Confusion about &BS

Anthony Debellis adebe... at
Tue Jul 18 20:38:57 UTC 2017

Dear cp2k users,

After reading several posts on this board I have included in my input file 
the following:






NEL -1 0

L 0 2

N 4 3



NEL -1 -2

L 0 2

N 4 3




In this calculation I want to compare a triplet to a singlet biradical 
state, so there is another electron on another molecule (nitric oxide) that 
can be singlet or triplet coupled to the Cu atom.  The total charge on the 
system is zero.

I believe this to set the configuration of Cu+2 to 4s-0 3d-9 with 1 extra 
alpha electron in the d level.  Cu is now +2 with 27 electrons.  Is this 

What confuses me is the following section in the output file that prints 
the guess for Cu:


Guess for atomic kind: Cu

Electronic structure

Total number of core electrons 18.00

Total number of valence electrons 10.00

Total number of electrons 28.00

Multiplicity not specified

S [ 2.00 2.00 2.00]

P [ 6.00 6.00]

D 10.00


Iteration Convergence Energy [au]


1 1.45663 -46.971858672390

2 8.20012 -45.115629076527

3 0.959876 -47.359129413493

4 0.415414 -47.404183185274

5 0.240868 -47.411929209168

6 0.163028 -47.414155982591

7 0.103505 -47.415261301259

8 0.488716E-02 -47.416106927225

9 0.956072E-03 -47.416108693194

10 0.932233E-03 -47.416108696648

11 0.603325E-03 -47.416108735409

12 0.466873E-05 -47.416108763346

13 0.298676E-06 -47.416108763348

Energy components [Hartree] Total Energy :: -47.416108763348

Band Energy :: -4.785483365049

Kinetic Energy :: 71.754778900740

Potential Energy :: -119.170887664088

Virial (-V/T) :: 1.660807677060

Core Energy :: -85.003591522950

XC Energy :: -7.357859065342

Coulomb Energy :: 44.945341824943

Total Pseudopotential Energy :: -156.812157479736

Local Pseudopotential Energy :: -107.094489614039

Nonlocal Pseudopotential Energy :: -49.717667865697

Confinement :: 0.537870560470

Orbital energies State L Occupation Energy[a.u.] Energy[eV]

1 2 10.000 -0.478548 -13.021962


Why does Cu have a total of 28 electrons with 10 in the d level?  What am I 


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