Is the total energy for charged systems reliable?

Nico Holmberg holmbe... at
Tue Jun 20 11:24:40 UTC 2017


The same compensating homogeneous background charge is (implicitly) applied 
in CP2K if your system is charged. The compensating background charge is 
required because the electrostatic energy of a periodic charged system 
diverges. This is standard operation in most codes. 

A direct comparison of energies calculated with different charges is 
therefore meaningless because the total energy of a charged system 
converges very slowly w.r.t. to system size. You can however apply a 
finite-size correction to the energy of the charged system. It should be 
safe to compare energy differences after the correction. Some codes apply a 
correction automatically but with CP2K you have to do it manually. Applying 
e.g. a Madelung correction to the energy should be straightforward. There 
should be plenty of literature regarding finite-size corrections in charged 
vacancy modelling and even comparisons of different methods. This paper 
<> could be 
a useful starting point.



tiistai 20. kesäkuuta 2017 13.43.56 UTC+3 Cristiana Passiu kirjoitti:
> Dear all,
> the linked paper, from 2010, (
>, in which calculations 
> have been performed with the CRYSTAL package, states in the second 
> paragraph: "the total energies of charged systems have no physical meaning 
> in CRYSTAL06 because of the interaction with the balancing background of 
> charge".
> Do you know if this also applies to the cp2k package? I would like to 
> compare the stability of a neutral crystal with those of the same crystal 
> with positive or negative charges, which I'm using to model charged oxygen 
> vacancies. Does it make sense to compare the total energies obtained after 
> geometry optimization?.
> Many thanks,
> Cristiana
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