[CP2K:9348] Re: Bulding CP2K with CUDA (Ubuntu 16.04)

Henrique C. S. Junior henri... at gmail.com
Tue Sep 5 18:19:58 UTC 2017

Dear Andreas, thank you for taking some of your time to answer.
Attached follows my make.log

2017-09-05 5:50 GMT-03:00 Andreas Glöss <andreas... at gmail.com>:

> Dear Henrique,
> Although your CP2K version is quite old (2015) and I would recommend to
> use a newer one, could you please attach the full make.log: 'cd makefiles;
> make distclean; make -j ARCH=Linux-generic-gfortran VERSION=sopt > make.log
> 2>&1 &' ?
> What is the output of: 'ldd ../exe/Linux-generic-gfortran/cp2k.sopt' ?
> Best regards,
> Andreas
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*Henrique C. S. Junior*
Industrial Chemist - UFRRJ
M. Sc. Inorganic Chemistry - UFRRJ
Data Processing Center - PMP
Visite o Mundo Químico <http://mundoquimico.com.br>
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