total energy decrease, but KE and PE are conserved during MD simulation

Bikramjit Sharma bikram... at
Thu Sep 14 18:48:31 UTC 2017

Dear CP2K users,

I am running MD simulations of some isolated ion-water clusters using CP2K. 
I have first optimized the cluster in g09 and ensured it to be at least a 
local minima. However, during equilibration, the total energy continuously 
decreases while KE and PE shows well behaved fluctuations after a few 
initial steps. I have run the equilibration for 10 ps and I think that 
should suffice to converge the properties of the system. Even though the 
total energy keeps on decreasing. I am attaching my input file and the 
energy plots here. Any suggestion will be highly acknowledged. 

Thanks in advance,

Bikramjit Sharma
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