cp2k does not evoke plumed at first step?

Chenghan lch0... at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 20:17:02 UTC 2017

Hi all,

I am running cp2k with plumed. I am always wondering wether cp2k evokes 
plumed at the 0-th step of simulation. I can never print my collective 
variable information defined in plumed at the 0-th step (CV time series 
outputted always start from the 1-st step). Also, any CV which requires 
neighbor list built at the first step always crashes plumed at the 1-st 
step of simulation. Turning off neighbor list in plumed fixes the problem 
but neighbor list CV works in other MD codes (GROMACS, LAMMPS).
Do these mean that cp2k only evokes plumed after passing the 0-st step of 

I am using cp2k 4.1 with plumed 2.3.

Best Regards,
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