[CP2K:9400] Re: running cuda-enabled cp2k on multiple nodes with aprun/HPC

Ada Sedova ada.a.... at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 16:42:22 UTC 2017

Thanks, Andreas.

Here are the various interactive requests:
qsub -I -A stf006 -l walltime=00:40:00 -l nodes=1
qsub -I -A stf006 -l walltime=00:40:00 -l nodes=2
qsub -I -A stf006 -l walltime=00:40:00 -l nodes=3
qsub -I -A stf006 -l walltime=00:40:00 -l nodes=4

Here is an example of the environment set-up in the work dir aprun call:

module load cudatoolkit
module load fftw
module swap PrgEnv-pgi/5.2.82 PrgEnv-gnu
aprun -n 3
/ccs/home/adaa/cp2k-titan-gnu4.9.3/cp2k/exe/titan_gnu_cuda/cp2k.psmp -i
H2O-32.inp -o  H2O-32.out &

(Also with various other values for -n, and also with/without export
OMP_NUM_THREADS=8, as in the CUDA profiling part of the website)

The ldd paths to the executable are identical within a qsub on the work
node and on the compile node, except the hexadecimal addresses.

By the way, I built 4.1 on Eos, also a Cray but with no GPUs, and with psmp
but no CUDA, and there are no problems running on multiple nodes.

Thanks again,


On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 11:12 AM, Andreas Glöss <andreas... at gmail.com>

> Dear Ada,
> Can you please post the aprun-line and the requested resources for the
> interactive reservation. Also check that 'ldd [your_executable]' shows the
> same library paths on the compile-node and the compute-node.
> Best regards,
> Andreas
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