################libxsmm####################################
>>>>   DFLAGS  += -D__LIBXSMM
>>>>   IFLAGS  += 
>>>> -I/opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/tools/toolchain/install/libxsmm/include
>>>>   LIBS    += 
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/tools/toolchain/install/libxsmm/lib/libxsmm.a 
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/tools/toolchain/install/libxsmm/lib/libxsmmext.a 
>>>> /opt/soft/cp2k-4.1/tools/toolchain/install/libxsmm/lib/libxsmmf.a
>>>> ######################################################################
>>>>   DFLAGS += -D_GRID_CORE=5
>>>> ifneq (0,$(ACC))
>>>>   DFLAGS += -D__ACC -D__DBCSR_ACC
>>>>   ifneq (,$(LIBXSMMROOT))
>>>>     DFLAGS  += -D__LIBXSMM
>>>>     IFLAGS  += -I$(LIBXSMMROOT)/include
>>>>     #MIC_CXFLAGS += 
>>>> -offload-option,mic,compiler,"-Wl,$(LIBXSMMROOT)/lib/mic/libxsmm.a"
>>>>     #MIC_CCFLAGS += 
>>>> -offload-option,mic,compiler,"-Wl,$(LIBXSMMROOT)/lib/mic/libxsmm.a"
>>>>     #MIC_FCFLAGS += 
>>>> -offload-option,mic,compiler,"-Wl,$(LIBXSMMROOT)/lib/mic/libxsmm.a"
>>>>     MIC_LDFLAGS += 
>>>> -offload-option,mic,ld,"$(LIBXSMMROOT)/lib/mic/libxsmm.a"
>>>>   endif
>>>>   ifeq (0,$(OCL))
>>>>     DFLAGS += -D__ACC_MIC
>>>>     ifeq (0,$(MIC))
>>>>       OPTFLAGS += -no-offload
>>>>     else # also true if MIC is not defined
>>>>       #OPTFLAGS += -offload=mandatory
>>>>       # enable OpenMP for MIC regardless of wether SMP is enabled or not
>>>>       MIC_CXFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,compiler,"-openmp"
>>>>       MIC_CCFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,compiler,"-openmp"
>>>>       MIC_FCFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,compiler,"-openmp"
>>>>       MIC_LDFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,ld,"--no-undefined"
>>>>       ifneq (,$(ATTRIBUTE))
>>>>         MIC_CXFLAGS += -offload-attribute-target=$(ATTRIBUTE)
>>>>         MIC_CCFLAGS += -offload-attribute-target=$(ATTRIBUTE)
>>>>         #MIC_FCFLAGS += -offload-attribute-target=$(ATTRIBUTE)
>>>>       endif
>>>>     endif
>>>>   else
>>>>     LIBS    += -L/usr/lib64 -lOpenCL -lrt
>>>>   endif
>>>> endif
>>>> ifneq (1,$(MKL))
>>>>   ifneq (0,$(MKL)) # smp
>>>>     DFLAGS  += -D__MKL -D__FFTSG -D__FFTW3
>>>>     IFLAGS  +=-I$(MKLROOT)/include -I$(MKLROOT)/include/fftw 
>>>> -I${MKLROOT}/include/intel64/lp64
>>>>     ifneq (1,$(MKL_STATIC))
>>>>       LIBS += -L$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64
>>>>       ifneq (0,$(PAR))
>>>>         MIC_LDFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,ld,"-L$(MKLROOT)/lib/mic 
>>>> -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_thread 
>>>> -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64"
>>>>         LIBS += -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core 
>>>> -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64
>>>>       else
>>>>         MIC_LDFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,ld,"-L$(MKLROOT)/lib/mic 
>>>> -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_thread"
>>>>         LIBS += -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_thread
>>>>       endif
>>>>     else # static
>>>>       ifneq (0,$(PAR))
>>>>         MIC_LDFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,ld," \
>>>>           $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a \
>>>>           --start-group \
>>>>             $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
>>>>             $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_core.a \
>>>>             $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_intel_thread.a \
>>>>           --end-group \
>>>>           $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a"
>>>>         LIBS += \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_blas95_lp64.a \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_lapack95_lp64.a \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a 
>>>> -Wl,--start-group \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_cdft_core.a \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_thread.a \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a 
>>>> -Wl,--end-group -liomp5 -lpthread -lm -ldl
>>>> #          $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a \
>>>> #          -Wl,--start-group \
>>>> #            $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
>>>> #            $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a \
>>>> #            $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_thread.a \
>>>> #          -Wl,--end-group \
>>>> #          $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a
>>>>       else
>>>>         MIC_LDFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,ld," \
>>>>           --start-group \
>>>>             $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
>>>>             $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_core.a \
>>>>             $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_intel_thread.a \
>>>>           --end-group"
>>>>         LIBS += \
>>>>           -Wl,--start-group \
>>>>             $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
>>>>             $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a \
>>>>             $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_thread.a \
>>>>           -Wl,--end-group
>>>>       endif
>>>>     endif
>>>>     ifeq (0,$(SMP))
>>>>       MIC_LDFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,ld,"-liomp5"
>>>>       LIBS += -liomp5
>>>>     endif
>>>>     MIC_LDFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,ld,"-lpthread -lm"
>>>>     LIBS += -lpthread -lm
>>>>   endif
>>>> else # sequential
>>>>   DFLAGS  += -D__MKL -D__FFTSG -D__FFTW3
>>>>   IFLAGS  +=-I$(MKLROOT)/include -I$(MKLROOT)/include/fftw 
>>>> -I${MKLROOT}/include/intel64/lp64
>>>>   ifneq (1,$(MKL_STATIC))
>>>>     LIBS += -L$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64
>>>>     ifneq (0,$(PAR))
>>>>       MIC_LDFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,ld,"-L$(MKLROOT)/lib/mic 
>>>> -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential 
>>>> -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64"
>>>>       LIBS += -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core 
>>>> -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64
>>>>     else
>>>>       MIC_LDFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,ld,"-L$(MKLROOT)/lib/mic 
>>>> -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential"
>>>>       LIBS += -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential
>>>>     endif
>>>>   else # static
>>>>     ifneq (0,$(PAR))
>>>>       MIC_LDFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,ld," \
>>>>         $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a
>>>>         --start-group \
>>>>           $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
>>>>           $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_core.a \
>>>>           $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_sequential.a \
>>>>         --end-group \
>>>>         $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a"
>>>>       LIBS += \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_blas95_lp64.a \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_lapack95_lp64.a \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a 
>>>> -Wl,--start-group \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_cdft_core.a \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_thread.a \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a \
>>>>            ${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a 
>>>> -Wl,--end-group -liomp5 -lpthread -lm -ldl
>>>> #        $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a
>>>> #        -Wl,--start-group \
>>>> #          $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
>>>> #          $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a \
>>>> #          $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_sequential.a \
>>>> #        -Wl,--end-group \
>>>> #        $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a
>>>>     else
>>>>       MIC_LDFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,ld," \
>>>>         --start-group \
>>>>           $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
>>>>           $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_core.a \
>>>>           $(MKLROOT)/lib/mic/libmkl_sequential.a \
>>>>         --end-group"
>>>>       MKL_LIBS = \
>>>>         -Wl,--start-group \
>>>>           $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
>>>>           $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a \
>>>>           $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_sequential.a \
>>>>         -Wl,--end-group
>>>>     endif
>>>>   endif
>>>>   MIC_LDFLAGS += -offload-option,mic,ld,"-lpthread -lm"
>>>>   LIBS += -lpthread -lm
>>>> endif
>>>> #IFLAGS  += # general include paths
>>>> # Define __INTEL_COMPILER in case of external preprocessing because 
>>>> some source (pw/fft/fftw3_lib.F)
>>>> # toggles code using this symbol, but of course the cpp preprocessor is 
>>>> not defining this symbol.
>>>> CPPFLAGS  += #-C $(IFLAGS) $(DFLAGS) -D__INTEL_COMPILER -P -traditional
>>>> LIBS += -lstdc++
>>>> ifneq (0,$(ACC))
>>>>   ifneq (0,$(MIC))
>>>>     LIBS      += $(MIC_LDFLAGS)
>>>>     CXXFLAGS  += $(MIC_CXFLAGS)
>>>>     CFLAGS    += $(MIC_CCFLAGS)
>>>>     FCFLAGS   += $(MIC_FCFLAGS)
>>>>     #LDFLAGS   += $(MIC_LDFLAGS)
>>>>   endif
>>>> endif
>>>> thermostat_utils.o: thermostat_utils.F
>>>> $(FC) -c $(FCFLAGS) -O1 $<
>>>> mp2_optimize_ri_basis.o: mp2_optimize_ri_basis.F
>>>> $(FC) -c $(FCFLAGS) -O0 $<
>>>> qs_vxc_atom.o: qs_vxc_atom.F
>>>> $(FC) -c $(FCFLAGS) -O1 $<
>>>> process.o: process.cpp
>>>> $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) -O1 $<
>>>> transpose.o: transpose.cpp
>>>> $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) -O1 $<
>>>>    - 
>>>>    How can I solve this problem?
>>>>    - 
>>>>    Thank you in advance
>>>>  In addition, I use the install_cp2k_toolchain. Sh, which is executed 
>>> by mpich3.2. Is it possible that this is the reason?
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